Harry Potter World with Villain Choice System

Chapter 254: Fake memories, Snape became a tragic hero

Chapter 254: Fake memories, Snape became a tragic hero

Chapter 254: Fake memories, Snape became a tragic hero

But who would have thought that Dolores would take out the parchment containing the names of all involved students under the name "Dumbledore's Army".

John is the one credited to this as he informed her that Ron has the parchment with list of names under the name of "Dumbledore's Army".

As soon as this was produced the situation has changed.

The suspicion of minister fudge got a backing and Dolores got a reason to kick Dumbledore.

Dumbledore knows that the only way to save Harry is to take the blame in place of Harry and hide for a while.

It is not like he did not play from the shadows before.

Dumbledore decisively took the blame on himself and claims that he was the one behind the group called the "Dumbledore's Army".

Citing the name of the group called the "Dumbledore's Army" as evidence and he accepted that he planned to train students as his soldiers.

Dolores Umbridge and minister Fudge were surprised by the statement of Dumbledore.

Minister snapped back to the reality and ordered his men to arrest Dumbledore immediately.

But Dumbledore easily disables them and he spectacularly got away by using the special abilities of his phoenix, Fawkes.

This news was immediately spread throughout the Hogwarts.

But many students and teachers could not believe this.

They even thought that it was a big prank as it was April 1st that is also known as fools day.

But the reality is different from what everyone expected.

It is not a prank and Dumbledore really accepted the situation of training an army and he became a wanted criminal.

But everyone did not blame Dumbledore instead they blamed Harry potter for starting something like this.

They blamed him for doing all this kind of nonsense.

Naturally Harry potter would not sell out his friends and he did not bring the name of Hermione.

Also she is not the one that really initiated it.

It was the Dumbledore that actually gave this idea to begin with.

Naturally he could not say all this and took all the blames from other students.

On 2nd of April, Dolores Umbridge is naturally appointed as the Headmistress of Hogwarts directly by minister fudge.

She started to impose even tighter control by forming the Inquisitorial Squad.

After going through an interrogation under Dolores Umbridge regarding Dumbledore and Sirius Black's whereabouts,

Harry learned that the Floo Network connection in Dolores’s fireplace is not being monitored like the others are by the Ministry.

On that very day Fred and George Weasley twins instigate a revolt.

They caused mayhem throughout the school by setting off their Wildfire Whiz-bangs in protest against Dolores Umbridge's tyranny.

While the staff and other teachers pointedly did nothing to help Dolores Umbridge to regain control of the situation.

Umbridge is unable to get rid of the fireworks, which continue to explode all over the school for days.

Well all the anger about this matter was concentrated on Harry and Ron in place of Fred and George.

So they suffered more including the situation with the escape of Dumbledore.

Snape was naturally anxious about Harry.

John appeared in front of him and said.

“Don’t worry.

After suffering from hardships he would think that his life is miserable.

At that time you have to give him a little support, but not now.

You are training him in occlumency right.

He would try to peak into your memories soon.

What you have to do is to create some fake memories about lily and James to make him completely fall to your side.”

Snape did not understand.

“What Fake memories?”

John smiled and said.

“Fake memories are mixed with truth and lies.

Even if he verifies them you can prove that more than half of it was true.

For example, in the memory where James humiliated you, you would add extra information.

The extra information is about the reason why you did not fight back James when you humiliated you.

The reason would be lily.

Make it look like James took some embarrassing images of lily and threatened you.

James threatened you to stay away from lily and become disgusted by her in order to keep her private images safe.

With this memory added the thoughts of Harry would directly changed 180 degrees.

Right now only Sirius is available for him to talk.

Even if he wanted to verify those images Sirius could not tell truth from lies.

At most Harry would ask him if they humiliated you when you go to lily.

Naturally you are humiliated before because you are close to lily some times.

So Sirius would affirm your lies mixed memories.

This way you can turn Harry towards your side and compensate you in place of his mother.

So follow the plan carefully and we should be the final winners in this thing.

Also beware of Dumbledore he might sabotage your plan.”

Snape nodded thoughtfully.

He understood the plan of John and also very satisfied with the changes of Harry.

That is right recently the face of Harry is changing slowly like that of lily.

The process is slow but with the concentrated caring observation of Snape he can notice this.

Also he found that Harry felt some changes in his body when he looked into the memories of Harry when teaching occlumency.

Snape was thoroughly satisfied about this matter.

With the suggestion of John he immediately thought of the things carefully.

He made some fake memories quickly.

He even made them more heart wrecking.

He made it look like he was pained to stay away from James.

He made James look like a devil that is a complete villain.

As for Snape he portrayed himself as a tragic hero that sacrificed his love for the dignity of her love lily.

John gave him few more ideas based on his knowledge about the past.

John returned back to his work after this while controlling many things to prepare for the major change in the coming future.


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