Chapter 379 100 New Problems.

A god can only create one avatar at a time. The fact that Stelios withdrew his avatar means he is so busy with something that he couldn't spare his attention for the mortal realm, or he has something else to do in the mortal realm, or he is too angry to remain in this place after he was cheated of his son.

He as the Celestial Supreme is willing to forgive Stelios for what he did no matter the reason for it. He has to be magnanimous about it. After all, they did just sacrifice his son. It is not too much to give the sun god some consideration.

"Now let's get back to what I was saying. Bad, unfortunate, and unforeseen things suddenly happen for no apparent reason and there's nothing we can do about them. Such things happen every time. It is normal. We just have to move on and ..."

The Celestial Supreme suddenly stopped. He is sensing some things. First, he became confused. His calm face turned into a scowl, then his eyes widened in surprise.

"Oh, crap." He exclaimed after fully comprehending what is going on.

Something unfortunate has just happened. It should not be for no apparent reason but he can't find one. He has been laid back these past few years but that doesn't mean his surveillance system was brought down or compromised. So he should have had an inkling or two about what just happened and yet he is being caught unawares.

His surveillance over the mortal realm is as sensitive as ever, he will be able to sense the slightest fluctuations of divine power no matter how weak. He is sensing 100 of such weak fluctuations of divine power characteristic of ascension to demigod all spread out within the plane at the same time. It means 100 other entities like the ant queen are about to become demigods simultaneously.

He is so shocked that it is enough for his jaw to slacken and drop. "How is this possible?"

This question is not a question asked by fools who can't comprehend what they are seeing. He can comprehend what he can see and yet he needs an explanation. The question is very valid. How is possible for 100 mana entities all over the plane to suddenly have enough divinity to transform into demigods after he has scoured the mortal realm of divinity? Only one thing comes to mind and it is the sudden influx of items with divinity that was used to exchange for the demigods.

"No way." He muttered as his eyes widened in realization.

He had suspected such a consequence that's why he didn't stop it but only created a barrier around the ant mound to monitor all movements in and out. He decided to use the items as bait to trap anyone involved with the ants.

And no, he didn't make a mistake or overlook something. No one, not one ant passed that barrier. They all stayed holed up within the ant mound without going outside for the entire time. The only ones to have ever passed through the barrier all these years are Helios, the Colossus, and the priests.

It obviously couldn't be anyone of them that smuggled items of divinity from underneath his nose. He doesn't dare believe that mortals fooled him or that his position as the celestial supreme is a joke. This only leaves one possibility, a god or numerous gods. The fact that mana entities cannot absorb divinity without the help of a god eliminating the resistant Divine Will makes his conjecture that a god is behind all of this very plausible.

He is willing to bet his hammer that the god responsible is that slimy god scurrying about in the shadows like some low-life thug.

"You have gone too far." He roared savagely.

How the god contacted the ant queen without him noticing is a matter for another day. For now, something must be done about the 100 mana entities.

He stood up from his throne in his divine kingdom. His divine kingdom looks like a giant net. The net is made up of thick ropes called chains of order. The ropes are parallel to each other and the space between them is constant. The angle they form when they cross is a perfect right angle so the space looks like a rectangle.

Both the divine kingdom of the god of fate and the Celestial Supreme are made up of ropes. Of course, these ropes are threads compared to their giant form. The similarity ends there. The strings of fate of the god of fate are multicolored and meshed together haphazardly to form a multicolored river while the chains of Order of the god of order and justice have only two colors, white and black, and are positioned orderly into a net.

But enough of the divine kingdom. The Celestial Supreme is currently angry. He doesn't do well with anger. The only thing that gets him angry is the loss of control, so he tries to regain control when he gets angry.

He roared in a voice that all of creation within the plane heard. "FREEZE."

And the world froze. Well, only SPACE obeyed his command to freeze. MATTER and TIME didn't listen to him. He might have power over Order but that doesn't mean he can boss all three of them around. The fact that he can boss SPACE around is only because he is the Celestial Supreme with the backing of all the gods of the plane and it is only the space within the plane that froze.

Only mother high heaven and the realm lord can freeze all three within the plane. But what he did is terrifying enough. Everything within the plane froze. Children crying or pulling snot from their noses. Balls or stones falling down froze in the act. Butterflies and birds froze mid-flight. Rampaging Sandstorms froze and all the avatars of gods within the mortal realm froze up. All because of one word from the Celestial Supreme.

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