Chapter 401 A Duel In The House Of Chaos.

The statue seems to have been carved in the form of a demon. But the demon that it depicts is odd for a demon. The statue is short like a low-rank demon, just 1.7 meters tall, but it has horns that are mainly seen in high-rank demons.

There is also a blazing red flame burning between the horns. The flame is very life-like, moving and shifting like a real flame. Except that the flame isn't burning anything, producing heat, or has an apparent source of fuel. Yet, the flame is surely growing stronger. The use of the flame isn't obvious either since it isn't producing light to improve the visibility of the top of the pillar. So the pillar is dark. Even the statue beneath the flame is barely visible.

Suddenly the sockets in the head of the statue where its eyes should be opened. From within the sockets can be seen a white ghostly flame burning with everlasting vigor. Then black fumes began to ooze out of the body of the statue until it is obscured within a cloak of darkness. Only the white soul flames of the eyes and the red flame of Accumulation can be seen.

Aeternus awoke from his slumber. He has not moved from this spot for more than 200 years. He has been waiting for his chance and he can tell that it will come soon. It isn't time yet for the call to arms, but one of the duties of being the Lord of the house of Chaos has made him wake up.

Soon two figures appear in the air at the top of the pillar. They knelt in the air and bowed to the demon that occupies the top of the pillar. The pillar is not wide, just 20 meters in diameter. Aeternus is small compared to other demons so there is a lot of space on the pillar since he is the only one on it, but the space is meant for only those that he has invited. These two have not been invited, so they stay in the air.

They both greeted him with due reverence and stated their request. "We seek the audience of Lord Khaos."

"Is this about your insatiable lust?" Aeternus directed his question to one of the figures.

His cold voice reached them and made them both shiver. He can't talk with his mouth so his divine sense had to connect to their minds. Brushing their minds against his is an experience that brings out their primal instincts for survival. It is their faith in him as their lord that stopped them from preparing to be attacked.

"Yes, lord Khaos," Baal answered the question.

Baal has changed from the harmless-looking high-rank demon he used to be. He is a demon duke of lust now. He has grown in size standing at 30 meters tall and can still grow larger than that. He has 3 pairs of wings, two horns, and one tail. His skin is black like the color of his eyes. His eyes are more like two bottomless holes rather than black.

Having received his answer, Aeternus spoke, "Get on with it then."

Baal then made his request, "Lord Khaos, Number 2 would like to challenge number 1."

"You have used up your quota for challenges in this century. What say you Infernox?" Aeternus asked number 1.

Infernox the demon duke of wrath remains almost the same. He has grown to become 50 meters tall and this is just his base height. He becomes taller when he is angry. He has his bull head with a single horn, 2 pairs of wings, and 3 flaming tails. His tails aren't the only thing on fire. His entire body is burning with a reddish-orange flame and lava is dripping from the cracks in his reddish volcanic rock skin.

"I accept the challenge from number 2, Lord Khaos." Infernox's voice rumbled like rocks tumbling down the side of a mountain as he spoke.

"Then I give my permission and allow this challenge."

"We thank Lord Khaos."

They offered their gratitude after he gave them permission to try and kill each other. Then they flew into the air and began to prepare. The demons on the ground noticed that a fight is about to begin so they stopped whatever they are doing to watch. But only the high-rank demons are watching. The multitude of mid-rank demons as far as the eye can see are still fighting and trying to kill each other. Mid-rank demons don't have the leisure to rest or watch a fight when everything around them is trying to kill them. A silver of rest will only come when they have vanquished enough foes for them to evolve.

Two High-rank demons who were sparing also stopped practicing to watch the fight in the sky.

"Isn't that duke Baal? I thought he has used up his challenge quota." One of them asked.

"He has. He must have agreed to it." His partner answered.

The one that asked the question scoffed and spoke. "Obviously. It's not like Baal can flaunt the rules. Every fight needs Lord Khaos's permission so they must have gotten it."

"I meant duke Infernox. I heard that duke Baal was taunting duke Infernox. If duke Infernox didn't agree to the challenge, duke Baal wouldn't have presented the challenge since he is out of challenging quota."

"How many as that made now? This should be his sixth challenge."

"No, it is his seventh."

"Yes, this will make his seventh. Duke Baal sure loves to fight."

"Yes, he does."

The two of them kept quiet as the fight finally started.

Every duke has the right to challenge another duke higher up in the chain of command once every century. Baal has had two opportunities to challenge and he has used them. He will then goad demons in the higher ranks into accepting his challenge since he can't force them to fight him. His behavior has become public knowledge.

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