God's Eyes

Chapter 119 - Cruel Experiments

Shane didn't look after his soulbond anymore and flew through the dense forest towards the cavern entrance that was guarded by two guardian-ranked orcs and a goblin mage.

They roared out in anger as soon as they saw the trio consistent of Jason, Shane, and the chained runemaster orc.

Shane manifested a blade around his hand and shot out small darkness rays that pierced through the guards without wasting any time.

Jason grew somewhat accustomed to Shane's strength and the shock in his mind was drastically reduced each time he saw Shane using his mana.

He remained calm and Shane noticed that.

Smiling lightly, they descended into the cave.

The cave entrance was ten meters high and around 30 width while crystals lightened up the interior.

With the mana density inside the forbidden zones, they would be operated by the surrounding mana instead of mana stones.

The interior of the cave was carved out and the tunnel that could be seen further ahead grew wider with the cave walls being round off.

Shane was walking straight through the tunnel without losing his focus while his mana was released to prevent any kinds of surprises.

Jason just followed him, looking around curiously as mana currents could be seen all over the place when they went closer towards the thick and more pure-looking purple light that was surrounded by large numbers of different colors.

These colors were widely spread, and far in the back, Jason was able to see the cavern tunnel connecting with a large room.

At least that was what Jason assumed because the end of the tunnel was brightened up by a firm wall of mana that was surrounded by small runes, brightening up the whole conjunction.

Walking towards the bright end of the tunnel Jason was expectant to see the large cavern hall.

Stepping through it, Shane shattered the firm mana wall without doing anything at all.

He used his physique as a means of force to bend the mana wall and in the end to shatter it completely.

The bright light from the runes dissipated and in front of Jason appeared a completely new world he had never expected to see inside the Goblin basement.

Entering the hall, Jason could see thousands of cages placed one after each other, row after row, numbered in the thousands, as far as his eyes could see and inside these cages were all kinds of beasts looked up.

The whole hall was thousands of meters in width and length, while its height was more than 30 meters.

But what astonished Jason the most, was the locked up beasts′ behavior.

They didn't care a tiny bit about someone entering the halls and not the slightest sound came from them.

All beasts were lying on the ground as if they were dead and only because of his mana eyes Jason could tell that all of them were alive.

It seemed weird and Shane answered Jason′s question before he could even ask

"I think all of these beasts are females....they were probably abducted and violated to raise the goblins′ population at an extremely fast speed.

But it's weird that even beasts that have a completely different genetic pool were abducted and they seem as weak-willed as the other beast… Did they try to copulate even with these beasts?"

Shane was also astonished but it was rather the fact that it seemed like the Goblins tried to copulate with every living female being they could abduct. There were flying beasts, like winged lions, hawks, eagles, but also beasts like rhinos, wolves, antelopes, and many more.

They could even see a small artificial pond with marine beasts inside and Jason couldn't even tell what race most of them were.

It was truly shocking to see that and it wasn't long until they could see the first human victims.

Jason′s eyes widened in shock and he wanted to run up to them, as he could finally see the first women′s soulless eyes.

`They lost their will to live` He thought sad as he continued to walk towards the cages that inhabited humans.

There were dozens if not hundreds of such cages and Jason felt truly disgusted at the sight of these women.

Their clothes were ripped apart and even flesh was torn out of.

Seeing them, Jason thought that they were probably even unable to cry anymore.

Who knew how many days or months they had to endure being violated...It was no wonder, that their will to life lessened, turning them into what they were now.

Jason turned to Shane saying hesitantly

"Can we save them now? Maybe it's not too late??"

Shane lived for a long time and was already accustomed to such cases but it was different in every case.

"I'll open the doors and everyone that has at least a tiny will to life left can go out. Let′s just ask those that stay behind, if they want to stay there or if we should release them from their suffering. After we went through the whole goblin basement you can send Till your coordinates, to send a rescue team for the ones that are still 'alive'."

After saying that, he released his mana, and the locks that sealed the cages were burst open, causing the gates that locked up all humans to open up by themselves.

Jason′s eyes widened. 'Releasing them from their suffering? Did he mean killing them?'

He swallowed his saliva and couldn't think about doing something like that.

