Harem Reborn

Chapter 243: Try To Hide

Chapter 243: Try To Hide

'Tequila! There has to be something I do other than run! These darts and songs aren't doing anything to these metal dogs!'

I dodge the first one that jumped at me and then took a grazing hit from the next one as I tried to do a spin evade. I was left with a white-blue digital gash on my arm, I switched tunes and started the Healing Hum. The missing part of me closed up, but the dogs were already coming again. 

'You have to use what you have! You have other skills for crafting, but you need to defeat these one first!' -Tequila.

'Why didn't you tell me this before?!'

I rolled and then jumped, sticking to the roof.

'I tried to tell you but you just kept going!' -Tequila.

'I thought you meant I could use them after! Okay, I will try to do this, then I will let you explain!'

Both mecha dogs were past so I dropped down, this would take some ball and faith in-game logic. I prepared my darts and watched the dogs that were about to rush me again. I had to take the second on our first out. It would get me once I got the first one.

I ran and made a clean spinning dodge, rolling off the side of the first dog, and then shoving my right hand into the second dog's mouth. I shot out both darts right before the feeling of having a hand disappeared, and I pulled back my blue-white glowing stump, but it was already growing back as I hummed. I didn't wait, I just tossed my body to the side, just barely dodging the last dog.

I was back on my feet, and my fingers were growing nubs, but still growing. There was pain, but it was not like normal pain, it was like a reminder that it was supposed to hurt, instead of actual pain. The dog wasn't as quick to rush me this time, and it gave me time to finish my healing while shaking the feeling back into it.

The other dog was still twitching but not dead, so I put it between me and the other dog, then I grabbed the downed dog. I held it between me and then activated my Direct Insult.

"Come get some you four-legged bitch bred mongrel cur!" practically fell out of my mouth out of my control.

The language on this system! But the dog attacked and tore into the dog that I was holding. I let go and then used the same trick with the darts, but this time I got to keep my hand! After the dog fell I jumped on it until it disappeared into a puff of black particles. 

"Finally!" I said out loud, sliding into one of the seats on the subway car walls. 

I was finally used to the things moving back and forth, and I found that it was just best if I didn't pay attention to it. I needed a minute, my eagerness almost got the best of me, but hopefully, with a little prep, the next car will be better. This was my fault, Tequila was right, I rushed in without letting her finish explaining.

'Alright, please explain what you were trying to tell me before and I promise to give you my full and undivided attention this time, okay?'

'You classes might seem weak, but they are met to be used with their crafting skills. You have Battle Decks and Traps you can use, and because you're the only player, there are no supplies needed, but you can only have one set of each. I suggest you build Both Decks and Caltrops.' -Tequila.

I went over commands with Tequila and then opened up my crafting skills. Inside there were the cards and traps, so I did as Tequila had suggested and made some Caltrops, thirty of them came in a bag attached to a belt I was wearing. Next was the decks, the Summoning Deck would call a monster of the basic level, but it had a chance for a random effect when summoned. The other was the Mage Deck, this one was a random offense, and each card throw had a random offensive effect.

I sighed, I strike again, this was really just poor planning, so I sat for a moment, but couldn't think of what else I could ask. I stood up instead and made my way to the next car but there was only one man with a massive shield. I took out a handful of Caltrops, but I didn't throw them right away, instead, I tossed a Summoning Card instead as the man charged me.


[Or You Could Pick That] Activated!



Woah! I was just able to dodge out of the way in time, but the card exploded into two of the Pigmen! That was the top option! I tossed the Caltrops, but they were just normal and were just as much of a pain in the ass as for my Pigmen and they went for the man. 

I switched decks and pulled out a card that flickered colors.


[Or You Could Pick That] Activated!



Man, that was annoying, but the Harem System shouldn't be able to break through into this game. It must be my innate cheating acting up again, trying to break the game, but I don't think I had planned to be playing against the game I created. This was supposed to be an easy and fun play though to lock the door from the inside.

I tossed the brilliant red flashing card at the knight, missing him, but I was aiming for the inside of his shield. The card hit the inside of his shield and exploded back into his face. The man fell back and then exploded in a shower of black particles. A ding came from the subway car and it made me turn and look to find an open door. 

On the other side, there was a long hallway that you would expect to find at an office building. I walked into the hall and heard a click, but there was only a solid wall where I had just come from. I had no choice but to keep moving forward, so I looked around as I walked ahead.

There was only one door at the end of the hall and the rest was just white walls. My Pigmen were both gone so I got my cards out and I got another, you're breaking the rules message, but I ignored it. I awkwardly opened the door and a girl was standing on the other side with a smile on her face.

"What are you here for?" Micha asked.

She had pink hair and a blue dress that went to her knees, with frills at the bottom. She had a warm and caring face with orange eyes, and I remembered her face from before. 

"I am looking for you, Micha. The girls, Celica and Rorry asked me to come to see what's taking so long. You seem okay, but then what has been taking so long? I'm Dave, you might remember me now, but it's hard to explain. For now, we should get out of here."

"I can't leave yet! I have waited too long to just give up, and it will only get worse if I don't pay!" Micha complained turning back to what I could now see was a service booth with the glass and such as before at the hot tub place in the previous world.

I walked up to the window, and the same little ankle bitter old lady opened a door and walked into the room. Micha rushed over to beside me and started to explain about the bike parking ticket, but the old woman ignored her and looked me straight in the eye. Her eyes were like black holes in her head, but I glared back at her.

"Name, and purpose," The tell asked me, but I shook my head.

"No, I came here with her and she was before me. Serve her first!"

"No, if you do not need me...AAHHH!!!" The little old lady screamed as two Pigmen appealed in her little booth.

The glass would stop most things, but the bottom dish for accepting money was perfect for my car tricks. I looked into the glass at the cowering old lady, and shook my head at the Pigmen to stop, they were my minions for about five minutes and I had three more cards left in each deck. 

"I think you meant to say that you will be helping my friend out so we can leave this god-forsaken place! Then, you don't have to see me again, for a while!"

The women glared at me, but then leaned forward, waving to Micha to come to see her. I stepped back, and I left the pig inside, there wasn't much else I could do with them and the overhanging threat was a good way to keep the old biddy honest.

After we were done, we hopped on another train, but this one moved like a normal subway car. It was nice just to relax and not have to fight my way from car to car. Still, it was a quiet ride back, Micha wasn't really a talker, but she had spent time with the other girls and they had become fast friends. Maybe the point of this is to get the other groups together; I still didn't have all the parts, but I was getting closer. 

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