Harry Potter World with Villain Choice System

Chapter 91: Jonathan makes his appearance

Chapter 91: Jonathan makes his appearance

Chapter 91: Jonathan makes his appearance

So Jonathan gave up on the eyes of basilisk.

The phoenix did not leave instead it came to the side of Jonathan.

Jonathan also did not send it away

The moment basilisk lost its eyes Jonathan slowly walked over into the chamber of secrets.

He made sure that no one noticed Jonathan.

The phoenix was waiting outside for the time being.

It comes again to save Harry later.

Jonathan has many uses for Harry and he doesn’t want the protagonist to die so easily.

The luck of the protagonist is the best thing to get more opportunities and treasures.

All Jonathan has to do is to send Harry towards the danger and the opportunity would come out on its own.

It is more like Harry is a treasure and opportunity sniffing dog in the hands of Jonathan.

So Harry has to survive this crisis.

But the credit has to go to Jonathan.

Here is one thing that Jonathan did not understand.

For some reason this snake type creature basilisk that did not have any ears can actually hear the sounds.

Most probably author or the god of this world that is in charge of doing the maintenance work is stupid.

Well it is none of Jonathan’s business of what happens here.

All he has to do is to wait for Harry to kill the basilisk.

It did not take long Harry and basilisk to go around in circles.

After several missed strikes from the blinded Basilisk, it strikes again, right at him this time.

But Harry plunges the sword into the roof of the Basilisk's mouth, killing it.

However, one of its poisonous fangs sinks into his arm, injecting a deadly poison.

They fell down right beside the still unconscious Ginny and the illusionary image of Tom riddle.

This is the queue when Jonathan should appear.

Because right at that time Ginny would gain her consciousness for a little while.

Also Jonathan plan to kill the soul piece of Tom riddle here and see if there are any benefits from this from the villain system.

Villains are hunted by both protagonists and other villains.

At the same time Jonathan can also gain benefits for defeating, killing and spoiling the plans of both villains and protagonists.

There are also heroines and supporting characters.

Everything could give Jonathan benefits in one way or the other.

So he quickened his steps and came to Tom riddle.

Then Jonathan pulled the wand in the hands of Tom riddle.

The water is turbulent because of the fall of the basilisk and its death struggle.

So Jonathan was not noticed by anyone.

Jonathan directly snatched the wand in his hand first and then removed the cloak that is covering him.

Harry that was lying on the ground looked shocked by the sudden appearance of Jonathan.

Tom riddle was also startled and asked.

“Who the hell are you?

Wait I know you, from that girls memories.

You are called Jonathan from the black family right.

What are you doing here?”

Jonathan looked at Voldemort for a moment and said with a mocking smile.

“If you want the answers then come directly to find them instead of being a piece of memory.

Also I don’t really care much about idiotic half bloods like you.

I am not like those morons that blindly followed you.

Even some muggle born people are better than you.

Remember I am Jonathan black.

Come to me and talk to me face to face instead of being a coward.

Also, remember not to send your cronies to me.

If I find someone I would kill them directly.”

Jonathan is not idle while speaking as he moved to take the diary and went to the basilisk that finally fell into its eternal slumber.

At that time Tom riddle has an aggrieved expression on his face because Jonathan rubbed salt on his sour wound about his origins.

He just explained to Harry that he left behind his human origins.

But Jonathan did not consider that and called him half blood.

This made him angry and started to shake wildly.

Because of this he did not notice that Jonathan is taking the life diary of Tom riddle towards the basilisk.

Only when Jonathan put the diary of Tom riddle between the fangs of basilisk did he noticed the situation.

His expression immediately changed into

“No, don’t do that…..”

But before he could speak Jonathan hit the head of the basilisk.

Immediately the diary was pierced by the fangs of basilisk because of the reflexive action.

When the nerve of a newly dead snake is stimulated, the channels in the nerve will open up, allowing ions to pass through.

This creates an electrical impulse that enables the muscle to carry out a reflexive action, like a bite

This is what Jonathan used instead of trying the pierce the diary with the fang of the snake slowly.

Immediately the blood flowed out of the diary at the same time the spirit body of Tom riddle got many holes slowly making him disintegrate.

Tom riddle made the endless No’s while all of this is happening.

On the other hand Ginny woke up for a moment and Jonathan appeared in front of her with the words he gave to Tom riddle.

“Now that it is over you can die and leave Ginny for good.

Do ever put your thought on any woman around me….”

Jonathan noticed the eye opening of Ginny and said there words for her to hear.

When she fainted again Jonathan did not care about her and went to Harry first.

Harry was in dazed state not knowing what Jonathan is speaking.

Jonathan did not help Harry immediately instead he cast a silencing ward around them and then spoke.

“You have promised me that you would give me credit for one incident or event right.

I want you to give me credit for the current incident for killing the basilisk.

Don’t worry; I will not let you die……..”


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