Harry Potter World with Villain Choice System

Chapter 53: white villain speaks part-1

Chapter 53: white villain speaks part-1

Chapter 53: white villain speaks part-1

After few days from the day after Harry took care of professor Quirrell, Dumbledore invited Nicolas.

Jonathan was also there and Harry got the gist of what happened.

He doesn’t know why Jonathan was also present here.

Only after Dumbledore explained about it then Harry understood that Jonathan is the student of Nicolas in alchemy.

Also Jonathan saved him and his friends by calling the professors and him.

Harry has complicated expression.

Jonathan did not even look at Harry and asked Nicolas about his doubts during his study.

Nicolas was clearly happy that Jonathan did not ask or cared about the philosopher’s stone during the entire time.

Jonathan was warned by Nicolas that he should not reveal that he was his student till he becomes strong so as to not to attract other people from targeting him.

After that he left and Jonathan also took his leave.


The unexpected visitor Rita Skeeter also arrived here right on time as Jonathan invited her before.

She was intelligent enough to no to come to Jonathan directly.

Jonathan also acted like he did not know her.

It is to the point that Rita was shocked thinking that if Jonathan is really a 13 year old kid.

His acting skills are very good.

She doesn’t want to make this kind of person into an enemy.

This is what her intuition says after looking at Jonathan.


Since she came to cover the situation she was not blocked right now.

Also she is a former student here so she can come for the year end banquet.

Well the professors have their own suspicion as just few days ago a big incident happened.

Suddenly a reporter like Rita Skeeter appears here.

They remembered the incidents related to the troll and the Quidditch before.

Immediately they felt that a big invisible hand is looming around them making things difficult for Dumbledore and them.

But they could not point their fingers at it.

As for the house cup and points Jonathan has actually scored just enough to take the lead over the Slytherin even though they won the Quidditch cup.

So right now, Jonathan was in the good situation.

If Dumbledore really added points to Harry, Ron and Hermione now, then Jonathan would start his counter attack.

If he did not add any points then Jonathan could not do anything.

This was the final conclusion choice that he has right now.

If Dumbledore did not act then all the preparations that Jonathan made would be spoiled.


Also Jonathan was not awarded any points for notifying professors in time to save Harry, Ron and Hermione.

Finally the banquet started and Jonathan was waiting eagerly for the move of Dumbledore.

Dumbledore stood up and came to the front.

Then he started with his speech.

He first awarded the points to Jonathan saying that he was brave enough to notify them in time to save his fellow students.

Jonathan was given 20 points.

Then Hermione and Ron were awarded with 50 points and Harry even got 60 points.

Not only Hermione but many people around felt weird when they listened to the distribution of the points.

Ron did not care and he was happy that he got 50 house points.

He started to brag and give eyes to Jonathan with sneers.

Jonathan smiled back at Ron and stood up suddenly attracting the attention of everyone present.

Rita Skeeter knows that this is her queue to record the incident and information.

Dumbledore felt that Jonathan got only 20 point which is unfair.

Well he wanted to boost the confidence of Harry and support his friends.

For that he needs an antagonist or a side character like Jonathan to fuel the accomplishments of Harry.

Only this way he can create a strong savior or we can call him a strong tool man.

When Jonathan thinks about it, he felt that Dumbledore and Harry are more like third Hokage and Naruto.

Jonathan felt disgusted thinking about them.

After the surrounding people calmed down Jonathan spoke.

“Professor Dumbledore I presume what Harry, Ron and Hermione did was to break a bunch of rules of the school entering the forbidden area.

Even if you did not consider that you should know that they actually created a situation where they not only threatened their lives but also the lives of others.

It is said that in the final room where the object that the dark wizard is searching was not found by him.

It was actually found because of the presence of Harry.

This means that if Harry did not go there then it is not possible to find the object that the dark wizard is searching for.

Finally for doing all of this you should punish them.

We are all first year students without any attack power or defensive capabilities.

If it is a fifth year or sixth year student then it is good to go and face some dark wizards for saving the day.

Since we are normal first year students then they should report this matter to the corresponding teachers and show the proof.

Instead they went to take a risk of life.

For this they should be punished so that they would not do this kind of life risk things in the future.

Instead of doing that why are you awarding points to them?

Isn’t that simply encouraging them to break the rules and do life risk things.

Professor is you really alright.

Did you drink any new experimental potion or something?

We Gryffindor's are adventurous and break few school rules some times.

But we never take things to threaten our lives or lives of others.

So as a Gryffindor, I ask you to reconsider giving points like this.

Even without them we would still win the house cup.

I don’t want my fellow students to take the wrong path because of the awarded points.”

Jonathan said with a sincere face that made the people around dumbfounded.

They don’t know what to speak at this moment.


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