Chapter 197 Unstoppable, Untouchable, And Inexhaustible.

Logic dictates that he should be getting weaker but that's not how the divine dungeon works. The energy of the dead will fuel the killer. In a way, it's like the rising momentum of a boulder rolling down a slope. Once it starts moving then it becomes more difficult to stop.

This mechanism was put in place so that the defenders will be able to remain undefeated the more they kill. So if they were one step ahead, they will remain forever ahead. Whoever planned this defense prepared for almost everything. But they didn't expect to start losing from the very start. Their boulder wasn't rolling, it was being pushed back right from the start. Soverick kept pushing them and the army kept giving ground. Nothing worked, nothing could work against the abnormality that was Soverick Ghastorix.

He was a blur capable of transitioning from being stationary to top speed instantly and then stopping instantly. Dodging was a piece of cake with that speed. Attacks would miss him narrowly. There was no attack impossible to dodge for him. His attacks were deadly, precise, and fast.

The defenders will only perceive him coming at them with their divine sense, their senses will scream impending doom, but all that warning is for naught. Their consciousness will disappear before they can do anything worthwhile in evading their demise. He advanced like that, Unstoppable, Untouchable, and Inexhaustible.

Almost like a god among mortals. He was an unfathomable existence. The lowly mortals could not understand or phantom how he does what he does. They only saw flashes and heard thunder. They couldn't fathom how large the storm was or where they were in it. They were adrift, lost, and directionless, so Soverick swept them all away.

The energy of the slain angels entered Soverick's body like a constant stream of provision. It was invigorating and addicting. Still, he held himself back from chasing the army as they retreated in defense. He had pushed them to the entrance of the tunnel.

He laughed out loud and shouted at them.

"I'm laying claim to this place in the name of the Virut plane. Come and take it from me if you refuse."

Then he returned to the portal.

The tunnel was narrow. It could only allow about 30 battle sages to stand side by side. The angelic army had stuffed the 100 meters long tunnel full of more than a thousand soldiers. It was their job to snuff out any sign of an attack before it can become something relevant. They had failed, but he was sure that that wasn't all they had.

Soverick returned to the portal to find one of his generals and 39 other soldiers. The portal can only allow a single person to enter per second. That means the army will take more than 11 days for them to assemble in the dungeon completely.

They can do it, they just need the space to do so. After all, he didn't make them struggle for 22 days straight for nothing. His earlier fight took less than a minute so there weren't a lot of reinforcements yet. But one hour is more than enough for them to get enough manpower to secure the canyon.

The soldiers were already arranging themselves according to the plan. They saluted the army commander as soon as they saw him. His golden armor was spotless because his enemies weren't flesh and blood and because he had his shield on most of the time. But they could see the traces of the battle that occurred here.

The ground was cracked in several places. There are deep craters formed by the impact of his weapon on the ground. The signs of the usage of multiple spells could be seen in the scorched and upturned surface. The struggle must have been intense. Yet their commander had come out on top. He had fulfilled his promise. He had gotten them a foothold. Now, they had to keep it.

"At ease. We have days ahead of us. We need to remain sharp." He said to them.

He was right. The tunnel opened up to a canyon. The gorge within the canyon is in the form of a cone. It expands out from the tunnel into a wide but short plane. The gorge is more than 10km long and it is full of 10 million angels. This is where the main army of the defenders is. Each god could field more than this in the past but most of their powers have been lost and used to transform the divine plain.

The conical shape of the gorge between the two mountains is to limit the options of the attackers. The gods know that sometimes, numbers aren't the most important factor in a battle, but the mobility of the army. The gods don't know how much manpower the main plain will send at them but the gorge will limit how much they can effectively use. It's the tunnel strategy all over again.

Things were still in the favour of the defenders but that is only if there are no more attackers like Soverick. Even if Soverick is unique they couldn't allow him the freedom to do whatever he wants to do within the tunnel. So they sent more of their soldiers to attack the tunnel and disrupt the activities of the attackers.

"Gotta get to work," Soverick said when he heard the matching of the incoming attackers.

The sound rang out within the tunnel like the promise of defeat but Soverick didn't feel fear. How could he fear prey? Chickens can't organize a coup against their butcher no matter their numbers. He only felt anticipation and the hope that they won't run away quickly.

He released some of his momentum as he stepped forward. Then he blurred to meet the attackers. They couldn't be allowed to come near the portal right now or else they will kill the few that have come through. The reinforcement needed time before they can defend themselves.

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