Chapter 392 The Cowardly Sun God.

The encryption used within the Stigmata not only prevents deciphering and changes to it, but it also has an alarm system. Overall, the changes are things that none had managed to achieve but this Stigmata has achieved it and even reinforced it with divine will such that the encryption will be alive and capable of adaptability.

Apart from the power of the divine will present within the Stigmata, somehow, the god that had tampered with his Stigmata and turned it into this prison had acquired unprecedented knowledge of Rune making needed to make the changes. So this god has both power and knowledge. It is something to marvel at considering Stelios thought he was the most knowledgeable god when it comes to runes.

Unfortunately, he isn't a spectator. He is the victim of this so-called brilliant procedure. No matter how brilliant it is, he has to get out of it now because he knows that if the Stigmata completes its lockdown procedures, he will never get out of this prison. He will become fuel for the entirety of his life.

Two things came to his mind. One is highly likely to work but he will become powerless after it works. The other has a much lesser chance of success but he can keep his power if it works. So it is either a high chance of safety but no power or a highly reduced chance of safety and power.

He took the second option. Without risk, there won't be a reward. So he roused all of his divine power and absorbed the domain of the grand gods of fire and light that he has secretly stocked. Then he initiated an ascension. The divine plane noticed the call from his Godhood and answered it immediately. A force descended from the divine plane and found him within the void of the Stigmata. That force began to change him. If he will escape after the change is still unknown.


The Celestial Supreme was still fuming when he noticed the changes in the divine plane. "What kind of nonsense is this? Which stupid god wants to die?"

He decided not to wait for the announcement about who is ascending and instead rushed out of his divine kingdom immediately to trace the stupid god that is trying to become a Celestial. He is filled with so much anger right now that he will destroy the culprit without asking any questions.

It is one thing after the other. Can he not have rest? As if he has not been insulted enough by the ongoing problems, a god somewhere has decided this is a good opportunity to become a Celestial. He will have none of it.

"It's good too. I get to vent and kill someone. I'll also get stronger after absorbing the stupid god. It's a win-win for me." He said with gleeful anticipation.

He has been frustrated for so long, even him an icon of stability needs an outlet for his boiling emotions. So it is generous of this stupid god, whoever it is, to volunteer themself to cheer him up. There's going to be a good old-fashioned beat down. Nothing releases stress better than it. He was looking forward to the encounter.

He found the culprit immediately. What he found made him chuckle.

"The unbridled disrespect. In the face of it all. It seems you have gotten full of yourself. All I did was take one of your demigods. Do you think that becoming a Celestial will let you be able to beat me? We'll see about that." The Celestial Supreme said as he readied himself to wait.

It turns out that the stupid god that is undergoing ascension is the sun god. The power of the divine plane is gathering towards the divine kingdom of the sun god. It is undeniable proof that the sun god is the one that is courting death. He can't interfere with the ascension but he will have many options when it is done.

"What could be so special about that Helios anyway? He is just a demigod. You have hundreds of divine lords." He muttered to himself.

It seems the possible death of Stelios's son affected him more than he expected and the old age of the sun god has emboldened him to take the risk of ascension. What else could have motivated a former reasonable god to make such a stupid decision? Maybe Harkam was right all along, the sun god is getting senile with age.

The Celestial Supreme wouldn't have to wait for long to get his answer. The ascension to true god is pretty quick since the transformation already started the moment a mortal becomes a god. So you either survive the ascension or you fail. Either way, he will get to vent. He will fight the sun god or he will laugh at his failure. It will be therapeutic for him.

The Celestial Supreme was waiting patiently and sensing carefully. So he knew that the ascension went well. Except that the ascension wasn't announced as it should have. Instead, the sun god's divine kingdom dimmed and froze over as if it has become inactive.

The divine kingdom in the form of a star had the light that it is always producing. The light reduced drastically before completely shutting down. The divine kingdom became an inert ball. It looked like the god of the sun failed his ascension.

The Celestial Supreme chuckled sinisterly, "I thought you will be brave enough to face me. Instead, you choose to hide away. Come out and face me like a true god and stop behaving like a rat. What did you expect will happen when you decided to flout my will? Now come out and get your just deserts."

He knows that the sun god succeeded because he sensed the success of the ascension. He also feels the empowerment of the divine plane due to the addition of another Celestial to the pantheon. So he isn't fooled by the dimming of the divine kingdom. The sun god has turned into a coward and is hiding from him.

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