Grocery Store No.514

Chapter 62

Chapter 62

~Brought to you by Cafe No. 20~

The suspect died in the detention center. The medical examiner should perform an autopsy. Ling Huaan looked at Jiang Chengyan.

Yes, whether it is to verify the truth or to give an explanation to the deceaseds family and the public, the police station will file a case for investigation and hand it over to the medical examiner for an autopsy.

Ling Huaan thought for a while and said, Captain Jiang, which hospital did the ambulance belong to yesterday?

Licheng Peoples Hospital. Jiang Chengyan instantly understood Ling Huans meaning and said, Do you mean that Wang Ming is also likely to be killed.

If Liu Changyuan didnt commit suicide in fear of crime, then Wang Ming might have been killed. But all of this is just speculation. We must first confirm the authenticity of the news of Liu Changyuans death.

Its easy. Jiang Chengyan took out his mobile phone and dialed Gao Yuans number.

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Hey, Chengyan, Im a little busy today and I havent contacted you. How are you doing? Gao Yuans tone was apologetic, which sounded natural.

Jiang Chengyan asked bluntly, Gao Yuan, I read a piece of news today saying that Liu Changyuan committed suicide in fear of crime. Is this true?

Gao Yuan said with difficulty, Chengyan, you are also a criminal police officer. You should understand our regulations. I cannot disclose any information about the case outside.

Of course I understand. Its just that this matter has something to do with me. Besides, Im also a policeman. I understand what to say and whats not. You just need to give me the answer to whether Liu Changyuan is dead or not. I dont even ask for other things.

This Gao Yuan hesitated for a while, sighed, and said, Liu Changyuan is indeed dead. I am responsible for this matter. If I had seen something wrong with him earlier, I might be able to stop him. 

So Liu Changyuan really committed suicide?

Yes, he hanged himself with a belt in the detention center last night.

Jiang Chengyan wanted to ask again but was stopped by Ling Huaan, so the word turned into, so, its true. Gao Yuan, you dont have to blame yourself. Since he deliberately commits suicide, its useless for you to prevent it. But it will be not easy to explain it to the deceaseds family.

Yes, Liu Changyuan has become a policeman for half his life. He is an old acquaintance of the people in our bureau. When he was arrested, many people had doubts, and his death was even more troublesome. But fortunately, the evidence of the previous incident is conclusive. Even if the family members come to make trouble, we are not afraid of anything.

Thats true. Jiang Chengyan paused for a while and then said, then go back to your work. I had nothing to do then just happened to brush up on the news and asked out of curiosity.

Okay, then you guys have fun. If you go back, give me a call beforehand. Anyway, I should do my best as a host before you leave.

Okay, then I wont disturb your work, goodbye.

Jiang Chengyan hung up the phone, looked at Ling Huaan, and said, Liu Changyuan is dead. Gao Yuan said he hanged himself with a belt.

Lu Hao asked curiously, can you hang yourself with a belt? Can you do this in the room of the detention center?

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Yes, the doors of each room in the detention center are iron fence style. As long as the belt is passed through the fence and then fastened to form a closed loop, he can do it.

Then there is no doubt that Liu Changyuan committed suicide. Lu Hao directly concluded.

Ling Huaan raised his eyebrows and said, Why did he commit suicide?

If Liu Chengyuan gets killed, the murderer must enter the detention center in advance, have a room key, and then take out Liu Changyuans belt. With such abnormal behavior, no matter how stupid Liu Changyuan is, he should understand what the murderer wants to do. He will resist and even yell. With such a method, even if everyone in the detention center is asleep, they should be awakened, not to mention that there should be more than one suspect there. Lu Hao talked with great assurance, and his words were very vague.

Not bad. Its well-founded. Ling Huaan praised with a smile.

Hey, Ge. Its not like you dont know my favorite drama is a mystery. I can learn something from the drama anyway. Being praised by Ling Huaan, Lu Hao looked very excited and then said, this kind of strangled death, the strangled marks caused by homicide and suicide are different in angle. It is easy for the forensic examiner to judge. I think if there is a murderer, he would not be stupid enough to kill people in this way.

Jiang Chengyan also smiled and said, Your analysis is excellent. There are surveillance cameras in the corridors of the detention center. If the murderer wants to kill people, he is bound to be caught by a monitoring camera. There are at least two people on duty in the monitoring room. If the murderer destroys it, the police on duty will find out and have no time to commit the crime.

What you said is right. If it was a murderer, this method would be foolish. But it cant be ruled out that the murderer has something Liu Changyuans valued and threatened him to commit suicide. Or the murderer is a policeman in the detention center. As long as he uses drugs to make Liu Changyuan unconscious and turns off the surveillance camera, he can complete the murder.

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But if like that, isnt his identity will be exposed? Jiang Chengyan asked a question.

Lu Hao also followed and echoed: Yes, and whether Liu Changyuan was drugged, forensics should be able to detect it.

I just speculated two possibilities as to whether or not there is still an investigation to confirm. And most likely, the investigator is Gao Yuan.

Perhaps Lu Hao and Yan Yu could not understand, but Jiang Chengyan could understand what Ling Huaans meant. A captain of criminal investigation plays a crucial role in a case. If he deliberately changes the direction of the investigation, it will be easy.

Then what should we do? Jiang Chengyan frowned and looked at Ling Huaan.

