Gospel of Blood

Chapter 291: Naval Battle and Quarrel

Chapter 291: Naval Battle and Quarrel

17th of the First Month, Year 1446 of the Holy Calendar: The Castell family declared war on the Borde family in the name of independence and the recovery of rightful territory.

18th of the First Month: The Borde family, citing the suppression of rebellion and the legitimate revocation of titles, also declared war on Castell.

The Castell-Borde War officially began.

Simultaneously, Third Prince Philip, in his capacity as Duke of Borde, assured the northern nobles that this campaign targeted only the Castell family. As long as the northern nobles remained neutral, they could avoid the spread of war and keep their titles and lands. Those who swore allegiance to Borde would receive various benefits, including a reduction in vassal contract taxes.

The Borde-Violet coalition army, which had reached the Violet-Castell border, marched into Castell territory after the declaration of war, claiming a force of 50,000 troops, with 30,000 regulars.

Meanwhile, a joint fleet consisting of five heavy carrack warships, twelve two-masted brigantines, and twenty-three galley warships, totaling thirty-eight ships armed with stone-throwing cannons, set sail from the northernmost port of Violet, heading along the Star-Moon Strait towards Northport.

On land, the coalition army advanced swiftly into Castell, encountering little effective resistance apart from a brief stand by a few northern baronial families, including the Wale family, who defended their castles.

Everywhere the army marched, northern nobles declared neutrality or outright surrendered upon seeing the overwhelming force.

The coalition army did not stop at the villages and castles along the way. They left behind some soldiers and noble officers as temporary controllers to ensure supply lines, while the main force continued north, heading straight for Castell’s direct domain, Northport.

In contrast to the unstoppable land army, the Borde-Violet navy encountered trouble.

Upon entering the Star-Moon Strait, the joint fleet was ambushed by the Castell fleet led by the Roman-Four family

Star Moon Strait, Zen Island Waters

The roar of cannons echoed through the sky. Dozens of warships, divided into two camps, maneuvered and fired at each other from north and south.

White smoke billowed along the ships, and magic stone projectiles were launched from cannons on the decks.

Occasionally, faint glows appeared above the ships—magical shields activated by onboard mages. However, the shields were quickly exhausted, and the fleets entered a direct confrontation without defenses.

Ships were hit, some catching fire as their powder magazines exploded, some losing masts and becoming immobile, while others were riddled with holes, sinking amidst continuous cannon blasts.

“Hard to starboard! Hard to starboard!”

“Load the cannons! They’re turning!”


On the flagship of the Roman-Four family, the “Black Order”, a first mate who used to be a pirate shouted commands to the crew.

At the bow, the fleet commander, Viscount Roman-Four, solemnly observed the battle through a spyglass.

Cannon fire rang out incessantly. Ships were destroyed and sunk amid the explosions, with the sea gradually covered by white smoke from the gunpowder.

If observed closely, most of the sinking ships bore the flags of the Violet and Borde Duchy.

Unlike the heavily armed joint fleet, Castell’s ships—though fewer in number, with only three carrack warships and eighteen galleys—incorporated significant elven shipbuilding techniques, making them far faster and more maneuverable than the joint fleet.

The joint fleet’s firepower often missed, but Castell’s fleet managed to inflict damage whenever they seized an opportunity.

Despite their superior performance, Viscount Roman-Four remained grim.

“Captain! The Hyacinth has been sunk! The White Oak and Purple Rhododendron report they are nearly out of ammunition!”

The flag officer shouted to him.

Hearing this, the Old Viscount sighed inwardly.

Though known for speed and agility, the Castell fleet was too small and had limited ammunition.

The Roman-Four family’s fleet, strong as it was, originated from pirates and wasn’t suited for such a direct naval battle.

Ultimately, Castell was just a county. There had been no demand or effort to build a large, regular navy.

Facing the combined fleets of two duchies, this ambush was never going to succeed.

“Signal all ships to retreat.”

Glancing at the direction of the joint fleet, the Viscount finally ordered.

The naval ambush lasted only half a day. After sinking one carrack warship, two brigantines, and three galleys from the joint fleet, at the cost of losing four of their own galleys, the Roman-Four family’s fleet withdrew north towards Northport, relying on their speed.

The joint fleet, though not significantly damaged, continued north towards Northport.

Inside Count’s Mansion at Northport.

In the council hall, where a meeting of territorial nobles was convened, news of the naval battle had yet to arrive.

However, reports of the land battles were continuously reaching Northport.

Charlotte, leading the main force back to Northport, pondered over the battle reports arriving from the south.

In the hall, participating nobles were already in an uproar.

“Shame! This is a disgrace to the North! Countess, those southern nobles are foolish to believe the Third Prince’s promises. It’s self-destructive!”

A northern noble angrily shook his fist.

“Sir, your family’s territory is in the central region, untouched by the war. It’s easy for you to say. How could southern families resist an army of 50,000, including 30,000 regulars?”

A southern noble retorted.

“If they couldn’t resist, why didn’t they retreat? Why surrender?”

“Retreat? Are you suggesting we abandon our lands and people?”

“Didn’t we do the same during the Star Moon War? Many nobles fought to the last for the kingdom back then. Why have you grown so cowardly?”

“Am I not fighting for Castell now? My family is in the south. I don’t know what happened there, but I will deal with the traitors after the war. Right now, shouldn’t we focus on how to defeat the enemy?”

The nobles in the hall argued furiously, resembling a marketplace.

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