Harry Potter World with Villain Choice System

Chapter 69: the troubles of the villains

Chapter 69: the troubles of the villains

Chapter 69: the troubles of the villains

Jonathan nodded and Ron left angrily.

He is angry because he was unable to enter into the Quidditch team like Harry.

But even in anger he don’t want to break the oath he took so as to not to lose magic.

With his words Jonathan let him go and there are only two people left in this place.

One is Jonathan and the other is Penelope.

Her eyes startled for a moment and she looked disappointed.

Now she looked at Jonathan for a while and then said.

“Since you won the bet, tell me what you want from me.”

She asked Jonathan with a little hostility.

Well her love is broken because of the revealed secret.

Even if she deceives herself and wanted to believe in Percy Weasley, after knowing his thoughts she can never go back to how things are before.

So the hostility began.

She thought that Jonathan did this on purpose with impure motives.

So she is showing hostility.

Jonathan smiled at her and said.

“I don’t need anything from you.

Even though my family belongs to pure blood enthusiasts, I respect hard working people.

Even though you are from a muggle family you have a great potential to become a strong witch.

I just don’t want you to fall into the hands of an ambitious prick like Percy.

What I want is for you to stay safe.

I don’t want you to give away your preciousness to others and regret it later.

Even with all the magic in the world, you cannot get the medicine for regret.

That is all…”

Jonathan said and left.

If Jonathan tried to hit on her now then he would be implicated and directly branded as a bad person.

Jonathan doesn’t want that to happen.

So he told some caution to her like a good guy and left.

But his words are clear.

What he meant is.

“Don’t give your body, heart and virginity to some stupid idiot that wanted to use you.

There are good people like me in this world that is waiting for a beauty like you.”

Well he is not a good guy in heart but at least he is a good guy for his girls.

With the words Jonathan smiled again and left back to his classes and work.

After Jonathan left Penelope has a complicated face because she did not understand Jonathan.

She thought that she misunderstood him.

Even though the Ravenclaw people are supposed to be clever, when it comes to love things takes different turns.

Well her future was changed by Jonathan so she no longer has any thoughts about Percy or love for the time being.

She would concentrate on her studies from now one.

Jonathan returned to his daily life but he did not forget to look at one of the important incident.

This incident is related to Hermione being called by Draco as mudblood.

In response Ron would cast a spell to make the target through up slugs.

Unfortunately because of his broken wand the spell rebounds and Ron started to through up the slugs.

This is a spectacular incident that Jonathan wanted to see.

But he would not act.

This is a sensitive issue related to pure bloods and mudbloods.

Him acting right now would destroy his image and cause some serious problems later.

If one wants to act one has to have enough background and support to act.

Not everyone can be as reckless as protagonist and easily live without a care in the world.

Being a villain Jonathan needs to take every step carefully.

On the sides of every step there is an endless abyss waiting for him with open arms.

Any wrong move can cause severe problems for him and his future plans.

With that Jonathan was silent during the entire incident and did not even show his face during that time.

After this incident there is commotion in the school about Draco buying his way into the Quidditch team of the school as a seeker.

Jonathan immediately got another idea.

It is a profitable one at that.

Since one house has the new nimbus 2001 then it would be unfair to play like this.

The best way to resolve this is the upgrade all the broom sticks and gear of other houses too.

Or they can simply restrict Slytherin from using new nimbus 2001.

For this Jonathan don’t have act personally and put his face in front of everyone again.

Jonathan immediately wrote few letters and sent them to different people.

One letter is to Rita Skeeter to publish a special article about unfairness in Quidditch in Hogwarts about both Draco and Harry using new broomsticks.

Both of them are from good family backgrounds and this would create big incident.

Second letter is to the broom stick company to contact the management at the right time to sell brooms at a little lower price to get the big order.

Of course Jonathan would get his profit.

Third letter is the goblin manager Davis to intervene in this matter and get Jonathan’s share of money from the broomstick company.

This is the money for his idea so he has to get a little more for commission other than the usual share that he gets.

With the letter sent Jonathan happily continued with his days.

On the next day as usual Jonathan came to the great hall for breakfast.

Immediately he saw many news papers and letters causing commotion.

When so many letters arrived, the faces of the professors and Dumbledore are not good.

They instinctively felt fear about too many letters and commotion.

This time Jonathan did not show any change.

He was busy going around with the little house elves and cooking some things different making their appetite increase with just the smell.

So they thought that it was okay.

Then Dumbledore received a letter from the school management about the unfairness in Quidditch.

Immediately his face changed.

Professor Mcgonagall came over with the news paper with the article of Rita Skeeter again.


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