Harry Potter: The Golden Viper

0502 Over? (Large-chapter)

0502 Over? (Large-chapter)

Fudge glanced disapprovingly at Rufus Scrimgeour.

The tension in the air was palpable, Fudge's bushy mustache twitched with irritation as he observed Scrimgeour's poorly concealed hostility towards Bryan Watson.

Fudge understood the animosity between Scrimgeour and Watson, which was harmless enough—he was even pleased to see it. However, Rufus's blatant display of hostility on this particular occasion was very unwise and unprofessional.

Personal magical research and inventions were sacred and very precious in the wizarding world, often treated with the utmost respect. Even though Bryan had politely offered to let them use this marvelous creation to learn his and other magic, Rufus's critical and almost dismissive attitude was totally inappropriate.

Fudge's eyes had widened comically when Bryan casually mentioned the price of his invention—fifty thousand Galleons each. The astronomical sum had made Fudge's jaw drop in astonishment.

Even the wealthiest and most influential wizarding families, when making their grandest donations to curry favor with the Ministry, rarely showed such wonderful generosity. And this wasn't simply a financial transaction; it was the donation of an alchemical artifact with incredible capabilities.

Fudge's shrewd gaze darted around the room, taking in the chemistry of light and shadows, assessing the reactions of those present.

With a warm smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, Fudge reached out and patted Bryan's shoulder, his chubby fingers lingering for just a moment too long.

"Oh, thank you for your incredibly generous donation, Bryan," He said, his voice dripping with honeyed appreciation. "It's absolutely no problem at all. I assure you; the patent application and production license will already be being processed as we speak. Just leave all the tedious paperwork here with me, and I'll have my trusty assistant, Dolores, take care of every last detail for you quickly. We'll send you the official credentials by owl as soon as everything is finalized."

Bryan's face lit up with gratitude, his eyes shining with what appeared to be genuine appreciation. "That's truly wonderful, Minister," he said, his voice warm and sincere. "I can't thank you enough for your support."

The two men walked side by side towards Fudge's imposing desk. Fudge's demeanor had undergone a remarkable transformation; gone was the initial tension, replaced by an air of relaxed harmony. His gaze, when it fell upon Bryan, now held a fondness that hadn't been present few moments ago.

"I must say, Bryan, I'm thoroughly impressed," Fudge said, his voice booming with admiration. "I had no idea your expertise in alchemy had advanced to such extraordinary heights. Ha! Are you finally planning to give Dumbledore a run for his money in the inventions department?!"

Bryan's response was both humble and witty, delivered with perfect timing. "In the grand game of magical Gobstones, Minister, I'm afraid I'll never be a match for Headmaster Dumbledore."

This self-deprecating joke elicited a thunderous laugh from Fudge, his fat body shaking with humor.

Sirius observed this scene with growing understanding and a hint of cynicism. Had he not been aware of to Bryan's true opinions of Fudge during their private conversations, he might have been fooled into believing that the two men before him were the closest of friends. Sirius's lips pursed slightly as he marveled at Bryan's acting skills.

In stark contrast to the jovial atmosphere surrounding Fudge and Bryan, the aura enveloping Rufus Scrimgeour and John Dawlish grew increasingly gloomy. The two seasoned Aurors exchanged knowing glances, sharing same suspicions. They didn't buy for a second that Bryan Watson had chosen this particular moment to meet with the Minister of Magic purely for the sake of official favors.

Just as the pleasant atmosphere reached its peak, Bryan's demeanor underwent a sudden and dramatic shift. His face, previously vibrant with warmth and good humor, transformed in an instant.

"It's like this, Minister," Bryan said, his expression instantly becoming solemn. "I have another matter of great importance to discuss with you today, and this matter—" He trailed off, leaving the sentence hanging in the air.

Bryan's eyes darted deliberately around the conference table, observing each face with calculated hesitation.

"Oh?" Fudge's heart skipped a beat. Since the moment Bryan had entered his office, Fudge had been waiting for him to bring up the issue of Remus Lupin. The werewolf's situation was a ticking time bomb, and Fudge still hadn't figured out how to deal with Bryan in this. It was this uncertainty that had bind his hand, allowing Lupin to continue his farce at St. Mungo's.

Mustering his most reassuring tone, Fudge addressed Bryan's apparent concerns.

"It's quite alright, Bryan," he said, his voice filled with forced nonchalance. "Rufus and the others here are all folks I trust. There's nothing you could say that they shouldn't be aware of."

In truth, Fudge had made a split-second decision not to dismiss the others, hoping that their presence might provide some buffer against whatever bombshell Bryan was about to drop after noticing his persistent concern about their presence.