Jason killed many beasts but it was different than killing humans, that weren't even able to defend themselves anymore.

Being unsure what to think about this scenario, Jason saw the first few women exerting all of their strength to stand up as they reeled out of the cages.

Outside the cages, they could see Shane and Jason, causing their eyes to turn wet, which was previously unthinkable for them as tears poured down their cheeks.

Before they could do anything, their strength left them, when they collapsed on the cold ground.

Jason wanted to run to them but Shane held him back

"You don't know if these women got any kind of contagious disease from the Goblins or if they turned insane.

Without being able to differentiate between friend and foe, they will attack and kill anything that is close to them in order to protect themselves… Your just an Adept-rank… keep that in mind"

Halting in his track, Jason listened to Shane and his words seemed reliable. Some books told of numerous contagious infections caused by all kinds of beasts which caused Jason to shiver in fright.

Shane was deep in thought and Jason looked at him expectantly, because he was still inexperienced with such situations and he wasn′t sure what to do, while an expert was standing next to him.

Let′s the Veteran do the main Job!

But Jason′s expectation was almost immediately disrupted.

"Just ignore these women! After we finish our trip through the cave, you can call Till. And ignore my statement about releasing them from their suffering... That will take too long, let′s go!"

"But?? What if they die? At least the ones that want to survive, should get the chance?!"

Jason was shocked to hear Shane being so unbothered by his own race′s struggle to stay alive.

Pondering for a moment, Shane said resolutely

"Arghh...I forgot that you are still wet behind your ears…Because it′s your first time, I can compromise with you at least a little bit. If you want to call Till right now, he has to accept a condition of mine!"

Jason could see greed gleaming in Shane′s eyes, which disgusted him a little but.

Shane was extremely greedy, even if he tried to hide it and Jason could only faintly detect it in the beginning but it looked like this greed began to show more of its true nature the more time passed, causing Jason to feel disappointed with one of humanity′s most powerful individuals.

But maybe Jason could figure out a good way to help both sides, Shane′s and the unfortunate women here!

"What is your condition?" Jason asked hesitantly.

"It′s simple... These rescue teams will not only save the female victims but probably also collect some of the beasts here, as many of them are rare and good to breed with! They have to pay 20% of the market price for these beasts! Additionally, 20% of all materials that will be found here, which I didn′t collect should be given to me in star notes or mana stones."

Shane said with a sly smile on his face.

Considering that these beasts were extremely weak-willed and on death doors, 20% were a huge price. There might even the chance, that they don′t even want to get offerings anymore due to the trauma they received.

Jason found these 20% a little bit unreliable while the 20% for materials were more understandable.

Furthermore, another problem appeared in his mind

"I think the second clause is acceptable but I don't think the first one will be accepted… What if they accept in the beginning and don't pay you later?"

"I′m the strongest being here, right? They′ll see what happens if they try to con me.

As for the first clause, they should consider it as a protection fee. In the end, I saved the whole city, right?"

Shane said and the whole conversation ended with his last words.

Jason could only nod helplessly as a holographic screen appeared in front of him.

Shane activated a special device which caused the reception to work as Jason called Till, who was already back in the city.

Upon answering the call, Till was astonished about the information Jason provided him.

He reluctantly accepted the conditions stated because he was aware of the fact that Shane saved the city as rumors of a black hand shattering a humongous blade beam were already spreading throughout the city.

Old Drake who stood next to him also accepted his clauses and all sites were rather satisfied with the outcome of the Goblin tide, except the casualties and their family who suddenly lost their loved ones.

But Till would have never known, that so many beasts were locked within the Goblin basement which would cost a fortune.

After the conditions had been accepted, Jason send Till the coordinates, while Shane laughed out in joy.

"Hahaha, I would have never been able to sell these beasts but now we are rich...hehe it's always nice to save cities only to gain favors."

Jason frowned and it was true. Shane could never be able to transport tens of thousand beasts from the forbidden lands to Cyro-city without attracting a commotion and neither could he sell them as he was not a beast merchant and nor legally on Astrix.

But by using Jason as the medium, Shane could receive his fortune which made him happy.

"Let′s go! We have still some time left until the rescue team arrives" Shane shouted as he picked up Jason before he rushed through the hall inside the next tunnel that led them to another hall.

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