Chapter 201 Desperation To Stop The Unstoppable.

He is faster and stronger. A new gate has a bigger impact than the little boost he gets from his armor. He reached the army quickly and caught them off guard. Even though the space was still larger, they didn't see him come at all.

They only heard a boom as he broke the speed of sound and then another boom as he smashed into their frontlines. But this time he didn't stop. He slammed into the army and continued as if they weren't there.

His spear was thrust forward as he met the army. They parted like the waters of a sea as if he were the rudders of a ship. He cut through them and continued cutting. He was heading toward the catapults and nothing seemed capable of stopping him.

The defending army responded. The catapults were ready and prepped so they just had to aim. They didn't care for their comrades implicated in their attacks, they had orders from high up to "Stop that Aberrant Mutant at all costs."

"As if that will work," Soverick smirked as he saw the rocks and the ballista shot at him.

He was too fast. Something like that couldn't catch him. He was long gone as the huge rocks crashed into the ground and exploded into shards. Even the shockwave didn't touch him. Only the angels were decimated by the attacks.

"Maybe I should do that instead," He remarked as he watched the damage the catapults were capable of.

He was wavering on destroying them. If they continue to use the catapults against him like this then they will do far more damage to themselves than he could do to them. But destroying the catapults is also important for the progress of the attackers. He was thinking about what to do when he suddenly slowed down. The angels had clumped themselves together in his path like sardines in a tin.

"This won't stop..." He sensed danger before he could finish his taunt.

He flashed backward immediately but he was still caught by the edges of an explosion. The angels had aimed their catapults within his path, he should have evaded them but the blockade they made with their bodies was enough to slow him down. Still, he was unharmed.

"This won't stop me, but I have learned a good..." His jaw dropped this time when he noticed the new arrangement of the angels.

They had clumped themselves together as far as his eyes can see. The change wasn't just in his immediate surroundings. They were determined to end his progress by whatever means. It is the result of their desperation to stop the unstoppable.

Their new formation had turned the water he was cutting through easily into rock. They also had their spears ready like the spikes on a porcupine. He could go no further while catapults were working overtime to pelt him with rocks.

"Fine, have it your way. This makes it all better." He said after failing to find any weakness in their body blockade.

He brought the fireball behind him into the palm of his hand.

"I am not a one-trick warrior. I have more I can do."

The ball in his hand whirled into life. It was like the engine of a golem given life by its creator for a single purpose. The ball became a flame in his hands, a big roaring flame. But it wasn't burning his hands. He turned his palm towards the army and unleashed the flame on them.

The flame burst forth into a pillar of fire that tore through the blockade for about 20 meters which is the limit of his divine sense. That would have been the end of it but Soverick began running again. This time the flame pillar led the way for him instead of his spear.

The flame pillar had a longer reach than the spear and more explosive damage. But it wasn't as flexible as a spear and it need a lot of time to accumulate the energy needed for it. It also had another glaring weakness. The energy wasn't finite. The ball fizzled out after a while.

Soverick snorted. "Nicely done. I'll be back."

He said before he turned around to escape. The army didn't want him to leave. They had already clumped together and hemmed him in. They would hold him back with their bodies and lives until he is smashed to bits.

Still, he was carefree. "I didn't want to do this. But I guess I have no choice." He said as he bent down and leap up.

The ground beneath his feet cracked as he jumped. He soared in the air like a bird. It was a pleasant feeling of flying. But the part he dreaded began as soon as gravity finally got a firm hold of him. He began to fall.

"I hate the landing so much." He complained before he slammed into the ground.

It was like a bomb went off. He created more destruction than the one he had created before.

"That wasn't so bad." He said.

He checked his body and found that it fared better than he expected. There was still damage though but it wasn't anything that he couldn't deal with. His second gate has made him more tolerant of the impacts of collisions.

He took off running, smashing into the disoriented army before they could recover. Then he would jump up when they try to hem him in. He did this until he returned to the tunnel.

"Things would be so much easier if I can become a mana entity." He grumbled as he sat down.

If he were a mana entity, his spell power would make him more unstoppable than his physical might. As he is, he is already pushing his mind to acceptable limits with the barriers he had constantly put up. His body can't take any more.

A normal vitality core stage won't be able to manage 2 barriers but he is handling 20. He could handle more but he is spending the bulk of his mind on holding the fireball spell. He has reached his limits in power output.

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