Harry Potter World with Villain Choice System

Chapter 184: death eaters and order of phoenix works together

Chapter 184: death eaters and order of phoenix works together

Chapter 184: death eaters and order of phoenix works together

He was admitted to the hospital wing and is under treatment.

Eighth is that Ron denied saying these and admitted that he only bad mouthed about John, Draco and few others.

This directly angered many people especially female fans of John that made them scorn Ron everywhere he went.

The things are out of control to the point where Dumbledore could not do anything.

Well it is natural.

If it is something outside in the wizarding world he would have solved it with his connections.

But the things happened at Hogwarts and the situation is between the students.

What can he do to correct this kind of situation?

He could not do anything to change the hearts of the people.

At most he can make them shut up about this matter with authority of the head master.

Other than that he could do nothing.

The protagonist aura of Harry was severely damped by the likes of Ron.

Hagrid is missing.

Ron is saying that he did not say any of that.

They finally decided to take the ministry of magic take in action.

That to check the wand of Rita Skeeter to find out if she cast any spell on Ron to make him say these words or be confused.

Unfortunately what Rita used is actually magic card that John made with new spirit magic pattern.

Also what Ron said is actually his inner thoughts.

So everything he said is what he is thinking.

The only matter that was not said by him is related to Hagrid being a half giant.

After checking they found that Rita did not do anything and they could not simply arrest her.

With no other choice Dumbledore could only play by his usual style that is to wait till the opportunity comes to solve the things.

He also did the same to the parents of Harry and waited to solve the problem instead of solving Voldemort directly with his power.

The result is that the parents of Harry die.

John did not care about the death of James potter.

He only cares about the death of a beauty like lily.

Well she might be a little stupid to fall in love with James potter but she is a woman at the right age and it is natural for her to fall for a scumbag like James potter.

Any way it has already happened and they could not bring back the dead.

John silently thought about the next situation after this.

The family of Ron was also angry towards him for his words.

They know that Ron has inferiority complex and is greedy for money.

But they did not expect Ron to do something like that and cause trouble to their friends and family.

He got a howler from molly that day causing the windows of Hogwarts to tremble along with the big ripples created in the lake near Hogwarts.

Ron bandaged his ears that were bleeding after receiving the howler and stayed in the hospital wing.

Harry that was also in the hospital wing became tensed when he watched Ron.

So they were separated with cloth so that they would not look at each other.


Dumbledore and everyone gave up on saving Ron and decided to wait and see.

Well they could not do anything any way.

Right then something unexpected happened.

The people on the side of death eaters acted at that time.

They felt that the current situation would hinder their plan to awaken the dark lord Voldemort.

So they wanted to shift the blame from Ron to someone else so that Harry could recover.

Naturally Narcissa would let the things come all the way to her son Draco.

So she simply pushed the blame towards Crabbe and Goyle.

Naturally John already thought of this situation so he made a two way approach.

So the final blame fell on Crabbe and Goyle.

At that time the side of Dumbledore also worked hard to push the blame clearing Ron away from this situation.

Rita was not implicated because she just recorded the confession and she knows the truth.

If she was implicated then all of their previous efforts would directly be gone down the drain.

So they well all silent like a bunch of cheating wives and husbands that were caught during their action.

The news paper that Rita works was already bought over by John and he gifted it to Rita.

So no one can actually stop her from publishing her articles.

All in all things started to calm down by the time the school started.

But Hagrid did not return.

Finally Dumbledore, Harry, Ron and Hermione have to go to him personally to persuade him to come back.

Well John did not go into the specific details instead he got a clue from Barty crouch junior that is the current professor moody about the golden egg.

John has already opened the gold den egg and got the information he needed.

What he wanted to know is who is going to be taken as hostage for the second round.

The month of January passed by quickly.

John visited Narcissa and Rita some times to play solo or play the double with them.

He planned to take them on a date into the muggle world but he has to wait for that till the week end.

Also John was planning to expand his shares and influence into the muggle world business too.

He has enough money.

Keeping the money in the safe would only let it collect dust.

You have to move the money around to improve.

God might have created many words but through the development there are many similar or parallel likes in the history and technologies.

So he knows where to invest based on the current market trend.

So it was easy for him to spread his grass roots all over the muggle world.

Also John knows that a wizard is most fragile in the long range attacks of the modern technology.


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