Grocery Store No.514

Chapter 79

Chapter 79

~Brought to you by Cafe No. 20~

With a search warrant, Liang Zhaolan was useless even if she was angry, so she could only watch Jiang Chengyan lead people into the villa.

Captain Jiang, I hope you can gain something. Otherwise hum!

Jiang Chengyan was not afraid of Liang Zhaolans threat. He looked at the people behind him and said, let the police dog check the back garden.

Yes, captain.

The crowd followed closely behind the police dogs and walked towards the back garden, which led them to the greenhouse. Through the glass door, they can see that there are many flowers, roses, and tulips with colors. Although it is winter, these flowers bloom because they are planted in the greenhouse.

Jiang Chengyan said expressionless, Mrs. Liang, please open the greenhouses door.

Liang Zhaolan looked at Jiang Chengyan, her face became ugly, and said, Captain Jiang, there is nothing else in this flower room except flowers. Its clear from the outside.

Jiang Chengyan was unmoved and repeated, Mrs. Liang, please open the greenhouses door.

Liang Zhaolan looked at Jiang Chengyan angrily. She was silent for a long time before shouting, Zhang Lan, Zhang Lan! Where is the dead person!? Come over here, open the greenhouse!

Zhang Lan, standing at the side, responded quickly and opened the greenhouse door.

Jiang Chengyan glanced at the police officer holding the police dog, and the officer understood immediately. He patted the police dogs head and then pointed his hand to the greenhouse. The police dog rubbed the police officers palm and rushed into the greenhouse.

Captain Jiang,  the flowers in my greenhouse are all precious varieties. If they are damaged

Ling Huaans serious injury cost Jiang Chengyan too much effort, and he didnt have time to talk nonsense with her, Mrs. Liang, dont worry, we will compensate according to the price.

Soon, several dog barks came from the greenhouse, and the dog trainer shouted, Captain Jiang, we have found something.

Jiang Chengyan lifted his feet into the greenhouse and found the police dog standing on a blue rose, plowing soil while digging the soil. He looked at the people around him and said, Dig.

Without hesitation, everyone picked up their equipment and started digging.

Liang Zhaolan also hurriedly followed and said, This is my most beloved blue enchantress! Without evidence or basis, just relying on this beast howl twice, you want to destroy my flower field. No, absolutely no!

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Jiang Chengyan looked at Liang Zhaolan indifferently and said, Mrs. Liang,  please cooperate with us. If we find nothing, Im willing to double the compensation.

No way! I nurtured these blue enchantresses by myself and watched them grow little by little. Theyre just like my child! And youre digging them up like this; whats the difference between you and bandits? Liang Zhaolan said, trying to stop them.

Yao Min, Liu Ran, please ask Mrs. Liang to leave. Otherwise, she will be charged with obstructing official duties.

Yao Min and Liu Ran came to Liang Zhaolan one after another. One went to the left side and one to the right side, Mrs. Liang, please dont make things difficult. Please cooperate with us.

Liang Zhaolan is also a dignified person in Huacheng. Still, Jiang Chengyan and others did not give her any face, which made her extremely angry, okay, you guys, you are simply robbers! Just wait. I will definitely sue you guys.

Liu Ran said lightly, Mrs. Liang, before you sue us, dont let us sue you for obstructing official duties. Its not only will be bad for Mrs. Liangs reputation, but it may also affect the credibility of Heilan Trade.

You! Liu Rans words pierced Liang Zhaolans weakness. She stared at Liu Ran hatefully, but Liu Ran was not afraid at all. After a long argument with everyone, Liang Zhaolan finally lost the battle and said,  Fine, fine, you guys just wait!

Liang Zhaolan walked away angrily, and Jiang Chengyan ordered everyone to dig. After digging for about a meter, they finally saw Wang Rans body buried in it. Everyone couldnt help but heave a sigh of relief. When they came here, they were not sure what to do. They did this entirely because they trusted Jiang Chengyan. Now that they saw the body, they felt confident.

Jiang Chengyan looked at Su Ke and said lightly, Su Ke, Ill leave it to you here.

Su Ke patted his shoulder, smiled, and said, Leave it to me. You can rest assured

Because the environment in the greenhouse was already highly decomposed. White bones were exposed in some places. The green body fluid emitted a stench making the whole body become the best nourishment for these flowers and plants.

How? Can you judge the time of death?

Looking at the environment here and the decay condition of the body, the deceased has been dead for at least a month. The specific time of death cannot be determined yet. Wait for a detailed autopsy report.

What about the cause of death?

Because the decay is too severe, I cant determine the cause of death right now.

Jiang Chengyan nodded, stood up, and looked at Liang Zhaolan outside the greenhouse before walking out. When Liang Zhaolan saw Jiang Chengyan walking towards her, although her expression was still ugly, she lost her previous arrogance.

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Jiang Chengyan asked bluntly, Mrs. Jiang, you said just now that you nurtured those blue enchantresses yourself, so what happened to the corpses below? Did you kill her?

No, I dont know about the corpse. Liang Zhaolan hurriedly denied it and continued, Although I planted those blue enchantresses, Im a busy person. I  only take care of them when I have free time. It is usually taken care of by Zhang Lan. This body is most likely buried by Zhang Lan.

When Zhang Lan heard this, she hurriedly defended herself, Its not me, its not me, Mrs. Liang. You cant accuse people wrongly.

I can only enter the greenhouse for one or two days a week, but you are looking after it daily. If it wasnt you who buried the body, who else could it be? Liang Zhaolan made up her mind to push the pot to Zhang Lan.

