God's Slave: Reincarnated Into an Academy of Heavenly Descendants

Chapter 44: Realization And Rage

With the realization of his helplessness, something strange came to Nolan's heart—a strange will to blame others for his own inefficiencies.

His mind began searching for someone to blame for his situation.

And it found none other than the system to blame.

But was it really the system that was at fault?

Did it force him here? Was there anything the system wanted for him, if not for him to grow stronger—something that aligned with his own wish for freedom?

So why was he blaming the system like a loser?

"Tch, I'm an idiot." Nolan cursed himself as he slowly tore himself out of the crater.

Right now, he could see the nightmarish creatures had closed in on him.

Fight and die, or keep running and eventually face your death.

Those were the only two choices that awaited him, yet they led to the same ending.


"Death? Death!? How can I die here? My lucky second chance? Just to face death like before? I would have died while trying to fight against slavery.

Why me? Why me?"

With his own helplessness, what came was an understanding of why it just had to be him.

Why couldn't he get reincarnated as a young master of a powerful family this time?

Why couldn't he get reincarnated as the child of some powerful sage or something mentioned in the other reincarnated books he had read about?

Why did he have to be reincarnated only to die now, his last actions being fighting for his own freedom?

Why? Why does it have to be him? Why were the gods so blind?

What had he even done wrong in his past life to deserve this? What had he even done at all to deserve his own past life in the first place?

"Hahahahaha!" What followed was an intense laughter of madness from Nolan—a seething, raging laughter that barely revealed the hate in his heart.

It was as clear as day. The heavens were purposely torturing him.

And slowly, Nolan grabbed a dagger from within his own pool of blood, his five fingers tightening over its hilt as he rose up right, then...


The snow behind Nolan's feet immediately shot backwards as Nolan shot forward with a crashing speed, approaching the nightmarish creatures, who also raced toward him with equal fervor.

"I will die here, I know!"

"But before I do, you all will see what lies in my heart!!!" Nolan roared as he appeared before the first nightmarish creature, his dagger gripped tightly in his grasp as he slashed forth with every single vestige of power within him.

"My seething rage!!"


A violent shockwave spread forth from Nolan's slash as the air ripped apart with power, faintly blocking before the nightmarish creatures as the Hollow Stalker who took the first charge was slashed into two.







Finally, Nolan gave in to the rage in his mind as he called out like a madman.

The entire world was starting to turn into a bloody red figure, his sanity replaced by a fog of red, yet he was unrelenting as he headed after the various nightmarish creatures, cutting them, slicing them until they remained nothing.


While Nolan was ripping a serpent into nothingness, something unbelievably heavy slammed into his back, and immediately, Nolan was forcibly smashed into the same crater that he found himself in.

Yet, as the titan tried to lift its club up, it found it impossible as its gaze fell upon a blood-bathed figure rising from the crater.

Immediately, Nolan's feet stood on the snow once more, incredible veins bulging all over his arms, and then he violently jerked the club from the creature's hand, causing its entire body to lurch forward towards him.


Nolan roared out in anger as he hoisted the club, sprinting forward and smashing it onto the Behemoth's body, tearing through from its head down to its leg, reducing it to nothing but a cloud of snow that blew away with the wind.

"Bastards, you really can die, can't you!?" Nolan laughed out loud as he placed his dagger into his own mouth and grabbed hold of the gigantic club.

"Want my life!? Then come and die together with me!" Nolan said with a sinister grin as he grabbed the club, which was almost three times taller and bigger than him.

And then...




It was a violent and constant image as Nolan repeatedly smashed out with the club, lifting it as if it weighed nothing.

When it came down on the creatures, it blew them completely into nothing, yet Nolan himself wasn't without his own injuries.

His left leg had been torn out completely by a serpentine creature, and stakes drained every part of his body, making him resemble a porcupine.

There were parts of his body that were greying and seemingly absent of life, and those places were none other than the ones touched by the Wraiths who sucked out life force with just a single touch.

His left shoulder had cracked, barely supporting his right, which Nolan used to swing around the club, violently erasing ten creatures out of existence with every smack.




Nolan roared out repeatedly, his own body sustained by nothing but his own seething rage.

His arms had lost their strength, his eyes had both been blinded with blood, his balance had been thrown into disarray from missing a leg, yet he was smashing out repeatedly like a madman.

Three hours later, Nolan had eradicated every single creature before him, yet he was still slamming onto the ground mindlessly, before finally, every single bit of power in his arms left him, and the club dropped to the right, fading away into snow from repeated cracks and he himself finally slammed headfirst into the snow.

A faint, sadistic grin laid on his face even as life left his crimson eyes and his dagger lay resting in his mouth, bit down with every bit of power he possessed, and he remained motionless...

He had fought and won with pure, brutal rage... but at the cost of what?

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