Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 65: Old Politics

Chapter 65: Old Politics


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 65: Old Politics

"What are you reading?" Lyra sat down on the couch next to him.

Harry lifted his gaze from the old tome to look at his sister before answering.

"It is a diary written by Tobias Potter, back in 1710. He worked at the Ministry of Magic during its early years."

"That sounds…interesting," She said but her expression indicated otherwise.

"I do think is interesting to know how people lived back during the beginning of the modern wizard society. And besides, it is by learning from the past that we can avoid repeating the same mistakes."

"You sometimes talk like an old man…" Lyra pointed out.

"I do get that a lot…"

"Wait, you said that this…something Potter-"

"Tobias Potter." Harry corrected.

"Yes, that one. That guy was working at the Ministry during its early days in the 1700s?. But shouldn't the Ministry be a lot older than that?"

"The Ministry was founded in 1707, just three years before this was written, and three hundred years can be considered very old already," Harry explained.

"Yes but, isn't Hogwarts like a thousand years old?. So there were wizards and witches around back then…who was in charge of the country?" Lyra asked.

"A Council of Wizards used to rule over Magical Britain back then. They were the Lords and Ladies from the most powerful and ancient families of the time."

"That sounds like the same we have now, with the Wizardgamot. Right?"

"Wizengamot…has Dad been teaching you about this sort of thing already?" This didn't seem like a topic she would choose to learn on her own.

Harry knew his sister was smart and liked to read, but she was not Hermione. She would not take on a thousand pages ancient tome about the rules and regulations of a chamber of commerce from the 1800s, just for some light reading during the weekend. 

Lyra shrugged.

"He gave me a few lessons about the workings of the Ministry a while ago. He said it was especially important to us since our family is also a member of this wizengamot thing."

"It is, and to answer your question, the current government shares some similarities with the old wizard council. But there are at least two very important differences."

He raised one finger.

"The first one is the amount of members and the requisites to join the current government. The old council was composed of only eleven seats, who held absolute power over the rules and laws. The Wizengamot has fifty members. Basically, every wizard family who was around during the forming of the Ministry got a seat in it. This meant a greater variety of opinions and beliefs were now present. Also, the most ancient families were now wielding the same amount of power and authority that much newer ones."

"I bet those old fogies didn't like that one bit." Lyra grinned.

"The Potters were part of these 'old fogies' ."

Harry glanced at the time on his lap.

"This was written by the youngest brother of Arthur Potter. Former member of the Wizard Council. And for what it says about him, the old Lord Potter was very supportive of the change and saw it as the beginning of a new golden age for all magical folk."

He pondered for a moment.

"Of course, not everyone was that supportive of these changes."

"Mmm…and the second difference?" Lyra questioned.

"That would be, the creation of the I.C.W "

"Oh, I know that one!" Lyra said with excitement.

"That is the International Confederation of Wizards!." 

"Right... among other things, the I.C.W dictated some baseline rights and laws for all the magical countries to follow. Further limiting the influence of these ancient families."

Of course, this did not stop the most conservative faction of the Wizengamot from trying to pass laws that would go against some of those baselines set by the I.C.W.

Harry wasn't sure what they were trying to accomplish with this as they would never allow these to hold. But that was something only the old families knew.

"Wow, you know a lot about old politics." Lyra looked impressed.

"Actually, is the contrary…it is because I don't know a lot about it, that I need to read all of these tiresome books."

"It looks like my new brother is a bookworm." Lyra chuckled.

She had taken to referring to him as her 'new brother' in an attempt to drive a clear distinction between the old Harry and the current one.

He could only wait until she gets used to him for long enough that she can start calling him just Harry or brother.

"I don't understand how you got those grades if are so smart. You need to try harder next year. I know you can do better!" She tried to encourage him.

He could tell that she was sincere this time so he offered her a smile and a 'Thank you'.

His father had already scolded him for his grades. Not because they were bad, but because they were too unusual. After all, no one is average at everything.

Harry could only say that he was trying his best. After all, he was playing outside his comfort zone now. He never had the need to hold back before. Everyone who knew him, already knew what he was capable of. 

But now he has to pretend that he is just one more student.


They heard the sound of someone mumbling from the nearby couch, where Holly was sleeping.

She was the original reason for Harry's visit to the library this afternoon. She had urged that he read her a story, only to fall asleep around ten minutes into his reading.

"She won't wake up that easily." Commented Lyra.

"She looks peaceful." Harry looked at his little sister with a grin.

"Yeah, she does now….the moment she opens her eyes is going to start demanding stuff…ahh, I almost forgot."

Lyra moved her green eyes away from Holly and looked at her brother.

"Yes, what is it?"

"My friends, Ginny and Astoria are coming to stay at the manor for the weekend."

"I know, Mom told me about it." Said Harry.

"I just wanted to give you a heads-up. Astoria is a bit weird and almost never talks. Ginny is usually very energetic and happygoing, but she may act a bit strange around you."

Harry looked surprised at hearing this.

"How so?. Have we met before?"

"So don't remember any of that either, huh?... Then I guess is best if I just tell you. She came here almost two years ago, and you did meet her…well, sort of. It didn't end well for her. Let me tell you what happened…"

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