Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Outside, Li Chunhua stared at the contents of the letter.

Xuezhu, hurry, come here!

He Xuezhus heart suddenly jumped and almost thought that something had happened to her husband. She hurriedly ran, Mom, whats the matter?

Go, go, go, go up the mountain, pick some herbs and come back. The ones that enrich the blood. Also, when you come back, go to your aunts house and buy an old hen from her. You need one thats more than two years old.

As she said this, she took out the money with trembling hands and handed it to her daughter-in-law. He Xuezhu took the money, while her heart was full of worry: What happened? What happened to Shiheng?

In a few short words, tears were already in Li Chunhuas eyes. Shiheng said that he was injured in the army and had been unconscious in the hospital for several days before waking up. He planned to take leave from the army and come home to recuperate.

At some point, Li Chunhua wept again: I knew I shouldnt have let him join the army. He was in a coma for several days in the hospital. How injured was he to fall into a coma?

My Shiheng ah, if something happens to you, what should mother do?

The village heads daughter-in-law who came to deliver the letter was also a little confused. At the moment, she began to cry when she saw Li Chunhua hitting her own thigh. She also saw He Xuezhus face was full of panic and her eyes were red and bewildered. She hurriedly urged, Chunhua, dont be too sad. Isnt Shiheng coming back? It will be all right. Isnt Xuezhus father a doctor? The last time my son twisted his foot, he was cured by the medicated wine that your familys Xuezhu gave him. She will certainly take care of Shiheng.

He was in a coma for a few days, my son was hurt. Xuezhu can only make medicated wine, and recognize what certain herbs are used for. Me? What can I do? When Shishengs father left early, it wasnt easy for me to raise the child alone. Now he has a wife, but I havent even embraced a grandson, and now he had an accident, ah, my heart hurts

I feel like dying. Sister, I have to go inside for a while Thank you for today. Xuezhu, send your Sixth-Aunt

The village heads daughter-in-law was already a little panicked. Seeing He Xuezhu coming to send her off with red eyes, and seeing Li Chunhua covering her chest as if she couldnt breathe, she hurriedly motioned with her hand: No, no, Ill go back myself. Xuezhu, help your mother to go in quickly. Chunhua, you have a good rest, Ill go first.

After she left, Li Chunhua wiped her tears, Xuezhu, go close the door.


He Xuezhu quickly shut the door and turned to comfort her mother-in-law. Mother, dont worry, go inside first to rest. Ill go up to the mountains to collect herbs and come back in time. Lets take care of him. Hes still young and Im sure he will recover well.

Seeing that her daughter-in-law was shaking and trying to comfort herself, Li Chunhua looked at her carefully and saw that this daughter-in-law was only worried about Shiheng and herself, and her face relaxed a little.

Before, she had thought that this daughter-in-law was only good at talking. The maiden family did not tell her that this girl could not even lay an egg. But now it seems that, when something really has happened, she wont abandon this family.

Think about it, although she always said she disliked He Xuezhu, there isnt anything displeasing or lacking in the girl. He Xuezhu did a lot of work, but didnt her own mother-in-law do the same to her too?

All right, you dont have to hold me. Listen, Shihengs injury is not so serious. Its almost fully healed. Hes coming back this time to build a house at here.

Seeing her mothers-in-laws tears receding, He Xuezhu looked astonished, but just now, didnt you say

Mother said that for your Aunt to hear. She has the biggest mouth. I wont say anything important in front of her, it would be the same as letting everyone know that the money for the house was bought by Shiheng and his grandparents will make trouble again.

Li Chunhua took her daughter-in-law and walked into the room. As she walked, she told her, Listen Xuezhu. Shiheng said in letter that he got the money after he made a contribution. How did he get the it? Its not that easy for him to get money, he was injured because of it. Mother just said that to your Sixth-Aunt so that she would spread the news about Shihengs serious injury in advance. Then when Shiheng comes back with the money, his grandfather would be too ashamed to make a fuss if he wanted to save face.

Li Chunhua is still a little worried, her daughter-in-law is actually very good. Its only that, her nature is too soft. Even if her nature is too soft, it would be okay, with her mother-in-law here; no one would dare to bully. But what if she spilled the beans?

She saw the letter just now and did not want to tell He Xuezhu the truth, but the girl turned pale with fright. Afraid that she would be frighten to death, and thinking that her son was fine, and her daughter-in-law should not get upset, she told her everything.

Mother didnt tell you the truth because Im afraid you might spill the beans. When you go out to collect herbs and buy chickens at your aunts house, cry in front of them. If you cant cry, keep your head down and dont make any noise. Shiheng said that he will stay much longer this time. You should buy more chickens at your aunts and come home. Well stew one first. You can take care of your body and try to get pregnant this time.

