Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 191: New Job

Chapter 191: New Job

Morale Support: Scherzo

Patreon: /ScherzoTranslations


The scorching summer was far from over, and the glaring sunlight baked the earth. On such a midsummer day, even the early morning felt unbearably hot, making people want to hide in a cool room and enjoy the comfort brought by modern magic.

The wheels rolled forward, finally stopping outside a manor.

The manor wasn’t large, and from the outside, one could see a three-story building and a flourishing garden with various plants. Outside the grand gate adorned with classical decorations, a crowd had already gathered.

These people, some in robes and others in plain attire, mostly adult males, quickly shifted their attention from the gate to the arriving carriage.

“Mister reviewer, please take a look at my research.”

“My achievements are absolutely groundbreaking! Please, take a glance!”

“This theorem cannot be buried like this, sir!”

“Please have a look here, sir! My proof process is flawless, you must see it!”

A commotion immediately surrounded the carriage, but these people did not directly crowd around. Instead, they maintained a certain distance.

Inside the carriage, there was no reply. The crowd watched as the carriage slowly entered the manor, and a sigh spread among them.

The gate closed slowly. Some chose to continue waiting at the entrance, while others, as if giving up, walked to the shaded area across the road, fanning themselves with papers to alleviate the unbearable heat.

At this moment, an elderly woman in her fifties, with graying hair, pushed a small cart slowly from the corner.

“Do you need some cold coke?”

She shouted, instantly catching the attention of those suffering from the summer sun.


“Great, I’ll take a bottle!”

“Give me one too.”

People hiding in the shade immediately surrounded her. The old woman took out bottles of black beverages from the cart, which were chilled due to the large chunks of ice in the box. As soon as they touched the outside air, the bottles condensed with dew.

She sold them quickly. In less than a quarter of an hour, an entire box of cola was sold out. The old woman’s money pouch jingled, and those who bought the cola got a refreshing relief from the summer heat.

“How was the outcome today?”

While packing up, the old woman casually asked a man in robes beside her.


“Not much different. These committee members are all arrogant. How could they bother to look at our results?”

The man sighed. He had been here for a month, coming every day, yet his thesis had not received any attention.

There were many people like him. Most of them were apprentice mages who had not advanced, and a few were formally rejected mages. They did not agree with the results of the review committee. Therefore, when they heard that a new organization was established here specifically to review groundbreaking and innovative papers, they flocked immediately.

Holding their theses, they tried to gain recognition. However, the mages here did not pay any attention to these unfortunate individuals. The few who managed to get their papers in front of the committee were ruthlessly rejected. Nevertheless, these people still clung to the hope that, one day, their papers would receive a truly deserving evaluation, just like the legendary Reiner Ian Grey!

“Hey, this carriage seems different. I haven’t seen it before. Aunt Hedwig, I’ll go check it out. Do you want to come with me?”

While the man was resting, he saw another carriage approaching the manor. He hastily packed up, seemingly about to run over there, but then he seemed to remember something and asked Aunt Hedwig.

“No need, you guys go. I need to tidy up here.”

Aunt Hedwig, sitting on a step, waved her hand. She wasn’t as energetic as the young people and her legs and feet were weak. She took a step down, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and took out a bottle of water from the cart, taking a sip.

“It’s indeed a new member of the review committee.”

Aunt Hedwig looked at the slowly entering carriage gate, lost in thought.

To be honest, Reiner hadn’t anticipated this situation.

It wasn’t until the carriage entered the estate that he lifted the curtain, turning around to glance at the crowd outside the gate.

Previously, during the annual Mercury Scale conference, there were many mages outside the venue as well, but those mages were hoping to get lucky, wishing to be noticed and become a student of some prominent mage. However, the people outside this estate had entirely different intentions.

They seemed eager for him to read their theses, but why didn’t they submit them through proper channels and instead waited for the review committee here?

As the carriage stopped, a wave of heat hit Reiner the moment he left the carriage. Fortunately, he had bought a garment engraved with a temperature-regulating magic array in advance. Otherwise, just a few dozen seconds under this sun would have left him drenched in sweat.

Entering the estate hall from the side, Reiner finally felt a hint of coolness.

“Is this Mr. Reiner Ian Grey?”

A man in mage robes immediately approached. He was a fourth level mage with thinning hair on his head. He smiled, and his robe bore the emblem of the Storm Council. On the right hand he extended to Reiner, two gemstone-studded rings sparkled.

“I am Igor Bohn, one of your colleagues, mainly responsible for reviewing the theses in the elemental department and a part of the alchemy department.”

“Hello, I’m Reiner Ian Grey. In the coming week, I hope Mr. Bohn can help me a lot.”

Reiner shook the offered hand with a smile.

This was Tristan, located in the central part of the Astar Kingdom. In the past, it was a military fortress, but with the unification of the kingdom, it had become a bustling commercial city. Several decades ago, the establishment of the Advanced Magic Academy turned it into the magical hub of the Astar Kingdom.

This institution, directly authorized by the High Council, was located to the east of Tristan City. A few days ago, during the Mercury Scale annual conference, President Dmitri and several esteemed members helped Reiner secure this position. Now, Reiner was here to present himself and attend the first meeting.

“Hehe, just call me Igor. Although our magical levels may differ, since we’re working together here, we don’t need those formalities.”

Igor said, glancing outside the window.

“The commotion outside just now must have surprised you.”

“Um, not too much.”

Reiner smiled.

“Come, let’s talk while we walk.”

Igor patted Reiner’s shoulder and led him up the stairs.

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