Chapter 361 Strength Brings Respect.

Demigods know that the gods play with the lives of mortals in games for sport but this made them realize how pitiful their existence really is. Only one demigod thought otherwise.

"You're scum. You're a betrayer of the gods. You must not be on the gods' side. My father will never allow this to happen if he knew. You must be a traitor." Tanya shouted at the tree.

The tree father didn't answer. He ignored their existence and said nothing no matter how much they cursed or begged. They aren't worthy of a reaction from the tree father. If they are the playthings of gods, what are them to the tree father when the gods are the tree father's playthings? He will not lower himself to deal with the playthings of his playthings.

The queen's divine force slammed into the demigods.

"Silence." She boomed into their minds.

They became quiet immediately and finally turned their attention to the giant white caterpillar in the room. The demigods are much taller than her but her presence feels more powerful.

She is an ancient mana entity and a demigod too so they don't have any advantage over her. It is quite the opposite. The queen has a powerful mind which has become more powerful now that she is a demigod so her mental pressure is overwhelming them.

They all fell to their knees and clutched their heads. She might not be able to control them but she can make them feel pain.

"You have insulted my guest and you have insulted me. Is this how you were brought up by the gods? I expected better."

None of them answered her. They are in pain and they have nothing to say to their captor.

"You will be my prisoners of war until the gods ransom you. I assure you that it will not be a pleasant experience. But you will have to earn your keep."

The ant queen felt empowered like never before. These giants that she is berating and is going to take advantage of are demigods. The simple mention of them used to fill her with crippling fear. Now, she only has slight fear and that's only because of their divine parents.

Strength is good, even though the process of acquiring it is dangerous, it can increase your odds of survival so it is worth it. But the increase in your station that strength grants you make the risk more than worth it. The world literally changes when you gain more power. People will treat you differently and you will begin to see the world in a different manner.

She took a moment of silence to relish her emotions very well. Then she decided their fate, "I have decided what to do with you. You're going to join the effort to create more royal guards for the colony till you are ransomed."

She enjoyed their immediate reaction. Their placid eyes opened wide. They paled when they heard what she said. She has just condemned them to a fate worse than torture. Their flesh will be liberated in small quantities and fed to grubs so that the grubs can mutate into royal guards. The demigods will feel pain likened to the worst torture but the torture is just a by-product of the process.

She interrupted them before they start any complaints or begging. "I don't want to hear what you have to say."

She made sure to use more mental force in her mental transmission to enforce that request of hers. They can't talk when their mind is in pain.

"You can make as much noise as you want later on when your flesh is cut away to feed the grubs. But for now, I don't want to hear anything from you. Nothing you say will matter anyway."

"Take them away." She said to the royal guards.

"Wait, I have something important to say." One of the demigods suddenly shouted.

The queen frowned. "What do you have to say? I warn you not to waste my time."

Her tone was disapproving but the demigod didn't back down. He spoke. "It is an important divine secret."

The queen's eyes lit up. "Go on then. What is it?"

The demigod glanced at the burning tree before saying, "I can only tell the god."

"What is it?" The tree father asked in the demigod's mind with a private mental transmission.

"It is about a divine weapon. I know its location and I want my freedom in exchange."

"What's special about a divine weapon that it is worth your freedom?"

The tree father wasn't convinced about the importance of the divine weapon or even if it exists. This demigod might just be making stuff up in an attempt to get his freedom or he might just be wasting time.

The demigod said earnestly, "It is a weapon made by the gods to kill a god. I don't know much about it but I know it is called the GodSlayer."

"Is that so? You tell me where this so-called god-killing weapon is and I'll check it out. If it is real then I will grant you your freedom."

The demigod became hesitant. He wasn't talking anymore. Something made him hesitant.

"Do you doubt me? Do you doubt the dignity of a god?" The tree father's voice slammed into the demigod's mind with more power than the ant queen could muster.

The demigod shivered and fell down. He spoke quickly to appease the tree father, "Never. I wasn't doubting you. I was just trying to recall all I know about the divine weapon."

"Then speak. I'm listening."


The demigod began talking about everything he knows about the divine weapon. He wanted to get a divine contract that will ensure his safety and release but the way the tree father phrased that question made it so that asking for assurance means he is doubting the god. To doubt the prestige of a god is blasphemy and can lead to his death. So he sang like a canary.

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