He Xuezhu was stunned by her mother-in-laws words. When she listened to the last sentence, after her worries settled down, she became full of shyness and could not help but blush a little.

Li Chunhua looked at her shy appearance, but she also felt a little embarrassed. She was a good daughter-in-law. Why isnt she pregnant yet?

She had been expecting her daughter-in-law to be pregnant. Besides holding her grandson, there was another reason for that: there were two daughter-in-laws in the Lin family.

Three years of marriage without pregnancy? It was not as if her daughter-in-law couldnt get pregnant. She argued with the two-old people every day. They said that, if her son had no children, he should just adopt from them.

When Li Chunhua heard it, she directly spit on the ground. Bah! Who wants their children?! Her familys Shiheng is healthy! So why cant he?

They said that they would provide for Shiheng in his old age, what nonsense?! Who doesnt know that they are thinking about Shihengs money?

If it werent for Shihengs filial piety to his fathers family, she wouldnt have to suffered from this embarrassment. Once she got angry, she couldnt help getting even more angry when she saw her daughter-in-law.

Li Chunhua didnt think of anything before that. She was the mother-in-law, and He Xuezhu; her daughter-in-law. Whats wrong with being angry with He Xuezhu? Didnt her mother-in-law get angry when she was the daughter-in-law?

Only the thought of her sons letter that said that it was thanks to Xuezhus medicated wine; it had saved his life, and the thought of He Xuezhus face going pale while trying to comfort her when she heard about Shihengs accident just now, made Li Chunhua feel a little guilty.

At the beginning, when she knew He Xuezhu made Shiheng some medicinal liquor, she also scolded a few sentences. Saying that there was a military hospital not far from the army. Who cares about some shoddy medicinal wine, He Xuezhu said she was worried about Shihengs injury and she scolded her for cursing her son.

(TLNote: apparently, being too prepared is like cursing someone. Like bringing an umbrella is like hoping for rain to the old people of that time)

But in the end, if it werent for He Xuezhus medicated wine, she wouldnt know if hed ever come back.

He Xuezhu was going out with the basket on her back when he saw her mother-in-law coming out of the house and handing over the big kettle Shiheng had brought back for her mother-in-law, with a rare gentleness the woman said: Take this water with you, if it is hard to find the herbs, dont go look for it. Dont go to such a dangerous place as the back mountain. No, just go buy it on the streets, its the same.

She was flattered and took the kettle. Its okay, Mom. I used to collect herbs in the back mountain when I was young. Drugstores sell dry herbs. If you boil chicken soup, use fresh ones, they are better for your health.

Seeing her daughter-in-law thinking about her sons health and her bottle of medicated wine, Li Chunhuas heart felt guiltier. She gave a dry cough and said, Then be careful.

Well Xuezhu, Shiheng said in the letter that the money he brought back this time is enough to build a house. I still have the money that Shiheng sent back before, and our family is quite well off. When Shiheng comes back, I will let him take you to the city to buy some nice clothes.

Not to mention that she cant remember how long its actually been, Xuezhu has been married to their home for such a long time. She seems to have always been wearing old clothes. Before, she still felt that she was good to her daughter-in-law. Looking at the whole village, who didnt buy new clothes for her daughter-in-law after three years.

Although Li Chunhua didnt buy some for herself, she felt even more guilty.

He Xuezhu no longer felt flattered, but felt as if she was in a dream. Apart from the time when she just got married, when did she see her mother-in-law being so kind to her?

Holding the kettle, her heart was filled with gratitude, and she thanked her at once: Thank you mom, Ill go up the mountain now. if youre not feeling well, rest first. Ill try my best to come back early to cook.

Li Chunhua looked at the back of her daughter-in-law as she left, and thought of her bright eyes glistening with gratitude

Why does my heart feel guilty?

He Xuezhu went up the mountain without a moments delay, looking for herbal medicine seriously. She was very excited because she had hardly been loved when she was a child. He Xuezhu was the kind of person who was; when given a little bit of good, she would cherish it and return it back with so much gratitude.

She always knew that her mother-in-law disliked her and never dared to complain. After all, in He Xuezhus heart, she felt inferior.

Such a rustic self, and such a handsome and excellent husband, she did not even know what to say.

It was normal to be rejected.

He Xuezhu is actually very scared. Life with the Lin family is much better than that of her mothers family. She would only try to work hard, fearing that her husband and mother-in-law would drive her out.

Thinking of her mother-in-laws concern for her just now, He Xuezhu smiled a little happily.

But then, she suddenly became dizzy, causing her to retch a few times.

The dizziness only lasted for a few seconds and then returned to normal. He Xuezhu thought about her husband who needed herbal medicine and did not care much about her self. He continued to search for them.

A few days later

A handsome man in military uniform appeared at the entrance of the village with his luggage on his back.

There was money and clothes in the luggage.

And a fake medical certificate.

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