Chapter 227 The End Of The Era Of The Gods.

"If you chose this option, you will be undefeatable in the lower planes considering the power of your soul. You also won't be suppressed like the other origin gods. It is not a bad option." Mother high heaven said.

Soverick smiled wryly. Mother High Heaven was right in a way. It wasn't a bad option if he aims to stay cooped up in this plane all of his life. He would anger several world gods and harm their interests if he selected this option. So if he could somehow leave the lower realm in the future, his life will be less than pleasant.

The second option involved banishing the gods. His only reward will be the title of a child of the plane and the benefits that come with it.

She told him of the consequences of the second option. "If you chose this option then you will have to join in the struggle of the era of conquest. It will be incredibly dangerous and full of challenges. The benefit will end when you become an Origin god, and so too will your responsibilities."

He nodded solemnly while rejoicing inwardly. He would have chosen the second option for the responsibility of joining the era of conquest. He considers the title of the child of the plane an added benefit. So he made his decision.

Soverick decided. "I chose the second option. Let the era of the gods end."

The will of the realm laughed. "Ahh. I was right. Someone owes me money now."

Soverick was confused by her outburst. His confusion eased up when he heard what she said before she left.

She said, "Betting is so good."

He couldn't help but shake his head. Mother high heaven is the All mother, mother to all, his mother. She was authoritative most of the time and vengeful sometimes. It was disconcerting to know that she could be cheerful sometimes too. He had his suspicions about who was influencing her badly and his dislike for that person only increased.

The divine dungeon began to break down after his decision. The people from the main plane were transported out of it while the vestiges, the celestials, the dungeon core, and the divine souls it contained crumbled into energy and understanding.

A copy of the understanding went to him. The other copy and most of the energy rushed into the main plane. He didn't need the energy anyway. His connection to the plane as the child of the plane afforded him as much energy as he wants from the plane. In a way, he had infinite Mana and origin energy.

"So this is what the realm lord is enjoying. How envious." He commented lightly as he disappeared.

If he had made the decision that favored the gods, the divine dungeon would have crumbled into energy and authority. The energy and authority will be returned to where it was gotten from in the first place. The gods will return to their former glorious selves after getting their energy and authority back.

The gods would then become an inseparable part of the Virut plane. It won't be all that bad for the plane too. If, say, a plane or another realm in the void universe invades the Virut plane in the future, the gods will have to protect the plane. But now, that responsibility has fallen on the shoulders of a single person.

We'll see how that works out when the era of conquest comes. For now, we will return to the effects of Soverick's decision on the Virut plane. The tide of energy that should have empowered the gods set off a reaction within the main plane.

It was like a dam had broken. Origin energy began to appear in the atmosphere of the main plane. This change also banished the formation of divine energy in the Virut plane. A tower materialized where the dungeon portal used to be. It looked like the tower of heaven on the ancient battlefield. The other copy of the understanding came into this tower where it formed trials.

Soverick was transported in front of this tower and was welcomed with cheers. Several people had come to receive him. Origin gods, origin god clones, various family representatives, and numerous youths from the plane were shouting out his name.

"Soverick!" "Soverick!" "Soverick!"

He is a hero. A hero to the people of the Virut plane. He had foisted the gods' scheme and made Origin energy available in the plane. With his decision, the era of the gods in the Virut plane has ended.

The glowing star marking on his forehead also indicated that he is the child of the plane. He is literally the star of the plane because of the eternal glow surrounding him. So much mana is pouring into his body that his eyes and body have lit up. His name would forever be known in the history of the Virut plane. He has already been enshrined in the hall of heroes. Even if he dies, he will definitely resurrect as a heroic spirit.

Jerome, the origin god that is always antagonizing Guntu was also clapping. He said to Guntu.

"I must say, your family produced a good seed this time. It is luck, something like winning the lottery, but it is your luck and your win. So congratulations."

He has lost honourably and he is not too proud to admit it.

Guntu had a smug smile on his face. "Yes, it is luck. I am truly a lucky battle sage monkey that I am better than you and that I came from a great family. You and your family are only so-so."

Jerome's face fell. Maybe he shouldn't have admitted it. He chose to ignore Guntu. He understood that it is Guntu's time to shine. He would give him this period of an Origin cycle for Guntu to be proud. He is sure he will suffer during this period, especially whenever he meets Guntu and the insufferable prick tells the story of how a child from his family saved the plane over and over again.

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