Chapter 332 Two Strikes And You're Out.

Code Name: TaS8cpNGGFbkk16D0R stopped in front of him. Her frown had deepened with that short walk it took for her to reach him. Her eyes fixed onto him like a predator to prey. She felt like slapping him but she held herself back.

She composed herself and said to him, "I heard you're not joining the strike team."

He nodded nonchalantly and chose to see what the strike team will do. Their formation is lacking a big chunk of it and they are getting confused. They don't know what's going on so they too are asking questions.

"Do you know what this means?" She asked with a voice laden with fury.

He wasn't fazed by her anger.

"I'm not an idiot if that's what you're asking. I know what it means." He answered calmly.

If he isn't joining the strike team, then his team can't join the strike team. That will reduce the number of 90 members to 80 and reduce their chances of success drastically.

She yelled at him. "If you're not an idiot then stop behaving like one."

Then she pointed to the strike team, "Get there and join them now."

He attacked. His arm moved to backhand her. It wasn't a fast attack. She saw the attack coming and she grinned.

"Fine then. I'll put you in your place. I won't humiliate you too much." She said through her smile.

She raised up one of her hands to grip his. She would then squeeze it a little bit. She doesn't plan to do much damage to him. He may be insolent but he is still a demigod. She intends to show him the difference between them. A hundred-year-old teenager should mind what he says to a priest that is almost a thousand years old.

The golden runes on his arm flashed brightly for a brief moment and then his hand blurred so fast that it couldn't be tracked. His arm broke her hand and smashed into her face. There was a loud sound of impact as his arm came into contact with her face. The contact was more of a snack but it has the power of a full punch to the face.

Her head was forced to whip to the side. Her lips broke and some teeth came loose. The smack bruised her cheeks and made her spit out saliva mixed with blood, gum, and the teeth that they used to hold.

Her head reeled with shock and her battle Instincts kicked in. All the Stigmata on her body began to activate and her mind was about to activate divine spells through the divine mark of her god on her soul. Gone is her underestimation of Helios and her intention not to hurt him too much. She began to gear up for battle. Now she intends to teach him a lesson he will never forget.

Her barriers were the first to materialize. Films of force came into life around her. They would block physical attacks and grant her enough time to get her bearings for retaliation. Then she would bring down the full might of her fury on the little disrespectful shit that thinks too highly of himself.

Helios had withdrawn his hand after the first attack. He moved to strike her again. The runes flashed again briefly, then they dimmed. Except that this time some were still glowing on his hand. It made his arm golden like that of a gold statue. His arm blurred with another activation of the light resonance runes.

His accelerating arm met with the first barrier and the power nullification runes that made his arms golden nullified the barriers and penetrated through them as if they were films of paper. He tore through her defenses and grabbed her neck. His arm smashed into her neck with enough force to shatter it if he hadn't held back. Even then, her throat collapsed and she was forcefully lifted off her feet by the force.

He squeezed a little bit and her eyes almost popped out of her head as she choked. She panicked and tried to remove his hands.

"Stand down." He said to her.

His cold voice struck her more than the first blow and hurt more than the second. She deflated and gave up her struggle. Her Stigmata dimmed down just like her arms drooped. The first blow bruised her face and broke her lips and the second almost killed her, but this outcome hurt her pride more. She will live, but she will never forget.

He brought her head close to his face and said to her, "You mistook me being reasonable for being weak. I allowed you to make your plans and do whatever you want. And yet, you intend to order me around. What gave you the idea that you can push me around? You're obviously not strong enough for it."

It is one thing for him to be forced to stay in a single place for a hundred years because his divine father demands it. The sun god is strong enough to order him around, but it doesn't mean the sun god's lackey can boss him around him too. He isn't a normal demigod that is a mana entity. Nothing about him is normal.

"I'm sorry exalted demigod. I shouldn't have acted that way." She struggled to say.

He hadn't reduced the force of his grip on her throat, so talking is difficult for her. It is the least of her problems. If he activates the energy discharge runes in his hands, she will burn up as heat is pumped into her body. That will do more than hurt her pride.

He can picture it already. First, the water in her body will begin to heat up, which will cause her blood to boil. Her organs begin to cook within her. She will start to shout and struggle when the pain increases but it will all be for naught. Then she will catch fire and begin to burn when the fat in her body starts to burn. She will burn until she turns into ashes scattered in the wind.

He nodded and dropped her to the ground. "Good. I'm a reasonable person. I'll let go of this slight."

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