Chapter 193 The Child Of The Plane We Will Soon Meet.

So Guntu said to the clones of Origin gods around him. "See that? That boy is from my family."

The Origin god here that had it in with Guntu and had been antagonizing him was quick to jeer, "Look at who? I doubt your family can produce something worthwhile."

The others laughed but turned to look at where Guntu was indicating. Their mocking laughter soon turned to sounds of appreciation and surprise.

Guntu's antagonizer finally commented. "That is actually not bad."

Guntu scoffed. "Of course, you will think it is not bad Jerome. You have bad eyesight."

Jerome didn't get angry. "I call it as it is. I may not know what is up with him but it is not that great. It's probably a movement technique I don't know about or how else would a Vitality core refiner move like that?"

"I see that you're getting senile in your old age. How can a vitality core stage practitioner use a movement technique with such a boost without mana? You're getting stupider by the day."

Jerome finally snapped. "It's you that doesn't know shit. Calling fine feces gold. Sure it came out from a dragon's ass, that doesn't make it gold."

They began to argue and the Origin gods around them joined in. They picked sides and bashed each other. Their argument occurred very quickly because of the speed at which they think and communicate, so a lot of name-callings had occurred before Soverick sat down.

Jeromy was quick to point it out. "See, see. He sat down. The boy is smarter than you, I'll give you that. He knows his limits and wisely chooses to stay out of the matter of leadership. He is not a big boy and he knows that. Such self-awareness will help him stay alive longer."

"He is just collecting information and strategizing. He will show you up." Guntu immediately regretted saying that.

He didn't want Soverick to get into the messy business of leadership but he didn't want to admit defeat so easily. It would be good if Soverick keeps a low profile and goes with the masses. Fighting for leadership or more unlikely, actually becoming part of the leadership, will expose him to too much danger.

So he is torn now. He wants Soverick to go up and prove him right, but he also wants Soverick to stay out of danger. His warring feelings were not helped by the constant sardonic barbs that Jerome threw his way frequently. He decided to return his own specially selected barbs to Jerome's wonky ancestor. But Soverick started moving before he could smear someone else's ancestor.

He found himself sighing in relief. Not because he is glad that Soverick moved but because he is glad that he won't have to resort to besmirching Jerome's ancestor who offended a world god and was cursed for it.

"See, I told you. Collecting information and strategizing." Guntu glowed with victory.

That was before Soverick was stopped, by a family member no less. Jerome snickered and said. "I was wrong, the boy isn't the smart one. It is this new boy that came to stop him. It is not something you should be happy about though. There has to be one smart person in a family of foolish people. It's nature, not genetics."

Guntu fumed but wisely choose to remain silent. He realized that anything he says now can and will be used against him if it goes wrong. He was already about to make fun of Jerome's ancestor who has become a weak old man that can never die. He doesn't want to bring up that sore spot or this jovial contest will escalate into something else.

He is a fan of destruction as much as the next guy. But causing trouble here will certainly draw the attention of some very powerful people and he doesn't want to become cursed that even death can't save him from.

So he was content with simply watching. But Jerome will have none of it. Jerome asked the AI of the Leviathan Battle Star to bring up their conversation. The mind transmissions between the two vitality core stage youths of the Ghastorix family began to play for everyone to hear.

Guntu gritted his teeth and swore inwardly. 'This Jerome is pushing me. He is truly pushing me and I am not one for restraint.'

He is fickle. Ancestor Ghastorix called him that. If they were in another place or in another situation, he would have let it rip about what a stupid Origin god Jerome's ancestor is. What else would you call someone who steals from a World god?

Because you can't die doesn't mean you should do anything you want. That's why Guntu is holding himself back from saying something he will probably regret. He would allow Jerome his fun since he was the one that started this?

They heard Soverick dismiss the other's concern. Then they watched them fight. More like they watched Soverick easily dispatch his opponent. The origin gods were cheering for Soverick now. But Guntu wasn't happy. They weren't cheering because they meant well for Soverick.

He wasn't surprised by the outcome of the fight. Soverick outclassed his opponent so he was sure to win in a fight. What he didn't know is if Soverick would back down and return to his seat. Soverick might have impaled a young girl recently but she wasn't part of the family. It is another thing to antagonize or hurt a family member in front of the entire plane.

Soverick did it though. He maimed his opponent in a single hit. Guntu wasn't sure if he should be happy or not. His anxiety was increasing as Soverick continued to walk towards the central dais. No one opposed him this time, so Guntu was wondering if he should intervene and stop Soverick before things went too far.

Then the Son of legends spoke. He had been quiet all this while, never joining in any conversation. He had been staring into space while his eyes flashed with multiple colors. But the eyes were white now. The Son of legends had locked on to a favorable future.

He said to them and his voice rang out. Only the Origin gods here heard him.

"The Drums of War have begun to Beat. The Child of the Plane we will soon meet. Among broken bodies and stones, his throne will be. Strength to bind them and victory he promised them."

They were thinking about what he just said when they heard the booming sound. The origin gods were silent earlier because of what the son of legends said but now everyone turned their attention to the source of the sound in the meeting hall below.

Everyone panned their viewing screens to the scene of Soverick matching towards the central dais.

Guntu groaned. "Why didn't you go quietly? You just had to make a scene."

Now things were out of his hand. Even if he hadn't drawn everyone's attention to Soverick, Soverick would have done it himself. He couldn't interfere now even if he wanted. Still, he grinned as Soverick matched as if to battle.

He loved stories, and nothing was more epic than a valiant warrior announcing his presence with a grand entrance. But things didn't end there. Soverick jumped. Guntu did a quick calculation. He winced when he realized where Soverick will land.

"It won't be too bad. The son of legends said that we should make the platform weak. Wait a minute." Guntu thought of something.

It was about what the son of legends said when they first had their first briefing about the divine dungeon.

The son of legends had said, "Now, what we need is a weak platform."

Guntu stopped thinking about the coincidence that the only structurally weak place in the meeting hall is the central dais because he was sure it isn't a coincidence. Soverick spoke then. He said,

"I am Soverick Ghastorix. And I will be your Leader."

"You are chaotic. So I am order. You need a leader. You have gotten one. You didn't ask for me, but I have enthroned myself. If you don't like it then come. I promise to beat that fact into you. I will break your spirit and I will break your body until it is accepted."


The meeting hall erupted in cheers for Soverick. He had awed them with his stunt and speech.

Guntu watched as Soverick fought and defeated his first opponent. The Origin gods were silent. They weren't cheering, and neither were they jeering. Their eyes were all glued to the fight. The watching pavilion was also silent. No one had ever seen a Vitality core stage refiner with such power and speed. The prophecy of the son of legends rang in their ears and minds as they watched Soverick.

They heard his short speech and watched him proceed to break his defeated opponent. Then people rose to challenge his authority. He fought them and defeated them. He dragged the bodies of his enemies unto the central dais.

"Don't do that. The platform will break. It has reached its limit." Guntu whispered silently.

The platform had indeed reached its limit. It broke down and wasted Soverick's effort to create the pyramid of dead bodies. Soverick ignored the wreck and sat on his somehow still standing throne.

The prophecy of the son of legends came up unbidden in their minds. The Drums of War have begun to Beat. The Child of the Plane we will soon meet. Among broken bodies and stones, his throne will be. Strength to bind them and victory he promised them.

EveryEvery Origin god in the hall rose from their seats as they saw the spectacle. Soverick had marched forward and his feet and made loud noises as he ran. The seat he erected remained while it was surrounded by ruins and the bodies of his enemy. He had shown them his unique strength and then he promised them Victory if they follow him.

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