Harry Potter World with Villain Choice System

Chapter 188: assembly of neutral faction

Chapter 188: assembly of neutral faction

Chapter 188: assembly of neutral faction

John fell down on his knees grasping for breath.

He felt like he has used the killing curse continuously for an entire hour without taking a break.

He did not faint from the exhaustion.

Instead he stepped forward to see his wand.

The wand changed a little and the invisibility cloak is gone too.

The wand has these rings around it just like that of the elder wand.

But the color of the wand is completely green without any change.

Instead the surface finish has changed to that of an extremely smooth cloth.

John wanted to know what changed and what happened to the ability of invisibility cloak.

When he thought of this the tip of the wand produced a soft light for a moment and immediately John felt a layer like a cloth barrier around him.

He came in front of a mirror and found that his image is completely vanished.

He felt like he can expand the coverage of this invisibility and it felt just like using invisibility cloak.

He did not feel any magic energy consumption.

It is like a function that can be on and off based on his thoughts.

John smiled happily.

This can be much better than carrying a long cloak and putting it on whenever he needed to hide himself.

John found another thing that is a grove appeared on his wand.

It is a diamond shaped grove that can fit a gemstone.

John knows what is missing.

There are actually three things in total.

He got the elder’s wand and the invisibility cloak.

The final thing that is missing is actually the resurrection stone.

John did not want to add the resurrection stone to the new wand just yet because there is another purpose for this resurrection stone.

John really wanted Harry to die but it would be a bit useless.

If John wanted to make a higher name than Harry then he has to have the power to save Harry while killing Voldemort.

Harry would die and resurrect again.

So John has to wait till then to get back the resurrection stone.

Dumbledore should have already obtained the ring that previously housed the resurrection stone or he may get the ring after this year.

But John can simply make a bargain with Dumbledore with the things on hand.

After all these things John was really exhausted.

He took a comfortable warm bath and slept on the soft bed peacefully for the night.

As for the upgrade of the wand he would check the things later.


The month of March went by uneventfully at Hogwarts for John.

But outside there are really many big movements.

First of all the neutral faction has made an assembly with the invitation of Mister Greengrass and John appeared there to talk to the people.

Some of these people are father or family members of his women.

The father of pansy was also here.

He was originally on the side of death eaters but after the insistence of his daughter he decided to test out John.

When he spoke to John he understood how powerful John actually is.

Well John directly told the future plan of those death eaters and everything happened just like John told him.

This solved his doubts and came this time to formally join the neutral faction but not as an open member.

He would act as an agent of neutral faction in the group of death eaters.

There is a written letter and the witnessing of the people present.

So if something happens there is a proof for the things.

John told his plan to these people and they all under stood what John is saying.

John was going to let them connect to the muggle world.

Some of them did not like this matter but some of them liked this matter.

John told them.

“The best place to hide a tree is in the forest.

The wizarding world and magic are unstable.

To stabilize the things to get the recognition of the world in the race of survival we did not have a choice but to connect ourselves to the muggle world.

The muggle world is now standing on the top of the planet.

We are wizards but as long as we hide our magic we are no different than muggles.

If we became a big name in the muggle world then they would become our security instead of attacking us.

We can internally cultivate wizards while living among the muggles.

This way we can be more protected than living alone to become prey to some dark wizard.

May be in the future the magic world would completely reveal itself and form a big joint association for the revival of magic.

Professor Dumbledore once said that his muggle friend was able to use magic when he got his hands on a wand.

This proves that muggles are inferior to us but not completely cut off from the magic.

As long as we take the first step to pioneer this, we can directly stand above those muggles in the future.

In the current muggle world business men and politicians are rulers.

We can directly take over them and establish ourselves and our families.

It is not like everyone of our family can always be a wizard.

There is a chance of squibs too.

At that time you don’t have to abandon your family member for the wizarding world.

They can lead a good life in the muggle world.

Remember the ancient times when there are many warriors and many classes other than wizards.

In order to revive magic completely we have to search at the place where the magic was originally lost.

I have already talked to the goblins of the Gringotts bank.

They will act as the intermediately for the establishment of our businesses for a little commission.

They can even manage the business as long as the money is in place.

All you have to do is invest and get the money back like hands off shop keeper.”


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