Chapter 208 Desperate Times Call For Desperate Actions.

The first option is incredibly risky, it might end in the interruption of whatever the angels are doing or it might lead to a large death in his soldiers because they jumped head first into an unknown situation.

He decided not to take the risk. Victory is already in their hands, there's no reason to take risks. It's the gods that need to take risks, they have nothing to lose either way. He had them pressed against the wall. They have nowhere to go. They can't escape their fate. This is why they are executing this last-ditch effort.

The last ditch effort of a cornered enemy is mostly desperation but also highly dangerous. Many a foe has fallen to the desperate acts of cornered enemies. The moment when victory is about to be had is another moment when defeat is possible. So Soverick kept his guard up and decided not to interfere in whatever was going on.

He stood confidently in front of his army. They stood confidently behind their army commander. Even though their arms and legs were shaking and their muscles were sore, they still stood strong.

They were not spotless like Soverick, and their armor wasn't gleaming like his but they had confidence on their side. Their armor was damaged in various parts here and there. The blood on their armor belongs to them and their comrades. They may be tired, bloody, and broken, but it is the gods that are desperate.

The angels completed their transformation. The 100 thousand of them had fused into one colossal entity. It was a massive worm more than a kilometer long and 20 meters tall.

What they transformed into wasn't a snake. It didn't have scales, a sleek body, eyes, or fangs. It was just a long mass of energy in the form of a giant blue worm with a circular gaping maw.

Soverick didn't underestimate the worm at all. He could feel the immense amount of energy within it and something with that much energy couldn't be underestimated.

It raised its head and shrieked soundlessly. It was silent but everyone could hear it in their mind and feel the soul attack within the mental transmission. It was incoherent nonsense that felt like a heavy blow to the head. The soldiers tried to remain still and in battle formation but they were rendered mentally incapacitated. They stood frozen like helpless lambs before a predator. Some could still move but it is safe to say that the army is done for if that creature can make those deliberating shrieks regularly.

Then the worm began sucking in air through its gaping maw. A wind picked up that would have pulled the soldiers into the mouth had they been close to it. Only rocks and stones were swallowed. But that wasn't all. It glowed brightly before regurgitating what it had swallowed in the form of a beam of energy that headed straight toward the army.

Soverick was in the way since he was in front of his soldiers. He began creating magic barriers in the path of the attack. The beam struck the barriers and was stopped. It was tearing through them but the barriers were being replaced just as fast as they were destroyed.

Soverick stood behind his barriers while admiring the attack. All he could see was a bright light from the blue energy beam. The attack ended five seconds after.

"Fascinating," Soverick said in appreciation.

This creature created from the fusion of the angels is still in the vitality core stage but the amount of energy it has pushed it beyond that to have the power of a mana entity. The gods had found a way to bypass the restriction on power in the divine dungeon. The creature is technically a vitality being, it doesn't have any mana in it but it has power as if it has mana.

"It is large. It has a soul attack to render its enemies helpless. It can swallow them if they are close to it and if not, it will destroy them with its energy beam. It is not a bad desperate action but it has a terrible price to pay."

The worm is a good enemy but there are disadvantages to its existence. It's something that cannot escape his acute senses. This creature is in an unnatural state, it cannot sustain itself. No vitality core being can be that big and powerful. So it is reverting but in a bad way. It is breaking down itself to continue remaining in that state. If left alone, it will die on its own.

He shook his head and said. "Foolish gods."

Then he shouted it to the sky. "Did you hear me? I called you foolish. You gods are foolish."

The more he examined this monstrosity, the more disappointed he became. The gods were indeed scraping the bottom of the barrel for a way out but he would have done better. There's so much he could have done to remedy the disadvantage or at least reduce it.

"What did I expect from a desperate action?"

Some other people might have been foiled by these developments but his senses picked up on it. A person that doesn't know the true state of this creature will order the army to stay together, stand their ground and fight the creature as one.

Scattering in the face of a foe is the first step toward defeat. It is a smart decision considering the amount of information that the person has. But that decision will make them easy to round up by that gigantic hole for a mouth that the monster has. It is a gamble that the gods played.

But he knows that they don't have to do anything and they will still get their victory. A lot of the soldiers will die during the chase. Still, they will have their victory. They just need to hold out. But he is bitter. He is bitter because leaving the monster alone will make them miss a big opportunity.

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