Chapter 289 Different Groups With Different Agendas.

"The show is about to start. Let's go quickly. We need to get good seats." They said to each other as they rushed towards the arena.

This group of demons is the one that came for the selection and those that came to watch the selection. The ones that came for the selection, want to join the house of Chaos and become demon nobles. They are excited about the opportunity to join a house with such potential.

While some demons are ecstatic about the chance to become demon nobles, a lot of high-rank demons only came to see the event and do not intend to participate in the selection but both types of demons are enthusiastic about the selection.

Demons like their freedom and don't like becoming another demon's Henchmen especially if they are geniuses and are capable of becoming demon nobles on their own. Some of the proud geniuses include Astaroth, Paimon, and Marbas. They only came to watch. That's why they are rushing to get good seats with those that came to participate in the selection.

Some other geniuses believe in the potential of the house of Chaos and have decided to join it even though they also have the potential to become demons nobles themselves. They aren't nameless demons either. One of them is the faceless terror, a demon of terror that is widely known among the circle of high-rank demons.

The third group of demons that came are the ones that Aeternus invited. He invited all the demons in charge of fortresses and other notable high-rank demons with strength. They might not want to be here but they have to come since he invited them.

No one wants to cross the ominous reaper since he only asked them to witness the process but that doesn't mean they have to be excited about being here. So they aren't as quick to watch the event as the first two groups.

The demons that are part of the hit squad that was supposed to attack him but survived were also invited. They are extra fearful compared to others and came to the fortress together in a group as a way to seek assurance in numbers.

These are the demons that are the opposite of excited to rush to the arena. Their steps are slow and their hearts are heavy. Their gloom didn't disappear even when they reached the arena and sat down. They kept glancing around to make sure there is no danger. Coming here is dangerous but what choice did they have?

The Ominous Reaper is already terrifying on his own, the addition of demon nobles that aren't restricted by sin concentration is like adding wings to a land dragon. Such a dragon will gain supremacy of the earth and the skies just like Aeternus will gain supremacy of everything apart from the energy well. So they came despite the fear for their lives.

The fifth groups are the spies and subordinates that the different noble demons sent to watch or sabotage the event. They include some notable geniuses like Bael from the house of the Balde of destruction, Belial from the house of the Fallen, then there is Balam, Murmur, and Asmosdius.

Salazar didn't want Bael to go since a place where there are a lot of demon nobles isn't safe but if it isn't safe enough for his strongest subordinate, who would it be safe for?

The ones that came to sabotage the selection process are also part of this group and so are the ones sent to kill Aeternus if possible. This group is the slowest to get to the arena. They spent most of their time watching and observing their surroundings.

Cain, the one sent to mess with Aeternus's soul is also among this group. Cain plans to wait for Aeternus to take on the most subordinates that he will take then he will Sacrifice himself by using his unique sin ability to create an attack that will bypass all of his target's defenses and deal true damage. He has the assurance that his sacrifice will deal a great deal of damage to Aeternus.

Aeternus was sitting in the highest seat in the arena while waiting for the demons to show up. He doesn't mind the wait. He even prefers it. The wait will give him enough time so that everything will fall into place. He continued to make more white chaos balls. This time he only had to will it for them to be created. He didn't need to forge them from scratch with his chaos spark.

He stood up to address the crowd after movement has ceased and everyone had sat down. He looked over at the thousands of high-rank demons who came here for different reasons. Some came for good reasons and others for bad ones, but he welcomes them all the same.

He started his speech. "Today is a like any other day. It is a day for excellence or mediocrity. We can either do something great today or something normal with the time we have. But one thing is certain, only the best of the best will excel. The survival of the fittest has made it so and the order of the demon society has enforced it."

Every demon listened with rapt attention.

"We have fought since the day we were born. We killed and we feasted on the spoil that is the body of our enemies. We rise from their death and become stronger, only to fight stronger opponents. It is our way of life as demons. It is the way things have worked and the way things will continue to work because it is the surest path to greatness. It is why I am at odds with the demon lord of the plane."

A lot of them were surprised while some of them were not surprised at that revelation. The surprised ones were wondering how the Ominous reaper suddenly went from terrorizing high-rank demons to being at odds with the demon lord.

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