Gourmet Style Beast Taming

Chapter 381: Appearance

Chapter 381: Chapter 381: Appearance

“Boom ”

A loud rumble jolted Qin Lang awake from his deep sleep.

He sat up abruptly on his straw bed in the secret room, looking around suspiciously.

The door of the secret room was still tightly shut. Not even a sliver of light could penetrate through, although there were a few tiny ventilation holes. But they were insufficient for him to observe the outside situation.

Roars, screams, explosions, a variety of sounds faintly transmitted into the secret room amidst the chaos, causing Qin Lang to wear a thoughtful expression.

Were the Fire Thieves in trouble?

Could it be that brother Zhou came to rescue him?

Upon contemplating this possibility, Qin Lang’s eyes sparkled with surprise and delight.

“Boom ”

A loud sound came from outside. This was much clearer than before, and at the same time, Qin Lang clearly saw the door of the secret room distort under an external force.

Someone was breaking down the door!

His muscles tensed all over his body as he watched the rapidly deforming metal door and finally fall heavily to the ground.

The next moment, the figure that rushed into the secret room made him jump


“DanBao! Spicy!”

Upon seeing the two little ones again, Qin Lang could no longer keep calm, his eyes slightly moist, he quickly hugged them into his arms.



The two little ones were equally excited. Heaven knew how worried and scared they had been during the time they were separated from Qin Lang.

“It’s alright, it’s alright,” Qin Lang took a deep breath, gazing at the towering flames outside, “Did brother Zhou come to rescue us?”

The two little ones looked at each other and shook their heads in unison.

They hadn’t seen Zhou Tianhao.

“Then how did you two get out?” Qin Lang asked, bewildered.

“Gurulu gududu gugu~”

“Chaka chaba chaba-”

The two little ones chatted and told Qin Lang everything they had experienced.

It took a while for Qin Lang to understand the whole story.

“So, an invisible power released your shackles when the explosion outside occurred. Simultaneously, a voice appeared in your heads, telling you my location?” Listening to the two little ones’ account, Qin Lang’s expression turned intriguing.

He carefully stepped out of the secret room, gazing in awe at the huge fire outside.

Who saved him?

“As a thank you for saving you, it wouldn’t be too much to ask to have a look at these recipes, would it?”

In the darkness a few kilometers away from Qin Lang, a man with his upper face covered by a dark, ornate mask slapped the stack of recipes in his hand, “This kid is really honest. He actually wrote so many.”

“Give me some light.” The man snapped his fingers and a Food Spirit hidden in the dark emitted a soft glow.

With the help of the light, the man clearly saw the words on the recipes. His expression changed from curiosity to stupor, then from stupor to disgust. Disbelieving, he flipped through the next recipe, then the next, until he had gone through all of them. He then ripped them to pieces with an exasperated expression and incinerated them cleanly with a flick of his fingers.

” What are these nonsense things? None of them are edible.

After complaining, the man’s gaze shifted to the darkness beside him, “You have been following me all the way, come out.”

As his words fell, a figure slowly emerged from the shadows.

It was a middle-aged man with a powerful aura. Just standing there, he seemed like the center of the world, an awe-inspiring presence.

If Zhang Tianze was here, seeing him would definitely surprise him. Because this was the always elusive president of the Spirit Chef Association of Mingjing Province, the one and only third-level Spirit Executor in Mingjing Province, Zuo Weiran!

“You weren’t in Xianyu City before.” Zuo Weiran looked at the masked man in front of him and spoke slowly after a moment of silence, “Why did you come?” “Because I hate it when others do things under my name.” The man chuckled, “If it were you, and you suddenly got a pot of accusations dumped on your head while walking down the street, would you feel happy?”

“Indeed, that wouldn’t be a pleasing matter.” Zuo Weiran candidly admitted. “I’ve heard that Mr. Zuo Weiran, the third-level Spirit Executor of Mingjing Province, has his own way of implementing justice.” The man looked at Zuo Weiran with interest, “Are you here to catch me?1

“No, I’m just curious about what kind of existence the globally-wanted Star Hunter is.” Zuo Weiran stared fixedly at the man in front of him before suddenly asking, “Is the Star Hunter an organization or an individual?” “Of course it’s an organization.” The man’s eyes flickered slightly, “An organization that thirsts for the truth of this world.”

“Is that so…” Zuo Weiran contemplated for a moment, as if trying to decipher the meaning behind the man’s words. After a moment, he slowly looked up, “Take one of my moves and you can go.”

“I’m not your match.” The man was speechless.

“But if it’s just one move…”

“Then let me witness the style of Samiya’s strongest in the Southern Three Continents!”

“Boom– ”

A deafening boom came from several kilometers away, snapping Qin Lang back to reality.

He swiftly turned his head towards the direction of the sound, his pupils contracting rapidly.

He witnessed a sight that he would never forget in his lifetime.

A pillar of light that reached the heavens was filled with an overwhelming energy, like a sword piercing through the sky from the ground.

The violent power tore apart everything around, even half of a hill was instantly leveled.

A savage wind swept across, brutally hitting him in the next moment.

Even standing several kilometers away, Qin Lang still felt unsteady.

What… happened there?

Qin Lang looked shocked and somewhat clueless.

“Qin Lang!” A voice came from behind him. A sturdy figure quickly ran towards him, patting his shoulder heavily, “It’s great that you’re okay.”

“Brother Zhou? Shen Qian?” Qin Lang turned to see Zhou Tianhao and Shen Qian, with her teary eyes, standing behind him, “Why are you all here?

“We’ve been looking for you. There was an explosion here incidentally, so we thought it might be related to you, so we came…” Shen Qian wiped the tears that had fallen due to her excitement, stepped forward, and hugged Qin Lang, “I’m so glad you’re okay!”

“I’m okay.” Qin Lang patted Shen Qian’s back, then turned towards Zhou Tianhao, “Brother Zhou, did you see that pillar of light?”

“That was probably the ripple caused by the clash of two strong individuals.” Zhou Tianhao’s expression turned grave, “The strength of the two individuals who could generate such a clash must exceed mine.”

“I might be able to guess one of them, but I have no idea about the other.” “Alright.”

Qin Lang nodded slightly, then, as if realizing something, turned to face the east.

The sun was just peeking over the eastern horizon, its morning light embracing the sky in a brilliant golden hue.

The brightness fell on the earth, mixing with the gradually extinguishing fire. Daybreak had arrived.

“Can we make it to Xianyu Arena now?” Qin Lang suddenly asked.

“Oh no, we’re going to be late!” Shen Qian exclaimed, “Hurry up, let’s go!” “Didn’t you say you weren’t going?” Zhou Tianhao looked puzzled.

“We found Qin Lang already, of course we have to go to the competition!

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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