"Well, if that's the case—" Bryan's hand disappeared into his pocket, emerging with another folded piece of parchment. Unlike the earlier documents, which had been handled with casual indifference, this parchment was treated with different care.

Fudge watched Bryan's movements closely, his eyes showing a hint of imperceptible confusion.

Bryan's voice took on a soft tone as he began to explain. "Yesterday, quite out of the blue, I received an invitation from Rita Skeeter—you know her, of course, that tenacious current affairs reporter for the Daily Prophet. She requested a meeting at the Leaky Cauldron, claiming she had something very important to discuss with me. Naturally, my curiosity was piqued, so I agreed to meet her."

As he spoke, Bryan extended the carefully folded parchment towards Fudge. "During our meeting, Rita Skeeter presented me with this list and revealed certain... secrets. You should take a look first, Minister—"

Just the mention of Rita Skeeter's name caused visible distress to Fudge. Fine lines of worry etched themselves across his broad forehead, deepening with each passing second. With poorly concealed unease, he snatched the parchment from Bryan's outstretched hand and hastily unfolded it.

The moment Fudge's eyes fell upon the contents of the mysterious document, his expression froze in shock. Fumbling with uncharacteristic clumsiness, he took out his reading glasses from his robe pocket and perched them on his nose. Then, as if seeking refuge, he buried his entire face in the parchment, using it as a shield against the attentive eyes of those gathered in his office.

The office fell silent. Bryan sat with his fingers interlaced on the table, calmly watching Fudge, whose expression was hidden behind the letter. Judging by the trembling of his thick fingers gripping the edge of the parchment, this document had given Fudge quite a shock.

The silence stretched on, becoming almost unbearable.

Sirius unable to see Bryan's face from his position, could only exchange meaningful glances with Kingsley.

Meanwhile, Rufus Scrimgeour's brow furrowed deeply, the wrinkles on his face becoming more obvious as he struggled to make sense of the situation.

'What in Merlin's name was happening?' Rufus's piercing gaze bored into Watson's back. 'What earth-shattering information could that parchment contain? And why had Watson suddenly brought up Rita Skeeter, of all people? Could it be that Watson's presence here had nothing to do with that werewolf's situation?'

'No, Impossible'

Rufus dismissed that thought almost as soon as it formed. It was unlikely that Bryan Watson would stand idly by while that werewolf suffered. There was no doubt in Rufus's mind that Black had informed Watson of Lupin's predicament; that much was certain.

'So, what game was Watson playing?'

Slap! Crash!

Just as Rufus's mind whirled with these unanswered questions, a sudden commotion shattered the tense silence. The sound of flesh striking wood rang out, followed immediately by a resounding crash.

Fudge had lost all semblance of control. He slammed the parchment onto his desk with such force that the sound reverberated through the office like a thunderclap. In the same motion, he stood up abruptly, his violent movement knocking over the chair behind him.

Rufus could see beads of sweat on the Minister's forehead. It was hard to describe whether the expression on Fudge's fat face was one of rage or terror!

"What's happened, Minister!" Rufus's gaze sharpened instantly. He rose, about to rush over, but the young man still sitting across from Fudge turned his head unhurriedly. The deep gaze he cast at Rufus was like a bucket of ice water poured over his head, stopping him in his tracks and sending a chill down his spine!

Fudge's voice, when he finally spoke, was a strangled mix of shock and fury. "This—this is what Rita Skeeter gave you?" he demanded, his words tumbling out in a rush. "Where did she get it? What in the name of all that's magical does that woman think she's doing!"

"Just as you might imagine, Minister," Bryan rose from his seat, speaking calmly. "She wants to publish this list in the Daily Prophet. Rita Skeeter is a clever woman. She clearly knows what consequences her actions might bring and how much trouble it could cause her. That's precisely why she approached me—she's hoping I can offer her some form of protection."

Before Fudge could explode, Bryan continued, "I'm equally aware of the consequences if this information reaches the public. That's why I refused her request outright. This made her hesitate about whether to proceed with this matter—"

"You did the right thing, Bryan!" Fudge exclaimed, panting heavily. "Does that foolish woman have even the slightest clue of what she's toying with? If she dares to go through with this, oh, I swear on Merlin's grave, she'll find herself in a world of trouble. There's absolutely no room for negotiation on this matter. I won't be so agreeable this time!"

"Indeed—" Bryan nodded slightly. He spoke calmly, as if he hadn't been the one to inform Fudge about this matter in the first place.

"I warned her that this wasn't like her usual attention-seeking articles. I also advised her to fully consider the consequences of her actions. This made her hesitate, but Minister, I think you should discuss this matter with her in person."

"Of course!" Fudge stepped out from behind his desk and paced anxiously in front of everyone, hands clasped behind his back. "I'll warn her face-to-face, and if she doesn't listen..."

