Chapter 325 For Glory And For Honour Even Unto Death.

He has another reason for joining the quest apart from freedom and the sun core. The heroic quest will draw the attention of the gods which will be helpful to Legion-9. Helios knows enough about them to know that they won't miss a good source of entertainment. It is his job to keep it interesting when it needs to be and dull when Legion needs it. Joining the heroic feat was a job before, but the sun core has given him something to look forward to.

Helios prepared quickly. There isn't much to be done to prepare except to burn some of his research data. He doesn't have much that he can take with him either since giants of order don't have anything valuable because of their anti-magic domain. But somehow they always manage to find a reason to fight and kill themselves.

Unlike other races that need to fight constantly for resources to grow stronger, giants of other don't need resources or need to actively cultivate for them to grow stronger. They just passively absorb vitality from the world and grow stronger. And yet they are always at each other's throats. They don't need worldly possessions to kill each other. They fight for their afterlife. It's like he said, the gods are the ones that are responsible for the wars in the plane.

But they punished him for stating the obvious.

"Well not anymore." He said as he looked at his room one last time.

He burned everything and left without taking anything. He didn't bring anything to the sun city and he won't take anything with him. Cardinal Hak escorted him out of the city when he is ready to leave.

"You have to be careful. A heroic quest is dangerous. There will be priests of the church of the sun waiting for you. A team of specially prepared individuals will be there to see to your needs and to assist you." The cardinal said to him.

His guardian continued to warn him and give him advice while his guards shoved people aside and created a path for him. The city has gone into an uproar when they heard that their resident demigod is going on a quest. Someone spread that information about his departure.

He asked Hak, "Did you tell people I'm leaving?"

"Yes, I did. A hero needs a proper send-off. It will give you good luck and the likelihood of you returning will increase when everyone prays for your safety."

Helios shook his head. He doubts prayer can do anything to help him. Even the god of the sun is practical and gave him something to keep him safe. Being practical is always best. Counting on miracles is folly.

He would have preferred to go alone and quietly but it seems that he won't be getting it. Instead, he is getting more unwarranted advice from the overly protective Hak.

The crowd is packed on both sides of the main street. People are jostling, pushing, and pulling on each other to get a look at him. They are shouting his name with fervor. There is curiosity and anticipation in the air.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm not a child anymore." He said to Hak as he waved to the people.

"Technically, you're just a teenager. You ...'

Helios interrupted Hak by raising his voice to give a speech to the cheering people.

"People of the sun city. Some of you know me and have seen me before, some of you haven't. I am not so conceited to believe that you have all heard of me. So I'll tell you who I am now. I am Helios, demigod of the ancient sun god. I am a HERO."


They screamed his name and cheered. He continued after the crowd quiet down.

"As a hero, I have to do heroic things or die trying. It is my destiny to shine and go on shining or to shine and burn out. I pursue the feats of a hero so that I can ascend and become better than a hero. I have to become a glorious hero because the divine realm awaits a glorious hero. For now, I am just a hero. But I am your hero. I am the hero of sun city. Will you wish your hero well?"

"May the light of the sun be with you."

The crowd shouted at him.

"I want to hear your well wishes."

The volume of the crowd rose another notch as they wished him well.

"May the light of the sun be with you."

He formed fists with his hands and raised them into the air. He wore only an undergarment and a small cloth that doesn't reach his ankles tied and held around his waist with a girdle. His upper body and his legs are bare, so it showed off his well-defined body. He is like a buffed giant bodybuilder with packs and slabs of well-cut muscle, and golden tattoos all over his orange skin. The image of the sun on his back stood out to make him more heroic.

"For Glory And For Honour, Even Unto Death." His voice rang out loud even above the noise of the crowd.

The crowd echoed the creed of heroes, "For Glory And For Honour Even Unto Death."

It is what demigods live by. It is a summary of their life's purpose but said in a heroic manner. The truth is that the pursuit of glory and honour by demigods even till their death is for the glory, honour, and pleasure of the gods. The creed is just a gimmick that the gods sold to the mortals and they sold it very well.

The creed echoed throughout the city as more and more joined in saying it.

"For Glory And Honour Even Unto Death."

The creed has really caught on because gods are not the only ones entertained by the struggles of heroes. Mortals do too but they also aspire to achieve such feats. They want to live that kind of life. They want to be heroes. They want to be admired. They want to be strong. But all that glitters is not gold.

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