Chapter 416 Like Father Like Son.

His attack with the Celestial Authority of the Sun separated the useless chaff from the grain. The attack required a Celestial Authority to survive. He would have simply waited for the Celestial Supreme to send more if that attack had killed every single one of them. Fortunately, he got what he wanted on the first try because the Celestial Supreme decided to go all out from the start. Now he gets to use the behemoth for the glory of Legion.

To be precise, Helios needs his flesh and blood because he has the Authority of Order imbibed into his body. He can ask the screaming behemoth nicely for his help and skip the butchering but why bother? Asking for help will allow opportunities for mistakes and failure. Failure cannot be allowed because it is another clone of Legion that is at stake. If you want something done right, it is best you do it yourself. So Helios will sacrifice this behemoth to the will of the abyss with his own very hands.

Above In The Divine Plane.

The gods are all silent. The sounds of pain that the behemoth is making as it is being butchered filled the council hall. No one said anything but their eyes are all focused and questioning the Celestial Supreme for answers. None of them knew that he had a child. He hid his child well while he forced their own children into dangerous quests for heroic feats.

He is usually the one that judges others, but this time they are all silently judging him. Their eyes focused on him and judge him for his hypocrisy. Only one person didn't get the memo to keep quiet.

Harkam asked out loud, "Didn't Stelios just become a Celestial? Why is it that the sun dwarf has access to the Celestial Authority of the sun too? How does this work? I thought only the children that a Celestial birth to gets access to their Authority but what about Helios? He was born when Stelios was a grand god. Is it that all the children that Stelios gave birth to get access to the Authority? Are all his divine lords now landed gods too? I am so confused right now."

No one could answer. They are all confused too. So they looked towards the one that should have the answer. But even the Celestial Supreme is confused about Helios. Still, he has to say something. At least to reduce the awkward atmosphere.

He spoke up. "I had a son."

He had a son with a female demigod that he is not willing to speak of.

"I kept him a secret because he doesn't like disturbance."

More like his son was petrified of the world. The Celestial Supreme likes order and has decided to impose his own order on the world through total control, but his son believes total control is impossible. The boy also likes order but the world is too chaotic for him. The Chaos of the world made him afraid of it, so he sequestered himself away in a safely ensconced location where he can exhibit total control. The father and son are both obsessive but at different extremes.

"He volunteered to help fight Helios."

The son refused to fight or learn how to. That's why the father let him live. But the boy refused to help the father fight a threat when the father came asking for help. The boy refused to go outside of his domain into the world, so the father forcefully took over his body and mind. A half-celestial is a perfect vessel for a celestial. Other vessels will burn up and die when they come in contact with the god fire of a god but not a half-celestial. Half-celestials were made to take over from their parents after all.

The Celestial Supreme kept talking. "It came at a great cost."

It wasn't easy forcefully taking over the body of his son but he was able to do it because he is much stronger. It is risky though since it goes both ways. Just like a Celestial can take over the body of his child, his child can also absorb him to rob him of his power.

"Despite the cost, I assembled the best of my vessels to get the work done."

He decided to use the best of his resources in the mortal realm to end the conflict as soon as possible. He wanted to avoid the wastage of personnel and time. He also wanted to prevent errors. He still has a silent war going on between him and the hidden god. So it is best that he be efficient about eliminating Helios.

"But they failed and things have obviously gone out of hand."

The ten vessels he sent are the best he can field but it apparently wasn't enough. They set out to face Helios and they were trounced epically. The boy regained control when the Celestial Supreme used his Authority to save him. Since they both have control of that Authority, the boy's weak mind used it to regain control of his body. But unlike the Celestial Supreme, he doesn't know how to use the Authority or how to fight. Now he has fallen into Soverick's hands and is being butchered.

"I don't know why he is cutting up my son, probably to spite me but we will know soon."

He sighed. "There's nothing we can do anyway. All we can do is watch. I am open to ideas."

He felt resigned. He has tried everything that he can do against Helios on such short notice and it has failed.

The gods felt different emotions. No matter their opinion on the development of their race with the opportunity for the path of perfection, it doesn't feel good to be helpless and unable to do anything to anyone. Resignation is the option meant for the weak. It is unbecoming of the gods to become so helpless but they know better than to do something stupid. They can all still hear the pitiful cries of the poor son of the Celestial Supreme.

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