Chapter 385 Bore Worms.

Bore worms are small when they are just born but can grow to a maximum length of 3 kilometers once they leave their host. They live in tunnels that they make themselves. Their ability to bore holes through the earth is why they are called bore worms. The tunnels have become their new habitat where they give birth to smaller bore worms.

The smaller bore worms have inherited the ability to survive alone and don't need to parasitize giants but they can't grow as large as the mother worm unless they kill giants and feast on their flesh. The parasite then turns into a predator.

The second-generation bore worms can't grow past 10 meters in length but they use their length to their advantage in becoming incredibly deadly. They do this by trying to force their way into a giant through their mouth. That's what the mucus is for. To ease their passage through the gullet. A sleeping giant might just awake to find that it can't breathe because something slimy and slippery is slithering down its throat. Things will end badly for that giant if even a little piece of the bore worm enters the giant.

Bore worms don't have anything else in their arsenal as predators but they plague giants like evils from a nightmare. Their transformation from harmless parasites to predators that hunt them in the night is both a scary story and a real occurrence. The desiccated bodies of their victims are more than enough proof of their capabilities.

"I wonder what changes this will bring." The thorny vine dragon thought to itself.

The sleeping giant segmented worm is the mother bore worm while the tiny ones are her kids. The thorny vine dragon's mission is to protect the mother bore worm which is a mana entity and currently digesting the divinity that it was given.

The mother-bore worm is certain to change after becoming a demigod so will the tiny worms that it gives birth to. The eggs and parasitic stage of bore worms are harmless to giants of order. But that can change after divinity gets involved. It is an unprecedented transformation after all. Bore worms might become the next race to thrive in the plane.


Zernon the Celestial Supreme returned his consciousness to his divine kingdom fuming and out for blood.

"War. Do you want war? We will have a war!" He roared in anger.

His voice shook his divine kingdom like the shaking of a mountain as an avalanche rolls down the mountain.

He didn't waste time at all. Since the hidden god wants war, he will give them war. He began issuing orders to the priests of his church even before his divine kingdom stopped swaying. They were already on standby to interfere with the world war going on on the divine battlefield but Zernon has a more important mission for them. He sent them to attack all the 100 spots where he could sense the fluctuations of divinity.

Since he can't snuff them out or talk their backer out of this insane plan, he will give them war. They will face the full might of the church of Order. His full wrath will fall on them and drown them to death. They will experience the suffocation that they escaped from his FREEZE order. He won't be placated until he sees their dead bodies.

The army of the church of order began to move as soon as they got their order. About 80% of the total forces of the church were mobilized. Priests and inquisitors as well as soldiers divided themselves into 100 groups each with 2 transcendents. They wouldn't need so much of their forces just to quell 100 transcendents but the problem is that the 100 targets are scattered all over the plane in different directions.

If the church of Order hopes to stop the transformation process to demigod quickly they have to move as soon as possible and attack immediately. They can't afford the wait that will occur if they try to hit one location after the other. So Zernon had to split his forces to get immediate results and to kill the sources of chaos as soon as possible.

Zernon watched all these while still fuming. He had gone to that location to have a reasonable chat with the transcendent and the god that stood behind them. He wanted to inform them that he wouldn't budge at all on his stance about changes to the current world order. They were to surrender but they can have peace and negotiate on some other things.

He was sure they would fold since he had caught on to them and their activities. He thought the threat of violence from the Celestial Supreme will be enough to make them see the error of their ways. Apparently, he was wrong. The hidden god turned out to be mad enough to declare war against him. What could it be but madness for a god to think he or she has nothing to fear about him, the Celestial Supreme? He will teach that hidden god a lesson that even mad dogs can be put down.

"The Audacity." He roared again.

His voice extended far out of his divine kingdom this time to reach the other gods. The gods became aware that their Celestial Supreme is having a very bad day. The freezing of the mortal realm is a big deal now they know how bad his mood is.

He really is not in a good mood and will not be until he destroys this god. Then he will bury the knowledge of his name with it. That plant dragon uttered his name and it got to him for several reasons.

His name is an important matter. He had made sure to wipe it out of history. He even put out an Edict using his authority as the Celestial Supreme to ban the uttering of his name. The knowledge of his name should have died out so it came as shock to him when that vile facsimile of a dragon uttered his name.

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