Gospel of Blood

Chapter 269: Taking the Blame

Chapter 269: Taking the Blame

“Really? So, she has accepted the Duchy’s olive branch and plans to use the Duchy’s power to quell the rebellion in Castell?”

At the New Borde Fortress in Tulip County.

An old nobleman with white hair, dressed in the noble uniform of the Duchy’s regular army, said in surprise.

The old nobleman wasn’t particularly tall, but sitting there, he exuded an aura of authority and intimidation—a presence cultivated from years of high status.

Behind him stood a younger man who bore some resemblance to him, also dressed in military uniform.

However, unlike the old nobleman, the younger man’s attire was the elaborate, prestigious knight’s uniform of the kingdom’s regular army, gleaming with enchanted armor.

“Yes, Lord Gaston, the northern rebellion has made the young Countess of Castell quite panicked. Your invitation was like a lifeline to a drowning person for her.”

The messenger who had returned from Northport spoke respectfully, shedding his previous disheveled appearance from Northport.

Count Gaston’s eyes flickered with interest.

“Oh? Panicked? But gathering an army of tens of thousands in Northport doesn’t seem like the actions of a panicked little girl…”

A hidden, subtle red light flickered in the messenger’s eyes as he continued respectfully.

“Lord Gaston, if she weren’t panicked or afraid, why wouldn’t she seize the opportunity to order her army north?”

“It’s precisely because she’s scared that she’s holed up in Northport despite having a large army!”

“You see, the one who managed to gather the nobles was Viscount Leon-Castell and the elf Sebastian. Her presence actually prevents the nobles from wanting to march north to quell the rebellion!”

Hearing the messenger’s words, Gaston’s brow furrowed deeper. He glanced at the messenger and suddenly asked.

“I heard you met that infamous pirate family in Northport? And that they tied you up?”

The messenger’s expression darkened, and he gritted his teeth.

“Lord Gaston! They’re not nobles, they’re lawless pirates! If it weren’t for the Countess of Castell stopping them, I might not have returned at all!”

“Oh? So Countess Castell saved you?”

Count Gaston remarked, somewhat surprised.

“Yes, she harshly reprimanded those madmen! She doesn’t trust the northern nobles at all, not one bit!”

The returning messenger vowed earnestly.

Seeing his firm belief, Count Gaston fell into deep thought.

After a moment of contemplation, he nodded.

“I understand. You may leave.”

The messenger left, and Count Gaston turned to the map of the northern lands behind him.

The young man who had been standing by couldn’t help but speak up.

“Father, what’s there to hesitate about? The young Countess of Castell accepted your proposal, isn’t that exactly what we wanted?”

“His Majesty the King has tacitly approved Prince Philip’s actions, and the Duke of Violet is likely to make a move within half a month. The legitimate confiscation order prepared by the Prince will soon be issued. If we wait until then to act, we’ll be facing the main forces of Northport head-on!”

“Our family has been entrenched in Tulip County for nearly ten years. If we wait until then, we’ll face the fiercest attacks from the northern nobles. Even if we can hold the fortress, the losses will be heavy.”

“Instead, we should act first and lure the Countess of Castell out of Northport!”

“Once we control her, we hold the initiative, and we’ll be the biggest contributors when the Prince confiscates Castell County!”

The young man was full of confidence, but the Old Count couldn’t help but scold him.


“Prince Philip can break the rules because he’s a prince! Even he can’t blatantly confiscate a noble’s territory without a legal pretext!”

“We are different. Imprisoning a noble lord without cause would provoke the kingdom’s noble council!”

He shook his head again.

“Otis, you’ve been in the capital too long. You’re out of touch with Borde. I’ve met Charlotte de Castell before. She’s no ordinary noble.”

“Or do you think a young lord who inherited her territory under the scrutiny of nobles, lords, and the church, secured the allegiance of a renowned elf, successfully suppressed the local nobles, and rallied most of the nobles to her side during the rebellion, is actually a foolish coward?”

