Chapter 363 A Colossus.

Weakness is not a sin. Not knowing your position in the hierarchy is a sin. It is a sin that everyone is capable of making unless they become the absolute strongest. It is this goal that Legion and all of life want to achieve. The ant queen wants freedom and so does the demigod. Only strength brings freedom. Absolute strength brings absolute freedom.

The tree father will not fault the demigod for trying to change his fate. Anyone can do anything including lying to try and save themselves. The demigod might be weak but every living thing will struggle to achieve its freedom. It is the constant of life for life to always try to find a way.

If the divine weapon is fake, then it is the fault of the tree father for believing him in the first place. If the divine weapon is real, the tree father will still make him do what he is avoiding. If anyone can do whatever they want, then the tree father can go back on his word. After all, there's no contract that says the demigod has to be released if the divine weapon is real.

The short reprieve that the demigod is receiving right now is so that the tree father will have a level of integrity for when he might need the demigod in the future. No one knows the future so it is always best to plan for it. The demigod will certainly not be open to talking in the future if he has been treated badly. He might be weak, but he has the choice of death. That is something that only world gods can take away from anyone.

But the demigod will be abandoned to the plans of the ant queen once he has outlived his usefulness to the tree father. That's the destiny of the weak once they come under the attention of the strong, they have to be useful or they will be discarded.

A Year Later.

The ant colony shut themselves in and the gods waited. Helios and the Tree Father wanted this wait to take a long time. This conflict between the gods and the ant colony is but a distraction that Legion orchestrated. The longer a distraction works the better. Sadly things don't always go as planned. Someone among the gods began calling for action just after a year of waiting.

Helios was in his tent when something changed the dull atmosphere of the frontlines. They had been waiting here for a year and yet the ant colony didn't make any requests so there was nothing that could be done. He was meditating on his runes when he felt the ground shake. His eyes opened immediately. He could sense a threat coming toward his position and it is approaching fast.

He rushed out of his tent and looked toward the direction of the threat. He didn't need to strain his eyes for him to see it. It is practically looming within his vision.

"A colossus." He muttered in realization.

A colossus is one of the two outcomes for a giant of order that becomes a transcendent. He has been surrounded by mana entities and the avatars of gods for a year. They are not a threat to him so the presence of a transcendent spooked him.

He relaxed after identifying the threat. A Colossus coming here means it must be on the side of the gods and if it is not, it is not his problem to worry about. He relaxed but that doesn't mean this change is not troublesome.

"Someone called for a colossus. This is troublesome. Who called for a colossus and why?" He asked himself.

The ground continued to shake and the shaking got stronger as the colossus got closer. All of this shaking is caused by the feet of the Colossus hitting the ground as it is running.

A colossus is very large. For giants of order to call something colossal, it must be extraordinarily huge. It must be ginormous and it really is. A colossus makes a giant of order look normal. The shaking is caused by the almost thousand meters tall entity marching towards the camp.

"This is too early. It seems the plan has to be updated." Helios thought as he looked at the colossus whose very steps are shaking the earth for miles around.

A colossus means that the situation has changed. For them to make the proper response, they must find out what caused the change.

"What a shame though. The giants of order have so much potential. Maybe something would have changed if they were allowed on the ancient battlefield. Someone will probably have found the solution to their problem." He thought in pity.

For a race that can't become lords of law, the giants of Order have a lot of potential. There are few races that can grow bigger than 100 meters tall and a much smaller number of races in the more than 100,000 planes of the high heaven realm that can reach a kilometer tall. If they are around the multitudes of geniuses from different and various planes that come to gather at the ancient battlefield, maybe a solution would have been found for their problem.

It is a pity that this same Colossal form of giants of order sealed their fate. The great general of the giants of order that led them to the ancient battlefield was also a colossus. He used to grow to be 10 kilometers tall back then. That's 10 times taller than the Colossus coming to the frontlines but maintaining such a height consumes Origin energy like a blackhole consumes matter and energy.

Giants of order that are mana entities drain their environment of mana. The powerhouses of the ancient battlefield won't care about that. But the colossus drains the environment of origin energy. It is probably the only thing that giants of order can use Origin energy for and it is also the most important thing that people go to the ancient battlefield for. Their penchant for hogging origin energy to themselves did not sit well with the powerhouses of the ancient battlefield.

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