Fudge paused mid-step. He first looked at Bryan, hesitated for a few seconds, then shifted his gaze to the confused faces around the conference table. "Alright, Rufus, you'll come with me later. We'll go see that troublemaker, Rita Skeeter!"

"Yes, Minister—" Rufus strode firmly towards Fudge, as he drew close, his eyes flickered momentarily, a brief flash of uncertainty crossing his face. Then, lowering his head to bring his mouth close to Fudge's ear, he whispered urgently, "About our earlier discussion... I mean, regarding Remus Lupin, the werewolf. Don't you think it would be prudent for the Auror Office to transfer him from St. Mungo's to the Ministry? Perhaps we should take some... precautionary measures—"

Fudge was on the verge of berating Scrimgeour loudly, ready to remind him about what should be their most pressing concern at this moment. However, the words died on his lips as a sudden realization struck him. The trouble caused by that werewolf was far from insignificant. In fact, one of those very troubles was currently standing in his office, watching this exchange with those uncomfortably perceptive eyes.

Just as this thought flashed through Fudge's mind, Knock, knock, knock — a series of sharp knocks echoed through the room.

"Who is it?" Fudge snapped, his patience wearing thin. The interruption had derailed his train of thought, leaving him feeling even more off-balance than before.

"It's me, Tonks, Minister," came a clear, feminine voice from the other side of the door. The words were tinged with an unmistakable note of excitement, bordering on elation. "Is Mr. Scrimgeour also present? I have something very important to report!"

"Tonks?" Fudge repeated, his brow furrowing as he tried to place the name. It took Fudge a second or two to remember who Tonks was. "Ah, you mean that talented young lady from your department?"

The question was directed at Scrimgeour, but Fudge's mind was already racing ahead. It was highly unusual for staff members to report directly to higher levels, bypassing their immediate superiors. This breach of protocol caused both Fudge and Scrimgeour to frown simultaneously, their expressions showing disapproval.

"Go ask her what it's about--"

Fudge instructed Rufus while he turned towards the coat rack in the corner of his office, to fetch his signature lime-green bowler hat.

When the heavy oak door swung open, the excited Tonks was face to face with the angry face of her superior, Rufus Scrimgeour. The sudden confrontation startled her so severely that her vibrant hair cycled through a dizzying array of colors in an instant.

"What did you wish to report, Tonks?" Rufus's voice was cold and sharp, his steely gaze falling at the now slightly cowering Tonks.

"Oh, Mr. Scrimgeour—" Tonks took several hesitant steps backward, clearly intimidated by the fierce expression on her Scrimgeour's face. Her retreat, however, limited her view of the office's interior, preventing her from noticing Bryan's presence. After taking a moment to steady herself, Tonks raised her voice, ensuring that her words would carry to everyone in the office.

"Lucius Malfoy is here to see you, Minister, and you as well, Mr. Scrimgeour!"

"Lucius Malfoy?" Fudge's confused voice echoed from the depths of the office as he repeated the name. Then, raising his voice to be heard clearly, he said, "I'm afraid I don't have the time to see him now. Tell him to come back another time!"

"You heard the Minister's instructions, Tonks—" Rufus's tone remained cold. Then, his eyes narrowed dangerously as he added, "And I have a question for you, Tonks. Since when did you take it upon yourself to act as the Minister's personal assistant?"

It was clear to everyone present that Tonks had upset her immediate superior by her abrupt and unconventional reporting. However she didn't back down. Instead, she continued to speak loudly, her voice carrying a note of urgency:

"But Mr. Malfoy hasn't come alone, sir. He's brought in a criminal!" The words tumbled out of her in a rush, as if she feared being silenced before she could deliver her news. "He arrived at the Auror Office and told me that a thief had attempted to break into the office of a Malfoy family factory manager just last night. The intruder was trying to steal a valuable gem-studded painting but was caught red-handed by the factory's security personnel. I thought... well, I thought this might be related to the case you're currently discussing, so I felt it was important to inform you immediately."

"Oh, is that true?!" Sirius let out an incredulous, joyful cry, he quickly dashed forward, squeezing past the stunned form of Scrimgeour. His eyes, blazing with a mixture of hope and disbelief, fixed themselves on Tonks's face. "The real culprit has been caught? Is that what you're saying?"

"It certainly seems so!" Tonks replied, her gaze locking with Sirius's. Despite her best efforts to maintain a professional demeanor, a smile appeared at the corners of her mouth as she spoke.

Inside the office, by the coat rack a dark green bowler hat slipped from Fudge's fingers and fell to the floor with a soft thud. Fudge stood rooted to the spot, his face showing the mirror image of the shock etched on Scrimgeour's face.