What should we do? Captain Jiang, dont forget that this is Li Cheng. We are just here to travel. Dont get involved in the case. Ling Huaan squeezed Jiang Chengyans palm.

Jiang Chengyan was startled, then stretched his brows, Yes, I cant get involved in Li Chengs case, so lets concentrate on enjoying the trip.

Then where are we going to play tomorrow? Although Lu Hao is more interested in the case, he never refutes Ling Huaans decision.

Ling Huaan smiled and said, You are our tour guide on this trip. You decide.

Okay, then Ill do my homework tonight. Tomorrow is the last day of our trip.

Its not necessary. After all, the previous case is related to us, so we have to contact the Licheng police station whether we can leave or not.

Lu Hao said excitedly, Hehe, so we can play for a few more days.

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Its possible, but it depends on whether Captain Jiang can extend the leave.

Seeing Lu Hao looking at him with expectation, Jiang Chengyan smiled and said, I will report to the bureau tomorrow. If theres no problem, I can extend it.

That would be great! Its so hard to come here, so we must play all the way through.

Ling Huaan looked at Yan Yu and asked, Yan Yu, do you have any other arrangements?

No. Yan Yu blurted out almost without thinking.

Well, if that, lets play for a few more days. Ling Huaan made the decision.


Half an hour later, the four of them returned to the hotel, and Ling Huaan said, Captain Jiang, Lu Hao, take your things back to your room, and we will see you in the restaurant later.

Jiang Chengyan looked at Yan Yu, then at Ling Huaan before responding and pulling Lu Hao to get their things.

Ling Huaan looked at Yan Yu and said, Lets go to the restaurant first.

Yan Yu was startled, okay.

The two went straight to the restaurant, found a seat by the window, Yan Yu helped Ling Huaan to sit down and asked, Huaan, what do you want to drink, Ill order it. 

Longjing tea.

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Yan Yu nodded, turned, and walked to the front desk, ordering tea for Ling Huaan, and a cup of coffee himself.

Yan Yu sat opposite Ling Huaan and asked, Huaan, what are you looking for me for?

Yan Yu, you shouldnt have come. Linghuaan sighed.

Yan Yu became more and more silent these two days. He couldnt have been unaware of it.

Yan Yus heart ached and said sadly, You dont want to see me that much?

You know I didnt mean that. At first, this trip was planned to make you feel relaxed. But do you feel happy now?

Im fine. You know I dont usually like to talk. Thats why you misunderstood

Yan Yu, although Im blind, my heart isnt. I know what you feel. Ling Huaan interrupted Yan Yus words and said bluntly, I cant give you what you want. I cant let him misunderstand you. Yan Yu, you should return to your own life.

Yan Yu felt a lot of pain in his heart and looked at Ling Huaan in silence.

The waiter put the drinks on the table, gentlemen, please enjoy your drink.

Yan Yu picked up the teapot and poured the tea as usual. He put it beside Ling Huaan, took his hand to touch the teacup, the tea just brewed, it was a little bit hot. Drink it slowly.

Ling Huaan sighs helplessly. After three years of living together, Yan Yu has taken good care of him.No matter how hard-hearted Ling Huaan was, its impossible to have no feelings for him. It is just that Ling Huaan feeling is family affection and friendship. There is no love that Yan Yu expects. He can understand Yan Yus sadness, and he also feels distressed. But Ling Huaan has nothing to do with his persistence.

Huaan. Yan Yu paused and said, dont worry, I will adjust myself and wont bother you for too long.

Ling Huaan felt a pang of heartache and couldnt say anything cruel anymore, forget it. Do whatever you want.

En. Yan Yu responded softly.

The two stopped talking and sat quietly in the restaurant, just like before except that they were in a completely different state of mind.

Ge, have you ordered? Im starving. The arrival of Lu Hao and Jiang Chengyan broke their silence.

Ling Huaan smiled, not yet. Were waiting for you guys. Go order what you want to eat.

Jiang Chengyan glanced at Yan Yu faintly and sat next to Ling Huaan, while Lu Hao sat next to Yan Yu.

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Lu Hao looked around and saw that the atmosphere was a bit off, so he took the initiative to say, What would you like to eat? Waiter, come here. Were going to order.

The waiter answered and came over with the menu. Lu Hao asked for their opinions and ordered the meal. The atmosphere was lively again. Yan Yu took the initiative to cooperate, and Ling Huaan also participated in it, which made the atmosphere back to normal again, at least on the surface.

After the meal, Lu Hao proposed to go for a walk on the beach, Ling Huaan did not object. But Yan Yu said he would be back to his room to rest. Seeing this, Lu Hao changed his mind and returned to his room with Yan Yu.

Seeing Ling Huaan looking toward Yan Yus departure, Jiang Chengyan felt a little sour in his heart and said aloud, Huaan, lets go for a walk by the beach. I havent been to the beach since we came.

Ling Huaan nodded, okay, lets go.

Although it was night, the sky was beautiful, and the moons light was enough for people to see the path under their feet. It makes quite a lot of people walk by the beach. Although he cant see, the blowing of the sea breeze and the sound of the waves is enjoyable for Ling Huaan.

Why dont you say anything? Ling Huaan looked at Jiang Chengyan.

Huaan, are youworried about Yan Yu?


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