Chapter 168 The Fusion Of The Coiling Dragon And Striking Viper Techniques.

"Yes. My other students will perform the first exercise before starting the race of the mountain range. The body control they acquire might be temporary but it will open up their mind and body to other ranges of motion for them to acquire spear form. They will then use their budding spear form to tackle problems of the acquisition of basic spear skills. This will form a favorable circle of influence that helps to horn their body. It is also the foundation of fighting proficiency."

SQUARESKULL eyed Soverick. "But you skipped the circle and went ahead of yourself. You're an anomaly that has body control without the body composition for it. You have eidetic memory something only seen in transcendents and intuitive knowledge that transcendents don't even have."

Soverick simply shrugged. If SQUARESKULL was trying to ask how come he has body control then he should come out and say it. Even if he asks outright, Soverick still won't answer him. He can't tell anyone that his mind far outclasses his body, so the body must do what he wants, no questions asked.

"I did not make you do all that to praise you. I did it so that you have the knowledge of the possible range of motion for your body, then you might be able to complete this technique. You need to know what your body is truly capable of before you can execute this technique." SQUARESKULL said and then waved his hand. A memory crystal appeared within it and he gave it to Soverick.

Soverick received it with mild curiosity. He was curious about what was so special for him to have to go through that straining exercise. But he doubts he will be impressed. He had been able to overcome everything that came his way so far and he doubted this will be any different. He absorbed the information within it and he quirked his eyebrows.

SQUARESKULL asked. "What do you think?"

Soverick answered mildly. "Impressive technique. It will be difficult to master."

SQUARESKULL rolled his eyes. "You don't sound or look impressed."

"What can I say? I am not a very reactive person."

SQUARESKULL sighed. "It is going to be difficult alright. It combines the coiling dragon and the striking viper technique into a new form called the coiling momentum technique. It is surely not for the vitality core stage of refinement. Some mana entities find it impossible to have any amount of success in it. Only genius mana entities like me and most people with a royal bloodline can achieve mild success. It is a technique meant for transcendents."

Soverick simply nodded. The technique was unique and something he had never seen before but the fact that it is meant for transcendents didn't put him off.

Seeing that he still didn't react, SQUARESKULL continued to talk about the difficulty of the technique as if to convince Soverick of it. "It requires intuition for sensing momentum and adequate body control. You are very talented. Beyond extraordinarily so. I can admit that. But it is going to be very difficult for you to even have mild success."

SQUARESKULL chuckled to himself when he saw Soverick cock an eyebrow.

"This will surely stump you." He said with finality.

Soverick tried to visually simulate the technique. The coiling dragon technique is a technique that amplifies the potential energy created by the contraction of muscle by sacrificing stamina. The striking technique absorbs external kinetic energy and redirects it by transferring the energy within the body for a short while and finally back again. Combining this technique involves using the striking viper technique to siphon the potential energy of the muscles created by the coiling dragon technique. This energy is then stored in something called a Gate. When the gate is strong enough then it can absorb external kinetic energy.

This gate is a clump of force that continues to increase in size as more potential energy is stored in it. The gate can be harvested to create a burst of kinetic energy that will lead to an explosive rise in acceleration and speed but for a short while. Or it can be nurtured to empower a mana body. The second use is why mana entities learn it. The gates can be more than one and they can amplify the physical capabilities of the body.

The more he visualized it the more intrigued he became. But he wasn't overly impressed because the technique will become obsolete with a body of law, i.e when he becomes a titan. That's a result of his high level of taste. But he was impressed because with this technique, battle sage monkeys can rival spell weavers of the same rank in martial prowess.

"The technique is meant for transcendents. Only they can perfectly control the gates and harvest them slowly. They can stop the activation midway and continue to nurture it. I operate it constantly and save power for when I need it in a fight. It's like a bank with a very high return on investment. Any resources become more valuable when you are in a fight. I am saving it for the tower of heaven. It is like a reusable trump card for me."

"Even if mana entities have small success in it, the gates they form can only be harvested at once. They can't stop the harvesting process until the gate disappears and they can't regulate its output to make it last longer. The more gate is harvested at once the higher the amplification effect. The reason I want you to create gates right now is so that they can solidify when you become a mana entity. It has been theorized that if a gate experiences the mana infusion that occurs during the process of breaking through to the mana stage, it will become an organ. Do you know what I mean?"

"It will become something like the vitality core?" Soverick answered.

"That's right. That means you will have higher control of it and will be able to regulate the harvesting process. It also won't disappear when it is used up and will be easy to replenish. There are three phases of the technique. The activation phase, the gate formation phase, and the empowerment phase. Why don't you give it a try?"

Soverick considered what SQUARESKULL said. If he was right, then he would have a massive advantage when he becomes a mana entity. But it is ultimately short-lived. The concept of organs will lose all its meaning at the transcendent stage. At that stage, there is no difference between flesh and soul, only energy and force matter.

That's why any race can procreate with each other starting from the transcendent stage. It is also the lowest stage for the creation of a true heritage, a bloodline. All this means is that the organ he creates won't even be useful for him that long. But he decided to try it anyways. It is something new and he might break new grounds. No vitality core stage has been able to do it. He wants to find out if the gates will really become a new organ when he becomes a mana entity.

He nodded his head and sat down to practice the coiling momentum technique. He envisioned it and began to contract the muscles of his body in sync. The coiling momentum is a force and momentum technique. The gate is essentially a converter and storage for the two of them in the form of potential energy. It requires an understanding of force and momentum which transcendents can provide easily but Mana entities will struggle with. He has the understanding in spades but his body is lacking. So he compensates for that with the manipulation of life energy through the understanding of a sovereign of life.

He failed again and again. Then he realized that his current posture was hindering him. So he lay on the ground and relaxed his body. He tried again and this time he began to feel progress. The idea of the coiling momentum is to absorb momentum constantly, either through moving, breathing, or later on through collisions with external objects until he becomes unstoppable.

With it, you won't lose speed as you run against the wind. You will instead gain more speed. As you walk, as you talk and as you fight or practice, you become faster and faster and faster. It will put an immense strain on your body but you must shoulder through. Then you can harvest the gates for a sudden burst of energy that you can use to empower yourself. There is an inherent limitation to the amount of force you can accumulate until you become a transcendent.

Soverick continued to cycle energy and he felt he was making progress in it. He had to be careful of the location he is siphoning potential energy from and how much. If he tampers with the intercostal muscles and his diaphragm then he might die if something isn't done quickly. His immense vitality won't be able to help him without enough air.

He felt himself become bloated and his muscles became too difficult to contract. He had accumulated as much potential energy as his body and vitality could safely allow. That was the indication to create a gate, so he set about creating one.

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