Chapter 244 Spontaneous Free-For-All.

His movements were measured and precise, fluid and skillful. He could elongate the claymore to give it a longer reach but he is out of momentum for any upward movement. Besides, it was unneeded. His opponent is already dying after chaos flames began burning in his guts.

Aeternus pulled the claymore out and responded to another attack. A demoness with a club wanted to take advantage of his situation to smash him into a pulp. He increased the weight of the claymore as he used the side to deflect the club. The demoness was surprised by the strength of the feedback that she felt from the brief contact. She didn't expect so much strength from such a small body. Then she slipped forward.

It turns out that she had leaned forward too much for that strike. She was taller and had to bend a little to hit him. He deflected her strike with heavy resistance before his resistance disappeared all of a sudden. He had reduced the weight of the claymore. So she began to fall. She brought her other hand forward to stop her fall but it was loped off with a swift strike from Aeternus.

Her face hit the ground heavily. She was about to fumble and regain her balance when she stilled all of a sudden. He had cut off her head. No sooner had he beheaded her that a large hand tried to grab him from his front.

He jumped back to avoid the large palm while throwing chaos flames forward to burn the arm. The owner of the arm screamed in pain. The demon bellowed with the full strength of his lungs to create a deafening sound that rang out on the battlefield. But no one paid attention to the crying giant. There's already a lot of crying and shouting going on.

Aeternus ran to the demon that tried to grab him. He hacked at the thigh and cut through it in one clean strike. The demon fell down after losing one leg. Then Aeternus was gone to engage another opponent.

He couldn't get distracted at all or have the leisure to finish off every demon. His chaos flames will surely be the death of the demon so theirs no reason to worry about a strike from an opponent he thought was dead. The fight lasted hours as more demons joined in until a hundred demons were fighting all at once.

"What a fight." He sighed in longing.

He could still feel the thrill of battle but he is already missing it. He is responsible for killing a hundred mid-rank demons of the total 500 that fought here and it all started because two demons wanted to fight him at the same time. They weren't willing to concede to each other about who should fight him first so they began fighting each other first to determine the order.

The demons watching on the side thought they had gotten something good and came to join in. That's how the fight escalated into free for all with everyone for themselves. By the end of the rush for fighting, the demons joining in didn't even know why they were fighting.

He is already moving on to the next fight now that the fight is over. That's what he has been doing, killing and killing again. He is in a good mood right now but something is about to change his mood.

Ten demons are hiding behind a rock a short distance away from him and whispering to each other.

One of them that is acting as the leader spoke. "He is coming, get ready."

"Alright." They echo in agreement.

"He had better have something good on him." One of them said with hope.

Ten demons, male or female came together for a single purpose. Some of them are hideous while some of them are beautiful. They have different types of appendages and limbs, and different types of skin texture and color, but they all have horns and spoke in the same language.

Aeternus could sense their hostility from a mile away. He knew they were trying to ambush him before he saw them. He stopped for a while to consider his options. He had a chance at defeating them. He might not be able to kill them all but he should be able to neutralize the threat they possess to him.

But he shook his head. "Not worth it."

The problem wasn't the danger of the ambush. It is a fact that 10 demons chose to corporate. That is a red flag and an indication of a bigger matter at play. For mid-ranks to band together, there must be a higher authority that has compelled them and is keeping order.

Even if these ambushers of his succeed in killing him, only the person that kills him will be able to take whatever is special about his body for themselves. What about his weapon? Who will take it? There are a lot of problems with such a corporation but it is happening anyway.

The minimum requirement for such an authority is a high-rank demon and he isn't willing to face one yet. Plus he could feel a gaze monitoring him from above. So he turned back and ran.

"Why is he turning around? Did he spot us?" One of the asked.

The leader scolded him. "What does it matter why he is turning around? He is running away already. Let's chase him."

Another one asked cautiously. "Is that alright? The plan was to ambush him."

The leader turned his angry scowl on the demon. "I'm the leader, not you. It is alright if I say it is alright."

Then the leader turned to stare at the other demons in a challenge. He is a demon with a humanoid torso but with a bull's head, foot, and tail. His stare would have made some other races cower but these demons didn't even flinch. They had seen worse and didn't fear him.

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