Chapter 176 What's The Hold Up?

He just wanted to confirm that what he understood about what SQUARESKULL did when utilizing the third step is really the third step. If he was wrong, then the data he collected will be for another thing entirely.

SQUARESKULL continued. "There is a mythical step after the third step called the nullification step. It has never been achieved by anyone but the first sages. It is said to be able to nullify momentum and render any fighter powerless but it might just be rumors. No one has seen it being used in recent times even though the College of Sages claims to have the techniques needed for it."

Soverick became intrigued at that possibility. The ability to nullify momentum sounded like a direct counter to the third step. No matter how much momentum someone can harness, if it is nullified, then they will lose all their spear mastery. Momentum is the core of spear mastery after all.

"The widely agreed upon fourth step is called the mind spear step. It is where I am currently. It doesn't counter the third step but amplifies it. It can only be achieved by those that have also mastered the second step. So those that skipped the second step will be stuck."

'Good luck overcoming that, Ghaster.' Soverick smirked inwardly.

"It involves the fusion of perfect control, solidified spiritual energy that a transcendent has, and world momentum of the third step to create an uncountable number of spears that perform both physical and spiritual damage."

"There is a way out for those that haven't achieved the second step. It is rare that a transcendent cannot acquire the second step but it happens. Someone like that can rely on the quality of momentum of the third step instead of the quantity of attacks to fight someone at the fourth step. It is possible since the fourth step doesn't counter the third. This fact gives credence to the opinion that a step is missing."

"Now onto the second to the last step. The fifth stage is called the formless spear. If the previous four stages are the foundation of your images, then the fifth stage is the birth of your image. At that point, you no longer need a spear to fight."

"Your image can empower a small stick. Everything in the world becomes your spear. The most important requirement for this step is synchronization with laws. I have not been able to achieve this basic requirement much less the more stringent condition of the strength of will. That's all I can safely tell you without errors."

"You should know the last step. It is called the spear concept. It is something only titans of law can achieve. You will be able to use world power at that level. Your chances of becoming a titan of law will soar if you have achieved the fifth stage. That is all. Are you satisfied?"

Soverick nodded and began to consider the information he just acquired. Those that cannot harness momentum will be toyed around by those that can. Those that can harness momentum will be toyed around by those that can harness it efficiently. Those that can harness momentum efficiently will be toyed around by those that can harness the momentum of the world. That's what he could confirm for now. He would make more research himself to determine the truth of the nullification and the mind spear step.

As for the formless spear mastery, he had seen something like that in his past life. The advantage of his bloodline in his past life made him lose contact with weaker things. He never fought when he was weak. There was no need to, he didn't lack anything. Training was also not important to him back then.

It was until he started taking things seriously that he became aware of some things but they were high-level skills and techniques. The problem with that is that, at the level of lords and above, it is very difficult to tell the difference between a technique and the manifestation of law. But the information he has just gotten will help him parse the things he has seen.

"When do you need to create your own technique?" He asked SQUARESKULL.

SQUARESKULL answered immediately "It is not a must to create a technique, but creating one will improve your chances of mastering the fifth step. I have not been able to create one yet. The style I'm using is from my ancestral memories."

"Are the steps of mastery also similar to other weapons or the ones you've listed are unique to the spear?"

"They are largely similar. All weapons share the same progression in mastery. Their skills and techniques will differ but everything else is the same."

"Alright then. Thanks for the information. I'll go and fight the 14th milestone now. Maybe when I come back, we can duel some more. I still have a lot to learn from you." Soverick stood up and was ready to go.

"It isn't advisable to fight the 14th milestone. You will undoubtedly win and when you do, your data will be collected and used to form the opponent for future generations. It is expected that no one will be able to beat you which will render the 14th milestone impassable."

"I am yet to see how this concerns me but go on," Soverick said.

SQUARESKULL sighed. "Forget about it. Do whatever you want. But I have an alternative for you. It might fix your inability to create more gates."

Somewhere in the Virut plane.

The battle Leviathan, that enormous battleship in the shape and size of a small celestial body had moved away from where it was stationed before. This isn't the first time it had happened, the battle Leviathan moves according to the whims of the son of legends.

Sometimes it is to position themselves in just the right spot to catch the Godhood of a celestial god that fell from the divine plane. Other times, it is to hunt small pockets of religious fanatics. Where it went, something important was to happen there.

People can do foolish things whenever they are desperate. You would think the lack of gods due to the recent sieges on them, will make these weak people look inwards and find strength within them.

Instead of acquiring strength that is theirs and not relying on others, these weak people turned their pleas towards demons since the gods couldn't answer them. This situation has caused a spike in demonic activity within the plane. The racial council determined that the eventual fall of the gods will lead to demon invasions, so they sent more battle leviathans to guarantee the safety of the plane.

This particular Battle Leviathan has put out threats of demons at the opportune time. They stumbled upon demon summoning and demonic cults, either by chance or unseen plan. But this first battle leviathan has not joined in patrolling the plane for quite some time now.

The son of legends has ordered it to move towards a particular location which they have been staying at for weeks now doing nothing. Still, no one questioned the decision of the son of legends. Well, almost no one.

The son of legends is not a titan of law, he couldn't be having mood swings. There had to be a reason why he made this decision. That's what almost everyone else used to placate themselves during this period of inactivity.

Not everyone chose to placate themselves. Especially not Guntu. Periods of inactivity like this are like mental torture to him. He had gathered everyone on the ship that he could gather and he had regaled them with stories. He enjoyed doing it, and because these people had never heard his stories, he spent the first couple of weeks telling stories. But the suppression of the plane didn't allow him to be content with that for too long.

So he approached the son of legends as he had done several times recently.

"What are we doing here again?" He asked as he scratched an itch.

An Origin god shouldn't have an itch, they should have lost that phenomenon when they became transcendent. But after long periods of exposure to the suppressive force of a plane, their mental itch and discomfort turn into a physical one.

The worst part is that no amount of scratching can satisfy them or mollify that itch. Nothing they do will help them. They wouldn't be able to ditch that itch until they leave the plane.

So what are they doing right now, standing around instead of fighting?

The son of legends replied calmly. He said the same thing he had said for the past 874 times. "I don't know WHEN. I only know WHAT, HOW, and WHERE. This place must be secured. Don't worry, it will happen anytime now."

Guntu observed the Son of legends for any trace of discomfort but he didn't see any. The son of legends had been standing in that same spot for weeks without moving. The white of his eyes indicated that he had locked on to a favorable future and the direction of his gaze showed where that favorable future is supposed to come to fruition.

'It had better happen soon because this wait is killing me.' Guntu thought to himself.

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