Chapter 221 Breakthrough To Become Mana Entity.

There's fire and earth to create magma, earth and wind to create metal, water and darkness to create poison, etc. These are things that are not usually available to mana entities except if they have the divine ability for it. These things are created with the fusion of elements.

They are good to have, but they aren't his aim. Creating a fusion with two elements is easy, three is difficult, and six is too much. He doesn't plan to fuse them at all, but to create a configuration that will just enhance the individual elements. Make them more powerful than normal.

So he made the six individual elements spiral into six individual focal points within his mana core. His current configuration won't work. The individual spirals tried to meet and fuse. It is called a focal point for a reason, not foci points. He pushed them apart with his mind. It was easy to do to keep them apart. But things can't be left like this. A focal point has to be passive, or it won't be created and his core won't crystalize.

So he began the difficult part, creating a force of balance and amplification. He began to take little threads from the six spirals and wound them in a controlled manner. Then he made them interact carefully.

He let fire and its reaction be enhanced by light. He let fire enhance wind. He let wind enhance water and earth. He let the element of earth be enhanced by fire. He let water accommodate and enhance darkness. When darkness is enhanced, so is light. When a fire is produced, light is also produced. Finally, he let this 7th spiral balance against the six spirals as the six spirals feed into it. Then he watched the result.

The six spirals tried to fuse with the central spiral but they were repelled. The fire in the seventh spiral repelled the spiral of water. The light in it repelled the spiral of darkness. The earth in it repelled the spiral of air. They couldn't fuse with it. But they were a part of it. So they just trickled into it according to the path that Soverick had set for them. In a way, he just built a concept. Except it was made of mana instead of laws, and the image was just a simple enhancement. Nothing complicated, but it is a start for greater things.

With his focal point set, he moved on to the next phase of his breakthrough. Three things make up a mana entity, a mana core, a mana body, and a mana mind. A mana core creates a mana body. His vitality core, having been completely crystallized after his creation of the focal point began to flood his body with mana. Since his body is accepting of it, it began to change and evolve.

If your body isn't willing to subsist on mana then your core will never be able to crystalize in the first place. The purity of mana needed to make the change will be lacking. Since that isn't the case with him, he can safely acquire a mana body.

The pure mana in the blood found its way into every single cell and upgraded them. It strengthened the cell wall and organelles. The mitochondrial evolved into something capable of metabolizing mana efficiently. The various law fragments in the blood also activate. With it comes the awakening of the bloodline and its divine ability.

All these changes are positive but they affect the body and the mind in what can be considered a negative way. Healing becomes easier and regeneration becomes possible. Mana will form a blueprint of your body that makes all this possible. But that means you can hardly grow stronger through exercise anymore because the new cells that are made will be made in the image of the old cells.

Your existence will become rigid. With rigidity comes structural integrity, but also a lack of adaptability. Your cells become inflexible. Habits become difficult to change because of the changes in your nerve cells.

The body affects the mind in more ways than one. The way you walk and your posture become added to the blueprint of your life. If your arm regenerates, it won't regrow like a baby's arm but as your full-grown arm complete with its years of training and muscle memory.

After the mana body, is the mana mind. What came next is the breakthrough of his spirit or what is known as the soul core. When someone becomes a mana entity, their minds expand into something called a soul space. If that person hasn't awakened their spirit and doesn't have a divine sense, then they will get them with the creation of the soul space. But having it before the creation of the soul space will have allowed for the training of mental agility that will enhance the success of becoming a transcendent.

Those with an awakened spirit will then go on to form a soul core. It is a natural process for those with bloodlines. But those without one, like Kayla, will have to spend time and resources to acquire it. She didn't have a soul core when she came to babysit Soverick and his siblings but has been able to acquire it due to support from Mihila.

It may be a natural process for those with bloodlines, but it will take time before it happens. Then they will go on to shape their soul cores for ascension into a transcendent. For Soverick, the formation of his soul core and its shaping for ascendancy was immediate as soon as he created a soul space.

His soul is much too strong for his body so any space given to his soul to expand is filled immediately and to the brim. A small crystal battle sage monkey appeared within his soul space. He completed his breakthrough to the mana entity stage. Two things happened because of the evolution of his life's order. One in his environment and one in his eyes.

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