Its not me. Its really not me, Mr. Liang, dont spit blood1! Zhang Lan walked to Jiang Chengyans side, pulled his clothes, and said in a panic, Officer, I really didnt kill the person. I didnt bury the body, you have to believe me.

Who keeps the keys to this greenhouse?

The keys to the greenhouse will be hung on the wall of the utility room, and everyone in the villa can get them. Zhang Lan suddenly brightened her eyes and said, Officer, there is a CCTV in this room. You can check the record directly to find who buried the body.

CCTV? Where?

In the innermost corner of the room. It was wrapped up in greenery. If you dont look closely, you cant see it, and Mrs. Liang used it to monitor me. She thought I didnt know. But I found out a long time ago. Zhang Lan looked at Liang Zhaolan with less fear and more hatred.

Jiang Chengyan looked at Li Tong and said, Go, check it.

Yes, Captain. Li Tong answered and went into the greenhouse.

Jiang Chengyan looked at Liang Zhaolan and asked directly, Mrs. Liang, where is the computer connected to the CCTV?

Liang Zhaolans eyes flickered. She knew in her heart that Zhang Lan was not the murderer, and she had never killed anyone before. The murderer could only be Liang Yijun. Now her son was dead, and she couldnt let him have a reputation as a murderer after his death.

The CCTV has broken long ago. Ive been busy and havent had time to fix it.

Seeing Li Tong come out, Jiang Chengyan gave a straight order and said, Li Tong, find the computer connected to the CCTV.  I want the see the video record.

Li Tong glanced at Liang Zhaolan and said, Yes, captain. Guarantee to complete the task.

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Liang Zhaolan opened her mouth and wanted to stop but was interrupted by Jiang Chengyan, Mrs. Liang, now a dead body has been found in your greenhouse. This is a murder case. I hope you will stop obstructing official duties. I dont mind enforcing it.

When the body was found at home, Liang Zhaolan was speechless by Jiang Chengyans harsh attitude. Even if she wanted to stop him, it would be useless. She could only watch Li Tong enter the villa to search.

At 10 pm, Ling Huaan was a little tired. He looked at Yan Yu and said, Yan Yu, you guys go back. I dont need to guard here. If anything happens, I will call a nurse.

Theres a bed and a sofa here. Its no different from home.

Lu Hao looked away from his mobile phone, yes, this is a VIP room. Theres also a separate toilet for bathing. We already packed our clothes. Ge, you dont have to worry about it.

You guys are really Ling Huaan felt helpless and warm inside his heart at the same time.

Yan Yu tucked in the corner of the blanket for Ling Huaan and said, Go to sleep. Dont worry about us.

Ling Huaan pinched his brows to make himself awake a little, Captain Jiang will come over later. Ill go back to sleep later.

Yan Yu paused for a moment, and then said, He hasnt come yet. He should be working overtime. You sleep first, I will call you when he comes.

While the two of them were talking, the door of the ward was knocked. Yan Yu was taken aback before went to open the door. Jiang Chengyan appeared at the door. Seeing it was Yan Yu, he smiled. Just as he was about to speak, he saw that Yan Yu had already turned around. Knowing that Yan Yu had an opinion of him, Jiang Chengyan smiled bitterly and walked in.

Huaan, Im here.

Ling Huaan looked at Jiang Chengyan and said with a smile, Its so late, has Captain Jiang eaten?

Jiang Chengyan walked to the bed, held Ling Huaans hand tightly, and said, I ate, I cooked braised beef noodles in the store. Sun Ming also fried me two eggs. How about you? How do you feel? Does it still hurt?

If I say it doesnt hurt, Captain Jiang definitely wont believe it. Dont worry, the fact that Im awake means Im fine.

Yan Yu said aloud, Huaan. Lu Hao and I will go back first today and come back early tomorrow morning.

Although Lu Hao had some opinions on Jiang Chengyan, Ling Huaan didnt care and didnt say much. Listening to what Yan Yu said, Lu Hao followed, then tonight I will leave you in Captain Jiangs care. Yan Yu-ge and I will go back to clean up and come back tomorrow morning.

Dont worry, I will take good care of him tonight.

Yan Yu and Lu Hao didnt respond and left the ward with their belongings.

Ling Huaan said with a bitter smile, They are not against you, dont take it to heart, Captain Jiang.

They have been guarding you for the past three days. Its normal for them to have opinions on me. I wont take it to heart. Huaan, its not that Im not worried. Its just its just that I cant stand watching you lying on the bed silently. I

Ling Huaan squeezed his palm and comforted, I know how you treat me. If it were me, I would be the same as you. Captain Jiang, Chengyan, Xiaoyanyan, dont cry. Although I cant see your nose you must be ugly.

Ling Huaans exaggerated tone made Jiang Chengyan couldnt help laughing out loud, washing away the negative emotions in his heart, I said, dont call me that, you really are

What is it? Ling Huaan said helplessly, Captain Jiang, its been three days since Ive seen you, dont you miss me?

I am, how can I not?

Then what is Captain Jiang waiting for? Can it be possible for me, a patient, to get up and kiss you? Ling Huaan, who deeply understood Jiang Chengyans emotional intelligence, decided to make a straightforward request.

Jiang Chengyans face became hot. He stood up, sat by the bed, and took the initiative to kiss Ling Huaan on the lips. The familiar temperature and the familiar touch made his eyes sour, and he cried hopelessly.

Ling Huaan sighed, reached him out, and hugged him, saying,  Im here, dont be afraid. Im here


  1. venomous slander; malicious attacks

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