“Not to mention, if she travels, Sebastian will be with her. A fallen yet still powerful elf, far above ordinary Silver Moon strength, would be a severe threat even if we manage to capture her. Leaving him free would mean endless trouble…”

The young noble bowed his head in shame.

“You’re right, father. I didn’t consider it fully.”


The Old Count’s tone shifted, his eyes gleaming.

“You’re also right. His Majesty’s signing of the kingdom’s military ban tacitly permits the Prince’s actions against Castell.”

“Charlotte de Castell is too young and doesn’t understand our King. The King is more intolerant of the Holy Court’s expansion than the Prince’s ambitions.”

“Her greatest mistake was promising favors to the Holy Court!”

“Otis, you’re right. We should seize the initiative. Like the Prince’s confiscation order, we must prepare thoroughly, ensuring success without leaving any evidence.”

The young noble’s eyes lit up.

“Father, you mean…”

Count Gaston looked at him.

“Otis, do you know how your brother Jordan died?”

“Jordan? Didn’t he die in the riot caused by the undead at the Tulip Count’s Dreaming Salon?”

The young noble responded instinctively.


The Old Count shook his head.

“His involvement with the Blood Demon Cult sealed his fate.”

The young noble was startled.

“You mean…”

The Old Count said meaningfully.

“Charlotte de Castell’s main goal in her noble purges is to root out the Blood Demon Cult from the north…”

“Tell me, what organization is better suited to intercept the Northern Countess than the Blood Demon Cult?”

The young noble’s eyes changed.

“You mean… disguise our actions as the Blood Demon Cult’s work?!”

The Old Count nodded.


“But… what about the elf?”

The young noble couldn’t help but ask.

The Old Count smiled.

“Otis, do you know the most popular magic scroll among assassins?”

“Bloodline Burst?”

The young noble instinctively responded.


The Old Count shook his head, chuckling.

“You’ll see.”

“Master, are you really planning to meet the commander of the Tulip Count’s garrison? Are you going for a ‘decapitation’ strike?”

In the Count’s mansion in Northport, Sebastian couldn’t help but ask as he watched Charlotte pick out travel clothes.

Charlotte glanced at him.

“Wasn’t that your suggestion? To use overwhelming power to take the initiative.”

Sebastian felt a bit embarrassed.

“Yes, I did suggest that, but I didn’t expect you to decide so quickly.”

Charlotte nodded.

“We must act swiftly. According to Roman-Four’s intelligence, the Violet Duchy is likely to make a major move soon…”

“The Prince’s plan is nearly perfect, encircling us from both north and south, with Tulip’s knife wedged in the middle. Since I’ve decided, we must move quickly.”

“The Violet Duchy is unclear and has Blazing Sun individuals, and they are too far. The Lagrisss family is similarly distant and supported by the Blood Demon Cult. Considering everything, Tulip County is the easiest target.”

“I originally pondered how to deal with the Tulip Count’s garrison if conflict arose. Now, with their invitation and clear hostility, it might be the best opportunity to solve this problem.”

Sebastian’s expression grew serious.

“Master, we must be cautious. The Lagrisse family is linked to the Blood Demon Cult, and the Prince may also have connections to them, implying the Blood Demon Cult’s involvement…”

“We cannot ensure this invitation isn’t part of a plot involving the Blood Demon Cult and the Prince.”

Charlotte laughed lightly.

“I’m not sure about the Blood Demon Cult, but Gaston’s actions aren’t likely directed by the Prince.”

“The records show the Prince has already set the tone for the northern invasion. The Tulip’s role is to distract us, not to send invitations that might alert us. It makes no sense.”

“This seems more like Gaston’s solo move, probably to earn merit.”

“There’s definitely a conspiracy, but it’s probably not tied to the Prince. As for the Blood Demon Cult… frankly, I hope it is.”

Sebastian raised an eyebrow.


Charlotte grinned.

“Since we’re taking action, it must be justifiable and legitimate.”

“And this means someone needs to take the blame.”

Looking at Sebastian, Charlotte smiled slyly.

“Tell me, in the Crescent Kingdom, what organization is more suitable for taking the blame than the Blood Demon Cult?”

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