Chapter 311 A Divine Party Crasher.

There are 3 levels in the stands. There's the topmost level for the interaction of gods, the second level for demigods and divine lords, then there's the third level for the mortals. It is based on the social hierarchy of giants of order and because of safety.

A mortal being around so many gods can be very dangerous even if they are only there in the form of their avatars. A mortal might hear something they shouldn't hear or join in laughing at a joke made at the expense of another god. So it is best that you stay clear of the divine as a mortal to avoid the destruction of your entire family.

Helios found a seat on the third level and sat down. His guards surrounded him and prevented others from reaching him.

"Thank you for coming. Please have a good time. Continue as if you haven't seen me." He said to the excited crowd.

The party had commenced before he arrived and he hoped it will go on without him. He does not need to interact with the people here, so he doesn't want to. But if he sits among demigods, they are bound to disturb him since his guards can't hold them off. That's why he is staying in the area where he can bully people into doing what he wants.

He sat down comfortably and ignored Hak's protest not to sit there.

"Strength is needed to have your way. I don't have strength, that's why I am being made to jump through hoops for these people. I need strength.'

He believes that everyone can do whatever they want to do. He will only have a problem if what they are doing is affecting him in an unpleasant way. What he hates more than that is being forced to do something.

There are a lot of things he has been forced to do recently. The sun god has decreed that he cannot leave the sun city yet. That's the most important offense, the restriction of movement. It indicates that he doesn't have freedom. The sun god said it is for his safety but Helios doubts that.

He was allowed to make his decision about his runes because it is part of their culture. But he has to attend this celebration because of the culture. The culture of the giants of Order has been rooted deep down in their bodies and mind. The law of order prevents all types of changes. It not only shackled their strength but also their mindset.

He has a different opinion about most things but he can't flaunt his disregard for culture to a certain extent. He may not like doing some things, but he has to do them regardless of his opinion. It is ultimately because he doesn't have enough strength to break the control over him.

He glanced at the top level where the gods are chatting. They are the top dogs in this plane and his target. Unlike Soverick that brought down the gods with the help of the racial alliance, Helios is on his own for now. He doesn't aim to end the era of the gods but it might happen because of his pursuit of strength.

He doesn't have anything against gods especially if they are an important part of the strength of a race. He might even use them for his agenda. He just wants strength and will do anything to acquire it. Whatever happens or whoever suffers along the way is not his issue.

Staniel and the other divine lords of the ancient gods were chatting with some of their friends that came. The children of the sun god have the usual traits of changing skin color, varying height, and golden yellow hair. There are almost 50 of them here and their presence seemed to light up the place.

Staniel shook his head when he saw what Helios did.

He drew the attention of the rest to Helios by commenting, "That brother of ours is trouble."

"Why is he so gloomy? Is he sulking?"

"It's like he doesn't want to be here."

"He has been like that for a while."

They began chatting about him. He is an oddball in their opinion. Demigods of the sun god are usually bright and sunny. Only Helios can make such a happy day into a punishment for his weakness. The frown on his face makes him look as if he isn't a demigod of the sun.

Helios's arrangement worked. Mortals can't disturb him because his guards stop them and demigods can't disturb him because they will have to descend to the third level and frolic among mortals. He refused to move no matter how much Hak fidgetted until the time came for the talent exhibition. It was then that things got interesting.

The clear skies suddenly turned cloudy with brown clouds. The earth became dark because of the blockage of light by the clouds. A powerful divine presence suddenly descended at the party. It was rough, heavy and it threatened to suffocate the mortals here.

The wind picked up speed abruptly lifting light objects and ruffling the nice clothes that the guest wore. The jovial atmosphere turned electric immediately as if a dust storm is about to start. The sun god exerted his dominion over the area to push back the presence. The winds died down but the sky remain dark because of the clouds made of dust.

Then there was the sound of numerous thunderclaps.

A laugh came from the skies, "Why the temper? Is a divine guest not welcomed?"

It was the laughter of the intruder that sounded like thunderclaps.

The sun god snorted before replying. "A cultured guest is welcomed. Such actions make you a brute not a guest no matter how divine you're."

A large face formed out of the brown clouds. Lightening crackled in the spot for the eyes while a large hole formed the mouth. The god of the sky and tempest, the archenemy of the sun god made his presence known.

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