Chapter 433 Zernon Vs Helios 2.

There was a resounding crack as if something has cracked.


The Celestial Supreme was perplexed about that sound of a crack because the scale is not supposed to make such a sound. It is supposed to make a chime of declaration after the judgment. He looked at the scale and he couldn't believe what he saw. The scale has cracked and split into two.

"What just happened?"

The question is more for him than for anybody else. The scale is not supposed to break as long as he is judging a single person. Putting too much weight past the tolerance limit of a machine can break it. But he is only judging one person as far as he can tell. Could Helios be more than one person?

That's a preposterous question to ask. Maybe the fault is with the scale of it could be the title of the child of the plane that messed with the scale. It could be anything now that the scale has broken. The only other time his scale has failed him is when it failed with the net in affecting the god of fate. He has an explanation for that unfortunate event, but this situation is an enigma to him.

He noticed too late that Helios has escaped the net and his eyes widened further because he noticed that Helios' speed seems to be unaffected. It should not be unaffected. It should be slowed down by the increase in the force of gravity. It dawned on him that he had failed right from his first move.

He looked at Helios strangely and asked, "What are you?"

He asked that question because Helios is not behaving like a giant at all. Nothing about the son of the sun god is normal or easily explainable. So he asked that question with sincere desperation in hopes to wrap his mind around what Helios is. Helios answered the question with a thrown spear to the Celestial Supreme's face.

He had escaped the net by jumping back and avoiding it. It is a simple solution that many Celestials before him failed to execute. The fact that he was able to do it at all stumped the Celestial Supreme. But that doesn't mean he has to entertain him with an explanation.

He morphed one of his arms into the form of a spear and threw it at Zernon. The onslaught did not end there. His arm reformed and he closed in on his opponent right after the spear. Zernon discarded the destroyed divine scale and hurriedly reacted to the attack. He swung one of his hammers and tried to strike the spear out of the air.

He succeeded but his arm was knocked back. His eyes widened in shock again.

He asked Helios again, "What the heck are you supposed to be?"

He had expected to knock that spear away easily but it was much stronger than he estimated. He always thought that he lost unjustly to Helios in the mortal realm because he couldn't use his full body. He had to fight through unreliable vessels so he was sure he would be able to beat Helios outright if he dares to come to the divine plane.

Helios may have the Authority of a Celestial but it is a new Authority that has not been strengthened at all whereas he has supped on the lives of Celestials for a long time. Logic and reasoning dictate that he should win a confrontation between the two of them easily. But Helios came to the divine plane only for his logical and reasonable expectations to be subverted.

The Celestial Supreme would very much like to know what makes Helios very strong. Unfortunately, Helios still didn't answer. He morphed 3 of his arms into large swords leaving the shield and the two cannons still loading their attacks. The three large blades fell from the sky onto Zernon one after the other.

The Celestial Supreme yelled angrily, "I asked you a question you disrespectful shit."

He roused himself with a roar. He understands that he has been on the back foot of the fight since he was caught off guard when his scale of Order broke and that something has to be done about it for him to regain the upper hand.

He is not usually like this but Helios surprised him. He usually has every moment of the fight going smoothly for him. Still, he is in a fight and he might very well die from his lax behavior. Since he cannot underestimate Helios anymore, he has to improvise and bring out his best.

He used his two hammers to defend himself against the falling blades while he recalled his net with one hand and began using another one of his divine abilities with his last hand. The divine ability he activated created a force of attraction on Helios that began pulling him towards Zernon.

He wielded his hammers and knocked aside the first blade. The falling blade broke with the force of the collision and disintegrated. He succeeded in knocking back the second blade too. He struck the third one and he missed. He hadn't misjudged the distance. The sword seemed to have phased through his hammer as it suddenly sped up. The third sword swung down past his raised hammer and cut the two arms on his right side. One hammer and two arms fell to the ground with a thud.

Zernon cried out in pain. He felt pain in his soul, mind, body, and Authority. It's like a large chunk of it was ripped off. This is the first time he has experienced so much pain in his life. No one has ever managed to deal such a heavy blow to him. But he doesn't intend to back down. The pain only sobered him up. His eyes became frosty with anger.

"Come here." He yelled as he pulled on Helios with his divine ability.

He yanked on Helios with the tether between them with a renewed vigor fueled by rage. Helios was pulled to him and he raised his hammer for coup de grace.

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