Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 39 - Who Ever Wants To Help Can Help But I Won’t.

Qiu Bai shivered under Yu Dong's piercing gaze. It was as if she could see right through him, he nervously swallowed and then clenched his trembling hands before speaking up in false bravado " what grains? What works for pay? arent we one family why do we have to separate our family like this, Dong Dong don't forget that your surname is still Yu, only the branches have separated, we are still one family"

Yu Dong lips slightly twitched before she handed the hoe in her hand to Ye Liu and crossed her arms in front" Uncle in law, you are really good. When you wanted the family to separate you ask me to separate but when you want us to help you out, we conveniently become one family, is there really such a good thing? If we are one family why didn't I see you sending anything for Chen Mi's postnatal confinement - you know that I, your niece in law is unreliable right? But I didn't so much as see a single grain coming from the old Yu family while Chen Mi was pregnant, in the end, I, the unreliable Yu Dong had to tighten my belt and start working."

Unreliable was how Qiu Bai usually called the original host, by calling herself unreliable again and again Yu Doing was reminding Qiu Bai that she still remembered how Qiu Bai made a fuss when her parents died to separate the first and second branch of the Yu family.

" what unreliable? Who here doesn't know that eldest niece is the most capable, hunting two wild boars the size of a bull, you are the only one who is promising in the family right now" though Qiu Bai could understand the underlying meaning of Yu Dong words he still thickened his skin and kept smiling " I know that you don't have it easy but, Uncle in law doesn't have it easy either. Your grandmother hurt her waist while she was sowing seeds in the fields and now her body is not that agile anymore. Your grandfather is busy taking care of your grandmother and your cousins are busy with their stuff. Your Aunt works in the town from day to night, in the end, I'm the only one who is free enough to harvest the fields - but a single person to harvest ten Mu of land is a bit too much that's why I came asking for your help"

"Uncle in law you don't need to tell me this, our families are now separate, we are like well water that won't mix in with your river water anymore" responded Yu Doing lightly, showing no sign of impatience and anger but still speaking straightforwardly " and it's not like I'm refusing to help you right? If you pay me then you don't even need to ask for my husbands to work for you, I will work for you - working in the fields is the job of us women, why drag my frail husbands to work for you in the fields? I will harvest that ten mu land of yours for half a kg of rice and a jin of wheat, its fair deal right?"

Qiu Bai choked on air, he couldn't understand when did Yu Doing became so forceful and good with her words. She didn't refuse to work for him outright instead she asked for payment, both he and she knew that he was a petty miser who didn't like to fork out money even when his life was depending on. That money was for his precious son! He saved it after many years, he will never touch that money or else how will he pay for his son's academy fees and arrange for a city girl to be married to him?

There was no extra money except the savings, there were seven mouths to feed in their family and only one person earning a decent sum of money every month, thus having an extra sum of money was impossible.

" Dong Dong, why are you being so troublesome? Don't you know how hard it is for our family?" harumphed Qiu Bai unhappily " your aunt only earns two taels every month, and most of it goes into Sheng'er 's study. At least show some face to your aunt and cousin even if you don't want to show any face to me your uncle in law, I will understand I am after all an outsider" after he finished speaking he accordingly sniffed and wiped his reddened eyes as if Yu Dong, had done something severe to him.

He was really the male version of a green tea bitch!

You, Dong, felt her head throb, she was from the Apocalypse, she wasn't used to this green tea bitches antics though there was no lack of scheming people whether it was apocalypse or not, so she understood what Qiu Bai was trying to do- as expected the village head Xu Muan's expression turned sullen and she looked at Yu Dong, with disapproval.

You, Dong, sighed and then straightforwardly spoke up " uncle in law if we are talking about our family condition, then compared to your family my family is having an even harder time. For the sake of earning money, I have to enter the forest and bet with my own life to hunt a few animals to exchange them for a decent price in the town. I don't even have a stable income at least my aunt has a stable earning what do I have? I have three mers to feed, a baby to look after and I even need to take care of my little brother... I'm not even asking for money from you, I'm just asking for some grains to feed my family. I am not shirking away from work I just want some grains, given my condition is not too much right?"

When Yu Doing put it like that she dug a pit for Qiu Bai, didn't he say that they were one family? Then why not give grains to his family in exchange for them working for him? Forget about family even closely related blood brothers should keep their accounts clear and settle the accounts properly!

Qiu Bai was once again shocked speechless he turned to look at the village head with a grievance filled expression" village head this- I'm still waiting to sell that grain and settle the leftover debt my wife owes after buying paper and brushes for Sheng'er. It's not like I don't want to give the grain but I really can't afford to - you know how hard it is to raise a scholar right? I will give Yu Doing grains when we harvest our fields in the autumn"

What a joke! Giving grains to that good for nothing first branch prodigal daughter? He would rather throw it down the drain than give it to her. Whatever since he needs help, he will just casually agree, as for whether he will fulfil his promise or not, humph, where was the evidence of his promise? When did he make one?

" Yu Dong, this-"

"No pay, no work. I don't have the time or means to run charity " said Yu Dong simply interrupting the village head from putting in a word for Qiu Bai, she knew these tactics that Qiu Bai was trying to pull really well don't want to pay then don't pay but don't expect her to foolishly work.

"Yu Dong, you shouldn't be so direct. Think about it your cousin is studying as a scholar, you should leave yourself a way out " the village head Xu Muan tried to good-naturedly talk it out with Yu Dong.

But too bad Yu Doing wasn't willing she simply shook her head and resolutely spoke "village head, I have left many ways out for my uncle in law and my cousin which is why they are living in the house that was built by my mother's earning while they dumped me here to rot. Not once did I see them sending out an olive branch to help me and I never said anything - it's not like they can't help me but they don't want to, I was foolish to give in to them again and again but I won't be fooled anymore. If anyone wants to help them, sure go ahead..but I won't work without pay nor will my husbands. "

Then ignoring the ugly expressions of both the village head and Qiu Bai, she ushered her husbands and Yu Mai to go inside before following them inside the house and shutting the door with a bang on Qiu Bai's face.

Dare to throw their weight around? Don't know that she too has a temper? Simply foolish!

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