"What seems to be the matter, Minister?" Bryan's voice cut through the stunned silence, his tone one of polite concern. "Has the Ministry encountered some significant case recently? Is there any way I might be of assistance?"

Fudge's broad shoulders suddenly began to tremble, as if he were standing in a bitter wind rather than in his warm office. Slowly, with the creaking deliberation of an unoiled hinge, he shifted his gaze until it fixed on Bryan's face. In the span of a few heartbeats, countless thoughts and emotions flashed across Fudge's mind, his eyes finally settling on Bryan Watson's unique, exceptionally deep purple eyes.

"You... you don't know?" Fudge's voice came as a shrill whisper, so unlike his usual tones that it might have belonged to a stranger. "You're not aware of the situation with Remus Lupin?"

"Remus?" Bryan blinked, his brow furrowing in apparent confusion. "What's happened to Remus?"

For a moment, Fudge was rendered speechless, his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. Bryan's frown deepened, and he turned towards the door, calling out in a voice tinged with growing concern:

"What's going on, Sirius? What's happened to Remus?"

Sirius, still standing in the doorway with Tonks, seemed to snap out of his own state of shock at Bryan's words. He gently pulled Tonks past the statue-like form of Scrimgeour and into the office. It was only now, as he took in the scene before him that he finally understood. Everything—every word, every action—had been meticulously orchestrated by Bryan. Though how his friend had managed to pull off such an intricate plan, Sirius had no idea.

"Recently," Sirius began, his voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions he was clearly experiencing, "some workshops and companies reported break-ins to the Ministry. They claimed their offices had been invaded, although, curiously enough, nothing was actually stolen. We were sent out to guard these locations, and Remus was found in—"

"Oh!" Bryan's exclamation interrupted Sirius's explanation. His frown deepened further as he turned to Fudge, his expression a perfect mix of confusion and concern. "Is it possible, Minister, that this is all a terrible misunderstanding? I know Remus—he's not the sort of person who would engage in such activities. Is it possible that—"

Bryan paused, as if carefully considering his next words before continuing:

"Could it be that Remus was actually searching for work? As far as I'm aware, since leaving his position at Hogwarts, he's been earnestly trying to forge a new path for himself—"

"That's impossible!" The shout came from Dawlish, who seemed to have finally found his voice. His face was covered with bewilderment, clearly struggling to keep up with the rapid turn of events.

"I'm merely suggesting a possibility—" Bryan's response was calm, seemingly nonchalant to Dawlish's outburst. He shrugged and said in a meaningful tone,

"Of course, this would need to be thoroughly investigated by the Ministry before any conclusions can be drawn. If Remus has indeed committed a crime, then naturally, he should face the full consequences of his actions. Isn't that right, Minister?"

At these words, Fudge's hand, still clutching the list that had caused such worry earlier, began to twitch irregularly. Under Bryan's steady gaze, beads of sweat once again formed on the Minister's broad forehead.

Fudge's lips moved several times, as if he wanted to say something, he remained silent, clearly at a loss for what to say.

"Minister?" Bryan's voice was gentle, filled with what appeared to be genuine concern.

"Oh, ahem, yes, of course. Of course, that's precisely how it should be!" Fudge finally managed to respond, taking several deep, steadying breaths. He forced a smile in Bryan's direction, though the expression looked more like a grimace. "Let me think. Yes, right, we absolutely need to conduct a thorough investigation. So then—"

Fudge paused to wipe the sweat from his brow with a handkerchief. After another few seconds of silence, he addressed everyone in the office:

"Tonks, escort Lucius Malfoy's captive to the temporary holding cells. Ensure all proper protocols are followed. Rufus, you'll accompany me, along with Dawlish and Kingsley. We have an urgent matter to discuss with Rita Skeeter—one that concerns all of you as well."

His gaze swept across the faces of his subordinates before landing on Sirius. "And you, Black. I want you to confirm if the situation is as Bryan has described. Find out if there's any possibility that Lupin was at those locations on legitimate business... perhaps he had appointments, or was following up on job leads. In any case, investigate thoroughly. If there's been a misunderstanding, I want it cleared up as soon as possible!"

With these instructions delivered, Fudge led the group from his office. The group moved with such swiftness that it almost appeared as if they were fleeing from some unseen disaster. In his rush, Fudge even forgot the common courtesy of bidding farewell to Bryan.

As the door swung shut behind the departing Ministry officials, leaving Bryan and Sirius alone in the suddenly quiet office, Sirius turned to Bryan with an expression of stunned disbelief.

"Is it... is it really over?"

"What else did you expect?" Bryan's response came with a soft chuckle. His eyes twinkled with a mixture of mischief and satisfaction as he stared at Sirius. "Ah, did you perhaps want to go a step further? Apply for compensation on Remus's behalf, maybe?"

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