Chapter 291 What Next?

He stood up and raised a clawed hand to silence the arena.

"It is good that you are satisfied but the show isn't over. I promised to show you what I am fully capable of and I'm not done yet."

His words set the crowd ablaze. What could be more than that? What else does he have up his sleeve apart from demon nobles? They are sure he isn't bluffing because of the prestige he has among demons.

The various groups had varying reactions to his statement. Whatever Aeternus has planned after showing them his creation of noble demons as to be very impressive. So the excited demons that came to watch and participate became overly excited.

The same cannot be said about the paranoid ones in the crowd who had sighed in relief when they thought the show was over. They were scared before, but now they are petrified.

They had wanted to leave and go somewhere safe, but if the show isn't over they can't leave or they risk disrespecting the Ominous Reaper after their previous sin of trying and failing to kill him. They are petrified because now will be a good time for Aeternus to set his demon nobles on them to massacre them. They wouldn't be surprised if he did it, he is a demon after all.

The geniuses in the crowd are impressed but are not afraid for their lives. They are the ones with Accumulation, so the presence of demon nobles doesn't scare them. Even if they can't defeat a newly evolved demon noble, they will be able to escape.

The fact that they already have Accumulation also means that becoming demon nobles is sure for them. All they need is resources to make great selections during evolution. Their assurance of their safety is why they can sit calmly and be curious about what Aeternus has planned.

Aeternus addressed the 10 bowing demon nobles he has just created.

He said to them, "You know what to do. It is in your blood. I give you permission as the Lord of the house of Chaos to go ahead and pursue excellence."

The 10 demons pounced on one another and began fighting to the death. They are not the irrational mid-rank demons or the easily influenced high-rank demons. They are rational demon nobles. They have the strength, skills, and intelligence of demons befitting that status.

But these noble demons are not normal. They also have the knowledge of possible Strength and what they need to make that possible Strength real. All they have to do is acquire 9 more chaos sparks and they will acquire that Strength.

These 10 demons are the bloodthirsty, strongest, and luckiest of the 1000 mid-rank demons they started with. They have experienced the sweet process of evolution in two quick successions and they know a possible third. To grow stronger is a pleasant thing to any lifeform, that's why other species attempt the breakthrough to the titan of law even when the chances of death are immense.

These demons don't need to think too much. There's no uncertainty concerning their breakthrough. As long as they become the last one standing, then they will certainly evolve. Their fight was spectacular because of their struggle. It is not everyday that demon nobles are seen fighting.

Things got very heated. If not for the barrier that Xander had spent time creating, then all the spectating high-rank demons would have been in danger. It is against Aeternus's plan to put his guest in danger so soon.

The noble demons had no Accumulation because they were mid-rank demons just hours available. So they went at it with their various basic abilities and their fist. Those are the two things that are readily available and familiar with.

The arena rumbled and cracked. Chaos energy flew around everywhere. Things didn't take long to settle because of their few numbers and the use of deadly attacks. They weren't sparing so they didn't hold back at all and since only one will survive, there were no allies only temporary collaborators.

Two or more would collaborate to beat one demon. They would kill that demon and then fight each other next. The pairing was unfair and chaotic. Sometimes a collaboration will break apart because the demon that is being ganged up on retaliated and causes a serious injury to one of its oppressors. Then the previous collaborators will turn on the seriously injured partner and eliminate it first. The fight was chaotic so they didn't note the odd demon that was getting stronger the more injured he was.

Aeternus nodded appreciatively when he noticed this demon become one of the remaining three alive. This demon has the same ability as the berserker that they used to tie him down during his ambush by the demon lord. The more wounded and angry the demon got, the higher his resistance became. What's worse is that he can Accumulate power that way.

If they had taken him out earlier then he won't have reached such a level of strength. The demon is a bull coated in an aura that resembled burning flames. The flame was burning him, reducing his vitality and strength while empowering his resistance. It was too late by the time they realized his unique situation. His two opponents are both magic specialised demons. They fought against him with all their strength all to no avail. The spells they threw at him fell off of him without damaging him.

He weathered the rain of spells and captured one of them. They couldn't fly because of the barrier and their size made the fighting space very cramped. Each one of them is at least 5 meters tall with big, impressive wings.

The wings are occasionally used as weapons to fight and the captured demon was using the sharp bone spikes attached to them to try and damage his captor. The spikes worked. They penetrated the skin of the bull demon but it was too late. The bull tore his captive apart limb from limb with his bare hands before he roared and moved on to the last opponent.

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