Chapter 302 Imagine The Possibilities.

You get what you get, not what you need or what you deserve. That's the way of the world. That changes when you have the strength to acquire what you want. Then you get what your power enables you to get. You can steal and kill for what you want while the weak that you robbed and killed will have to deal with what they get. The weak don't have a choice in the matter unless they have faith.

It is the helplessness of the weak that makes them seek out faith. They ask for help since they can't help themselves.

"Let's do it." Karak didn't give up.

He felt he has no other choice if he wants to preserve his child and wife at the same time. The chances of getting help from his god might be small but it is his only option. It is all he has.

The priest finally relented, "Alright."

'It is their bad luck to have such a problem.' the priest thought to himself.

He has tried to convince them otherwise but if they're intent on wasting their wealth on chasing phantom opportunities then they can go ahead. It is all good too because he will get a cut out of their properties as the priest that led them to seek the attention of the sun god.

Hillo was taken by two junior priests to a prayer room with the statue of the sun god while Karak went to settle his bills. The church must be paid regardless of the outcome of the endeavor. The loss of their wealth motivated Hillo to struggle to kneel before the statue of the sun god. She had to get their money's worth out of this chance.

She began praying fervently before the statue of the sun god and called for his attention. The statue of the sun god is a round ball made of gold with tendrils or tentacles extending from it. One can feel a majestic aura coming from the statue. The aura makes it difficult to fill up the lungs so one will always feel out of breath in the presence of the statue. It is proof that the statue is not ordinary, but that doesn't mean the sun god is listening.

The service of seeking the attention of a god is a common practice in the culture of giants of order. They have been serving gods right from their tribalistic era. A patron god is a very important aspect of the life of every giant of order since ancient times. Seeking the attention of your god should be a free and open service. It was free and open, but that changed when a priest had a brilliant idea to charge people for it.

To be fair, the priest wasn't aiming to make money off of it. He proposed that plan to limit the number of people crowding the church because they wanted to seek the attention of God. God wasn't answering anyway so all those people were just hogging space in the temple that could be used for something useless.

The idea was to discourage people from wasting the time of the priests and taking up valuable space in the church. It later morphed into the money-making scheme it is today. The sun god doesn't mind because he doesn't care. If anything, he is grateful for the reduction in noise.

Meanwhile, Legion-4 is still battling with the law of order. He has had some success but so does the law of order. The laws he used to try and contaminate order aren't working. Order is fundamentally immune to change and so it refused to be influenced by the laws he tried to use. Only the law of fire and light could temporarily influence the law of order and that's because they are too volatile and full of energy. It makes them difficult to be overwritten by order as opposed to earth, water, and air.

He is using origin essence to accumulate law fragments of those two laws and it succeeded in giving him a 30% coverage of his body but it is reducing as the 70% of the law of order increases steadily. The law of order is like the disciplined army of a dictator. The dictator's words are law and the army executes that law. The laws he is using aren't weaknesses of the army. They are just difficult stopgaps that will eventually be crushed by the army. He is slowly and surely losing the struggle.

Up above the plane of Zargoth, in the divine plane.

The grand god of the sun, Stelios was doing what most gods do with their time. Playing games, watching mortals, frolicking among mortals, eating good food, and anything apart from their job which is helping their believers. To be specific, Stelios is currently watching mortals and playing a war game.

Two tribes of giants of Order are fighting in the mortal realm and the gods are using them as chess pieces in their game. They chose sides, set up rules for fair play, and watch the mortals fight for their entertainment. He was enjoying his reality show when he sensed something odd. He searched for the source and traced it back to the statue close to Hillo.

"What is this? Origin power?" He asked in shock as he examined the fluctuations coming from her body.

It was not her prayers that drew his attention. Prayers are useless. Many people are praying every time for his help but he doesn't help, either he doesn't care or the prayers aren't reaching him. In his situation, he doesn't care. It is the effect of the Origin essence that Legion-4 is using that drew his attention.

The giants of order cannot go past transcendence because when their soul fuses with their body, it is then that the lock on their body by Order extends to their soul. It traps them and makes it impossible for them to go beyond that stage. The only alternative for them is the divine path. So they don't need Origin energy since they can't use it. But why is he sensing a potent type of origin energy from this female?

He had to know. To satiate his curiosity, he decided to listen to what the female is actually saying. He heard the gist of her problem and extended his divine sense through the statue. His divine sense swept through her body and found the problem.

"It is just as she says. Her pregnancy is the source of the problem. This is an opportunity for me." His eyes lit up with greed.

If they can't become lords of law, their only path to true immortality is to attend the trial tower of heaven in order to get Origin essence and the other things needed for them to make the switch from the path of divinity to the path of perfection. But the sun god, as powerful as he is, has a serious problem that has made it impossible for him to succeed in the trials. But here is an unborn child with the ability to sense or influence Origin energy.

"Imagine the possibilities. This child must not die." He said with resolve.

He made up his mind to do whatever it takes to save this child.

Then the sun god descended to the divine plane in all of his glory and might. The entire city felt the impact of his godly presence. The pyramid began to glow as if it is the sun and the sun is rising. The light of the sun bombarded the entire city. Darkness disappeared from even the corners of the city. The temperature of the city increased by a notch.

Everyone knew immediately knew that the sun god has arrived in the city. All the clergymen and believers rushed to the church to experience the presence of their god.

Hillo, the unfortunate mother was praying when she felt the presence of God on her. She began to pray more fervently, pouring forth her pleas and supplications lest he turns away from her, and she loses the attention of the sun god.

Thankfully he heard her prayers and descended. The statue shined brightly and a majestic presence gushed out of it. She closed her eyes so that she won't be blinded by the light or see something she isn't supposed to see.

A voice brimming with authority spoke to her. "You have gotten my attention special woman. You do not know how precious what you're carrying is to me. You are carrying my incarnation here on the earth. You are pregnant with the son of the sun god. Your body is in turmoil because it is bearing a heavy responsibility. I shall heal you and reduce your burden."

Divine energy gushed into her body and into her womb. Hillo felt relief immediately. It felt like the huge stone that she swallowed suddenly disappeared. It also startled Legion-4 who was battling with the law of order.

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