Chapter 183 Unforgettable And Imperishable.

He doesn't mind that she is following him. She can do whatever she wants to do. Anybody can do whatever they want to do. Everyone has that freedom. There is no good or evil. But there will be conflict if what she is doing is hindering him. So she gets to follow him only because he doesn't mind. He won't answer her because he doesn't want to and things might escalate if she becomes more of a nuisance.

"You are so cool. Do you know that? So heroic. I want to be like you someday." She said when he wasn't talking anymore.

"Anything is possible" Soverick admitted. It was because he admired the realm lord that made him become what he is today. He admired the realm lord, but then began to resent him when he found out that it was the realm lord that made the demons attack the high elves. But that resentment turned to the admittance of weakness. Then everything changed when he tried to overcome that weakness. He dared to reach beyond his station to stand side by side as an equal or greater to the realm lord. So yes, anything is possible.

"Even the way you say it is cool. Gruff and manly. I will become manly too."

She continued to talk until Soverick reached the particular door that he came through. Wendy was waiting as usual. There was another person there. SQUARESKULL was waiting beside the golem.

Viki exclaimed, "You are leaving the academy? Were you expelled for impaling that girl? Did she die?"

Soverick ignored her. "Hey, Wendy." He greeted the golem.

The golem stepped forward with a tray like the one she always carried about.

"It has been pleasant working with you during your short time of training here. I wish you good luck wherever you end up. Now, I must have your wrist logger. Do make sure to remove your soul imprint on it."

"Noooo" Viki cried.

"Sure," Soverick said.

He undid the clasp of the tracking and assistance equipment. It had helped him navigate his way around the academy. He wiped his imprint off with his divine sense and placed it on the tray.

"Don't do it." Viki continued to be a nuisance but everyone ignored her.

"Then this is goodbye," Wendy said before opening the door behind her.

SQUARESKULL offered him something before he could go. "This is for you. I was told to give it and say, 'This is your reward, you greedy boy."

Soverick collected the small item and smiled before entering the small room while Viki pleaded with Wendy not to expel him. It was until Wendy told her that he wasn't being expelled that she calmed down.

"Goodbye and Good luck. I am sure you will do great things. It was an honor to teach you." SQUARESKULL called back after him.

"It's probably going to be the highlight of your life. Just make sure I don't ever see your face again or I'm going to cave it in." Soverick replied.

SQUARESKULL laughed. "We'll see about that."

Viki shouted, "I'll never forget about you."

Then the door closed and Soverick experienced a shift in space. The door opened but he has been moved somewhere else. He left the room and performed the proceedings for an exit. His uniform was taken and his former clothing was returned. He wore the white robe and white belt that Mihila got for him. He decided not to wear shoes anymore. His bare feet on the ground will make it easier to feel the momentum of the ground. He was already preparing for the future. But what Viki said still rang in his head.

She said, "I'll never forget you."

'I'm I unforgettable now? What makes a person unforgettable?' He asked.

He walked out of the administration building while he contemplated the question.

What makes a person unforgettable? Is it his deeds or the simple memory of it? If he does something remarkable like splitting the plane in half but no one knows that it's him that did it. Is the feat itself unforgettable or the unknown person that did it?

Witnesses are important to remember a person. A feat doesn't need witnesses, it can stand and speak for itself. The effect of an action can bear witness to the might of its creator. Still, the presence of a witness makes the feat complete. If there is no witness, who will know how the plane was split into two?

But how does the witness matter in making a person unforgettable? A body forging stage witness with poor memory and a short lifespan will not be a good qualification for a witness to have for someone to be unforgettable. That qualification improves until the witness becomes a sovereign of law but it is still inherently lacking. A sovereign of law has eternal life like the gods but isn't immortal.

What if the realm of high heaven is destroyed? All the beings within it will die, and the memories and the grand feats will disappear with it. What will happen to the memory of an act in the minds of its witness? Will Someone remain unforgettable when the entire realm of high heaven is destroyed? No.

Only an eternal witness can make someone truly unforgettable. Only an unforgettable existence itself can qualify someone to be truly unforgettable. That's why all his feats and achievements at this level will remain forgettable. Only the things he does that affect Origin gods can qualify to be unforgettable. An immortal witness will be able to remember you and what you did for all of eternity.

'So I'm not unforgettable yet. I can't wait for that to change.'

It is one of the reasons why he can't brag about his little achievements. They are inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. It is all perishable, but he aims for the imperishable.

He smiled as he came upon Mihila and Kayla waiting for him.

'It's time to pay the piper.' he thought to himself as he looked at Mihila.

Earlier Today At The Ghoto's Family House. Within The Training Room.

Mihila is currently sparing with Kayla. Mihila is still the same, but Kayla has changed. It's not a physical change but more of a spiritual change. Her spirit core had formed within her spirit realm and it had awoken her divine ability.

Her eyes are always glowing now, even when they aren't used actively. But then they increase in brightness when she activates them which she is doing right now.

Her mana core behind her eyes flares up and pumps mana into her eyes. They light up and the world slows down. Information comes flooding to her brain but her spirit core is there to assist. It provides a huge boost to processing power so that the brain doesn't have to fill in what it thinks should be happening into the images in her mind.

She can now see everything happening around her, unadulterated and unabridged. This makes the world seem slower and her reaction faster. Her perception of time becomes faster while things become slower. Mana is flowing and burning within her body to empower and amplify her physical stats so that she can react as fast as she can see.

There is a lot of reason why divine abilities awaken at the mana stage. The body and mind are enhanced by mana to take the burden. Mana also becomes readily available to fuel the usage of the ability. Using a divine ability at the vitality core stage will cause damage to the life force as the divine ability siphons it.

Kayla is wielding an intricately designed spear with flair and pomp while Mihila looks stiff in contrast. But those stiff spear attacks are still able to break Kayla's defense over and over again.

"Focus. I'm coming." Mihila barks as she turns a defensive movement into a devastating attack.

Her form is sloppy and her grip on her spear is casual. Yet she entwined her unadorned spear with Kayla's during her thrust. Then she twists the spear to attack the hand holding the spear. Kayla tried to pull back but a thrust is not so easily withdrawn, it can be transformed into another attack but it cannot be pulled back so casually.

Kayla's best attempt failed her and the spear blade comes for her head. She dodged the blade and it passes through where her head is a moment ago only to be slammed into her head by a flick of Mihila's wrist.

Her head is bashed sideways with such force that her vision is going blank. She has leaned sideways to dodge the attack, so the bash easily succeeds in tipping are stunned figure over.

"Disappointing. Absolutely disappointing. I told you to focus. I told you I was coming and yet what did you do? You attacked instead of defending. An admirable decision if you were not the weaker opponent. Then what did you do? You pulled a thrust back instead of resolving my attack. You started an attack and you didn't finish it."

Kayla groaned on the ground while Mihila called out her faults. A kindness being done to her. She had been training with Mihila for almost a year now and had yet to make much progress. She hadn't even been able to fight Mihila at all until her fear of Mihila's influence over mana was resolved.

She didn't get over her fear of being hurt but they had bought an expensive array that locked all external mana manipulation in the room. It is an advanced type of the one she had bought to teach Soverick a lesson and so it hurt her more, but it freezes the mana and stops it from being riled up. Only then could she stand being in a locked room with a titan of law. Another kindness from Mihila.

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