Chapter 305 The Good, Odd, And Bad.

Bank in the Mortal realm.

Helios the demigod is already used to his new life. He adapted to the good, the bad, and the odd. He met his father's Avatar. Which is good. He now knows who his creditor is. Then he was taken by Cardinal Hak who became his guardian to the city of the sun where he was raised.

He found it odd that a cardinal, one of the highest-ranking clergymen of the sun church is being made to take care of him. It might seem like they consider him to be very important but he is suspicious. He doesn't know if the importance attached to him is good or bad due to his unique circumstances.

He isn't unlike the other demigods that wholeheartedly believe that they are demigods. He knows he is not despite the fact that everyone says he is. So someone has to be lying and he suspects his creditor.

He sometimes finds himself wondering who else is on the secret apart from him and the sun god. The others that might know are his parents but his father died in battle a few years back and his mother died of grief soon after. Their deaths are enough for him to know how serious his unique circumstances are.

The bad thing about his situation that he is sure about is that he has been banned from leaving the city of the sun by the sun god. Cardinal Hak claimed it is for his protection but Helios thinks otherwise.

The city of the sun is large since it is the headquarters of the religion of the sun god, one of the oldest religions in the mortal realm. The city started small and has grown bigger over the years. It used to be a small walled city, but then another wall was built to extend the perimeter of the city. More walls were built as the years went by, while the old ones were left behind.

Cardinal Hak his guardian and religious teacher was telling him about the city of the sun.

"The city was modeled to imitate the scenery of the divine kingdom as seen through divine revelation sent to the third pope, pope Contus. The walls form the various rings that represent the various levels of dedication to our Lord."

Legion-4 was absentminded but he still had the space of mind to drop a snide comment. "More like they didn't do proper city planning but no one wants to admit that the city just sprung into existence after years of piling on. Instead, you're claiming it's divine intervention."

Cardinal Hak continued reading from his book as if he didn't hear what Helios said.

Helios grumbled. "Deaf old man."

Then he continued to read his own book. He had been living as Helios the demigod of the sun god for ten years and Cardinal Hak has been his guardian for all of them. Cardinal took care of his feeding, clothing, schedule, training, and other meetings. He is both Helios's father and mother. Helios is treated with utmost care and respect. He has more prestige in the church than the saints. So he is never scolded or rebuked. That's why Hak ignored him. The situation is good, but it is boring.

No one can find any fault with him and he is allowed to do almost anything he wants to do as long as Stelios gives permission. He wasn't even punished when he killed someone. How can the seed of a god do wrong?

Hak closed his book when he was done. "How has your training been going, Helios?" He asked the boy that sat opposite him.

Helios ignored him.

Hak continued, "It will be your 20th birthday in a few days. As I have mentioned a few times, there will be an exhibition competition in your honor. The sun god has decreed that you will compete to show your prestige and talents. You shouldn't embarrass your heavenly father."

Seeing as Helios ignored him and since he had said his piece, he left. He understands that he can only talk, he cannot force a demigod to do anything. Since he has already said the sun god decreed for Helios to do something, then Helios will do it. It is unnecessary to nag.

Then he went to have a prayer session. Hak felt happy and fulfilled. The arrival of Helios gave him a purpose and also made him closer to his god. To serve the child of his god is a dream come true for a lot of people, but apart from that, his god has been paying attention to him when he prays because of it.

He entered his prayer room and knelt before the statue of the sun god. Then he began to pray. Just like he did every day since he became in charge of Helios, he summarised the events of the day and made mention of anything odd.

Like always, Stelios is listening. And when Hak is done, he asked him a question.

"Will he be ready for the competition?"

Hak considered the question very well before answering, "I believe so."

"Good." Then Stelios left.

Hak stood up and returned to Helios's side. He doesn't need to sleep so he is able to keep a constant watch on Helios. He has a lot to do to make sure that Helios gets the best treatment, not that Helios cares.

Hak would check the clothes he will wear, his food to make sure nothing is wrong with it, and many others.

His close monitoring made him aware of all of Helios's behavior and quirks. He was able to notice the drastic change that happened to Helios about 10 years ago. Helios used to be hardworking. Always training and meditating. He never had fun. It was odd for a child to be serious and Hak was worried for the boy.

He tried to stop Helios but the boy just ignore him. That all changed after 10 years when Helios acquired his first stigmata. He stopped exercising and training. He won't even eat anymore unless it is something very precious. It was like he turned a new leaf but it was for the worse.

Now Hak is worried that Helios will mess up during his celebratory exhibition competition since he hasn't trained at all. The only thing he does is read books about rune crafting.

The question that the Sun God asked him after his prayer might seem harmless but it isn't. It is a subtle way of telling Hak to make sure that Helios is ready for the competition. He answered that he believes Helios will perform well, and now he has to make sure that Helios really performs well.

Hak returned to Helios's room. He had to get through the guards before he could be allowed in. The guards towered above 50 meters, some reaching 80 meters in height. They are excellent guards with very strong and big bodies.

The taller a giant of order is, the stronger he is. But these guards bowed to Hak and his 14-meter body. They respect him and he is also much stronger than them. They know this because of his identity and because he can modify his height. A giant that can modify his size is a sign of transcendence.

Hak passed through the checkpoints of guards and security before he is allowed entry into Helios' room. The room has the best that the mortal realm can offer but Hak knows that Helios doesn't care for any of it. It is a behavior of Helio that Hak found reassuring.

'The boy might be lazy, but he doesn't care about luxury either. He just considers everything frivolous. He won't turn out like those pompous demigods.' He thought to himself in pride.

He believes that Helios' behavior is a reflection of how well he thought the boy so he should get some credit for the good things that Helios does. The source of Helios' bad behaviors on the other hand is beyond his understanding. For example, how to get Helios to do anything, even if it is beneficial to him.

He said to Helios, "Helios, how about we go for some archery training?"

There is a respectful title for demigods but Helios doesn't like it. He insists that he should be called his name and only that. Hak couldn't change his mind or figure out what was wrong with "Divine son." Helios simply said he didn't like it.

The boy ignored him just like he expected. So he brought out the one thing that can change the boy's mind.

"You will get this if you do some archery." He said as he displayed the transparent crystal gem that seems to have a small star trapped within it.

He has assured the sun god that Helios will do well. That's what he ought to do as the guardian of the demigod. It is his job to also make sure that Helios gets some training and actually performs well. If bribing Helios will get him to train, then he will do it.

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