Gourmet Style Beast Taming

Chapter 121 - 121: White Deer

Chapter 121: Chapter 121: White Deer

Translator: 549690339

Qin Lang took a sip of the beverage in front of him, losing himself in the taste whilst being deep in thought.

If the finals of the provincial-level cooking competition were taking place in Bai Lu Mountain City right now, he would definitely want to go check it out, but as for the provincial training competition…

Honestly, Qin Lang wasn’t that intrigued.

But he couldn’t help but recall the guide full of information from all over the place that Uncle Luo Hui gave him a few days ago.

Bai Lu Mountain, the highest peak in Tianhua State.

Because of this, it was chosen as the venue for the provincial-level events.

Bai Lu Mountain City is a city located on the base and halfway up the Bai Lu Mountain. Due to its location, the people of Bai Lu Mountain City are more transient than other cities, fostering a unique culture and cuisine.

When he read about Bai Lu Mountain City in the guide, Qin Lang was seized by an urge to visit.

And now, it seemed like he had an opportunity.

Lost in thought, Qin Lang unconsciously turned his gaze to Dan Bao and Spicy who were by his side.

“Chip chop!”

Let’s go!

Noticing Qin Lang’s gaze, Spicy responded with expectant eyes.

It had enjoyed the feeling of the Food Spirit Battle from the previous fight, and was naturally very interested upon hearing about stronger Food Spirits taking part in the Spirit Battle.


Let’s go together!

Dan Bao’s focus was slightly different from Spicy’s.

While it was looking at the guide with Qin Lang, it had heard him mention that Bai Lu Mountain City had a lot of local food that it had not tasted yet.

It wanted to give them a try.


Seeing that both Food Spirits wanted to go, Qin Lang made a decision.

“When should we buy the train tickets?”

“Yay!” Qi Xiaoyu cheered, “The four of us will go together!”

“Leave the ticket buying to me.” Du Weiwei waved her mobile with a warm smile, “It’s a bit rushed if we leave today, so we can get train tickets for tomorrow. We’ll perfectly reach the finals the day after arrival.”

The arrangement was approved by the others, and after a few lines of conversation and confirming their itinerary for the next day, the group who had bought the train tickets parted ways.

There were many things they needed to do tonight.

Like saying goodbye to friends and family before setting off, and packing their luggage.

The next day.

“Qin Lang! Over here!”

Seeing Qi Xiaoyu’s figure waving enthusiastically at him, Qin Lang accelerated his steps towards her with a luggage and two Food Spirits.

Due to the excitement from the upcoming trip, the three of them were unable to fall asleep until very late last night after packing their bags.

As a result, Qin Lang still had slight dark circles under his eyes.

“Where are Zhao Chen and Du Weiwei?” Approaching Qi Xiaoyu who was waiting alone at the designated meeting point, Qin Lang opened the conversation.

“They should be arriving soon, right?” Qi Xiaoyu scanned around her, quickly spotting a familiar figure, “Ah! They’re here!”

“Weiwei! Over here!”

No long after Du Weiwei arrived, Zhao Chen reached the train station too.

The train set off in the afternoon. After fixing lunch locally, the quartet quickly got on the crowded train past the ticket checkpoint.

“Have you guys noticed, there’s an unusually high number of people on this train?” Sitting on the train, Qi Xiaoyu murmured after observing her surroundings, “They even sold a lot of standing-only tickets!”

“Good thing we bought our tickets in time.” Du Weiwei, who had also made the same observation, felt a sense of relief, “Standing for hours is definitely not a pleasant experience.”

Qin Lang and Zhao Chen nodded in agreement. The latter chuckled, “This train goes directly to Bai Lu Mountain City. So, everyone on it has the same destination as us.”

“There really are a lot of people.” Looking around, Qin Lang felt that the level of crowding on the train could compete with that of the Lunar New Year rush in his previous life.

If there were so many passengers on just this one train, he could only imagine how bustling Bai Lu Mountain City, their destination, would be.

“Woo— ”

The sound of the train’s whistle echoed in the distance. The train trembled as it slowly started its journey.

With idle conversations and anticipation amongst the four, the train sped through fields and forests, crossing rivers and lakes, and finally approaching their destination after several hours.

A massive mountaintop piercing into the clouds appeared before the eyes of Qin Lang and the others, growing progressively larger in their field of view.

The peak and a large section of the mountain was covered in white snow, with greenery and scattered houses starting to appear further down.

The lower they got, the more houses could be seen. At the foot of the mountain, it had already evolved into a bustling city.

With the train entering the station, they saw a huge banner welcoming them to Bai Lu Mountain City.

They had arrived at Bai Lu Mountain City.

“Phew! Finally here.”

Stepping out of the train station, Qi Xiaoyu breathed in the fresh air and stretched lazily, “I’m starving!”

After sitting for several hours, it was already time for dinner.

“Once we’ve dropped our luggage at the hotel we booked, we’ll go have dinner together.” Du Weiwei held onto Qi Xiaoyu’s hand, proposing with a warm smile.

“Bai Lu Mountain City, I’m here!” A proud cry made the two girls instinctively distance themselves from the turban-wearing boy next to them.

On the other side, Qin Lang slowly put down his phone.

The phone now held a few beautiful pictures of golden-red sunset over the snow-capped mountains.

“Stop hollering, let’s head to the hotel!” He patted Zhao Chen who was next to him, dragging his luggage to quickly catch up with the two girls.

“Wow, this hotel is really nice!” The foursome reunited in the hotel after leaving their luggage. Qi Xiaoyu chatted cheerfully, “It’s both value-for-money and good. Qin Lang, you must have searched for this hotel for a while!”

“That’s nothing.” Qin Lang smiled, “It’s a recommendation from a senior.”

Zhao Chen was responsible for buying event tickets, Du Weiwei was in charge of the train tickets, so he voluntarily took on the task of booking a hotel.

With Uncle Luo Hui’s guide, it wasn’t difficult to find a suitable hotel.

The hotel was quaintly decorated and very comfortable to stay in.

Most importantly, it was located at the foot of Bai Lu Mountain.

A few hundred meters away was the cable car that went straight up to the mountaintop, and there was a commercial district nearby too.

Upon Qi Xiaoyu’s insistence, she and Du Weiwei stayed in a twin room, while Qin Lang and Zhao Chen stayed in two single rooms.

“There is a street nearby known for its unique local food. They say the street is full of various food stalls.” Qin Lang, who had done his homework, saw the trio’s eyes light up, “How about we have our dinner there tonight?”

“Race you there!” Qi Xiaoyu was the first to respond, pulling Du Weiwei towards the hotel entrance.

Without a word, Zhao Chen quickly followed their steps.

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