Chapter 431 Beelta Vs Helios 2.

"I suppose it is a fair trade for your life," Helios said about her offer.

He sounded agreeable to the deal and yet, he isn't stopping. Beelta noticed this obvious discrepancy. It is what is preventing her terrified heart from calming down.

"Why aren't you stopping?" She asked.

Her voice betrayed her. It contained a hint of the true fear of death. That fear of hers began to surface unbidden. It can't be hidden or modified anymore because the true cause of her fear is ever closer to her. Helios proximity to her has made her fear impossible to control.

"You see. I have been sent by my superior to spring the trap of the demon king. In a way, we are both similar. We are both decoys to be used by our leaders. It is the pain of our existence." Helios answered with slight remorse.

That got her to pause. If there is truly a demon king lurking among the demons, this celestial god believed her bit about being a decoy and also went further than that. He shared his plan with her. Either he trusts her not to betray him just like she betrayed her demon king, or he is lying to her and toying with her.

She sighed and asked, "You're not going to spare me are you?"

"It's nothing personal. It's just a job. Now, do your own part."

Her mind hardened over with the acceptance of death and suddenly her fear cooled down. She has tried but there's no way out of this. That means she must fight. She doesn't have much choice in the matter considering that the Colossus is already close to her.

The giant ball of flesh yelled, "All Existence Erasure."

She roused all her accumulated power to fire her most powerful ability. It is a self-created spell that she created after being inspired when she saw a demon king use something like it.

A giant finger made of energy appeared in front of her. The finger is more than 100 meters in length but it flew forward like it weighed nothing. The fingertip should destroy everything it touches. It should leave behind trails of destruction but it isn't. Because Beelta is not a demon king. But she held hope that it will at least deter the Celestial.

One of the 6 giant arms of the Colossus moved. The arm smacked the finger easily destroying it in the process. Her attack lacks the Authority of a demon king while every movement of his body is imbued with a Celestial Authority. The arm of the Celestial stretched forward to grab her.

The demon lord roared unwillingly but it is all futile. She is out of her league. She decided to blow parts of herself up and escape capture. She will hide her consciousness among her scattered remains. It will be like she died and she might get away with it if no one searches further. Her body expanded abruptly, but it was forced to reduce in size. The hand exerted a force on her that compressed the demon lord from all sides. She can't explode no matter how much she wants to.

She did the only thing that she can do which is to transfer her consciousness and soul back to the demon plane by using her connection to the energy well. It will leave her weakened enough to be easily killed by a low-rank demon. At any other time, it would be suicide for her. Her enemies will take the opportunity to get rid of her. Fortunately for her, the demon nobles are stuck here so she is safe.

The giant golden hand captured the body that she left behind. Helios smiled to himself as he examined her body. He found it amusing that she tried to con him with a non-existent demon king. If there's someone on this battlefield that knows that there's no demon king, it will be the two of them. But she didn't know that. That's why she tried to pull a fast one on him.

"The struggle of all life to live is truly admirable."

He finds her struggle to be admirable. It is just the thing he expects from her with the information he has about her from Aeternus. She knows her defeat and death are imminent and yet she still tried everything to escape it. She used her words to avoid death. It would have worked if he were ignorant and afraid. Unfortunately for her, he knows he has nothing to fear and he is ready to face the slight possibility that he is wrong.

Then she tried to blow herself up and fake her death. He didn't allow that because he is not just here for her death. He needs her body. Her soul has left it but it is the body that he needs. There are some other things he came to get on this trip to the divine plane. He began to see to their acquisition after getting the demon lord's body.

He captured the demon nobles next. The demon lord couldn't resist, and neither can they. He didn't even need a giant hand to capture them. He simply formed a barrier of force around them with his divine sense and captured them easily.

"Now for the finishing touches."

He looked at the army that has been frozen in fear because of him. A large space has been formed around him because of death due to the heat he is releasing. Still, no one moved. Both sides froze like prey before a predator. They are afraid of gaining his attention so they stayed still in hopes that he will ignore them.

He looked at the Celestial Supreme who was watching on the far side of the angels. It is unfortunate for these frozen soldiers since he has something he wants to get from the Celestial Supreme and he needs a way to taunt him away from the other gods. So he attacked them.

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