Heather the Necromancer

Book 5: Chapter 49: A match made in Heaven

Book 5: Chapter 49: A match made in Heaven

A light, airy music full of harps and instruments too fantastic to describe filled a hall mainly made of glass and dark marble. Exotic foods from meats to fantasy fruits were laid out in grand displays along seven banquet tables. The air was full of the sweet scent of cakes and spiced wine and tinted by colored smoke from magical braziers burning with colored fire. People from a wide spectrum of races and classes mingled and laughed as Lady Maline encouraged them to enjoy the party. The maids ran about with trays of wine and delectable treats, laughing and smiling as they played their role. The whole scene was one of wonder as Heather saw magical outfits of shifting colors and glowing lights. She began to feel underdressed in her simple gown as a woman in layers of blue etched with luminous bands strolled by.

They were given a nook along the wall with a prominent chair for Blackbast and cushioned benches for her pets. A grand silk carpet defined the space and was bordered by planters of luxurious plants, creating a private pocked. Still, they were in the middle of the hall, drawing notice and bringing in curious players. Lady Maline didn't help, constantly encouraging people to visit her guests and pry for gossip.

Blackbast did her best to do the talking, but people began to address the others directly. Heather and the others quickly found themselves talking with guests while doing their best to keep up the ruse. The people kept asking if they were participating, but Heather wasn't sure what that meant. Some would laugh and stroll away; others would look her over before saying they wouldn't mind being paired with her. She began to develop a sinking feeling that perhaps people had the wrong opinion of why they were there. She took the liberty of telling a few interested men that she was betrothed to another and that Frank was here to ensure she didn't do anything improper.

That worked for most of the men, but a new problem began to surface. Women were approaching Frank and flirting quite boldly. Heather did all she could to politely dissuade these women, eventually coming up with a truthful lie. She told them that he too was engaged to marry a princess Hannah of Ellowshire. The wedding would occur when he completed his mission, and he vowed to remain faithful to her always. It worked for some of the women, but for a few, this only made him more a challenge, and they stepped up their advances. Eventually, there came a break where they were left to themselves, and Blackbast asked the maids to bring them some wine.

This is going well, Breanne scoffed and looked across the crowded room. We must have spoken to half the people in here already.

I couldnt get rid of that one guy, Quinny sighed and sat down. I finally had to tell him Blackbast was punishing me and wouldnt let me play. She smiled and looked toward Heather before asking how she managed to beat that one woman off of Frank.

You saw that? Heather asked and rolled her eyes. Why are people here so shamelessly forward?

Why not be? Breanne said. This world has very different social rules. Thankfully people are still inclined to be polite about it.

I hadnt expected to be in the center of the hall, Blackbast grumbled. That woman has put us on display.

Speaking of on display, Legeis said as he stood beside his armor in a fantastic outfit of pouches and leather belts. Is there some reason why Maline insisted my armor had to be here? People keep asking me if I am going to compete in it.

Yeah, I have been asked if I am going to participate in the game, Quinny added.

Frank and I got that question too, Heather said as all eyes went to Blackbast. She isnt expecting us to be some kind of entertainment?

Blackbast looked startled and shook her head vigorously as she insisted that she knew nothing about it and wouldn't allow it even if pressed.

Maline said nothing to me about some kind of contest or event to participate in, she stated.

But do we trust her to have told us everything? Legeis asked. She did go out of her way to invite us to her little party. If she was going to arrange some kind of embarrassing event, it makes sense she would pick on strangers.

I dont get that from her, Quinny said. She seems more like somebody trying to maximize her points. She probably heard we were in town and jumped at the chance to gain a few more.

That is most likely the truth of it, Blackbast agreed. But there is something planned that we have not been told. So be on your guard and see if you can learn something about it.

Are we allowed to get food? Heather asked as the maids returned with a tray full of glasses of wine. Heather handed one to Frank then plucked on for herself as Blackbast suggested they could all go to the food together. However, just before she could take them, Lady Maline arrived with a big smile.

Priestess Blackbast, Maline said with a warm tone. There is somebody you must come meet.

You wish me to meet somebody? Blackbast stammered and looked confused. I must insist you bring them here. I do not wish to leave my pets alone.

You have the guards to take care of your pets, Maline laughed. I am sure they can handle things for a few minutes. Come, I want to introduce you. He is quite interested in news from the south.

It was clear Blackbast didn't know what to do, so Heather quickly nodded and told her they would wait here until she got back. Maline took that as permission and grabbed hold of Blackbasts arm, whisking her away and into the crowds.

Well, I guess we eat later, Breanne sighed.

I bet we can ask the maids to bring us some food, Frank suggested as they all heard a stomach growl and looked at Heather.

What? Heather groaned and poked at her stomach. You be quiet. I have kept you more than fed with cookies.

I almost forgot that thing had a mind of its own, Breanne laughed.

I bet they have pizza on the table, Quinny added, causing another loud groan.

Stop it, Heather protested. I can't control it, and you're not helping.

Is there something I can help with? came a familiar voice causing Heather to turn and smile at the woman with rabbit ears.

Jilly! Heather cried. I am so glad to see you.

I knew you were hungry, so I came running, Jilly said with a smile. Did you need me to bring you something?

How did you know? Heather asked in surprise.

Jilly pointed to her ears and then explained she could hear Heather's stomach from across the hall. She offered to fill a platter with items from the buffet and bring it back so they could eat. Quinny immediately jumped in and began to list off sweets prompting Heather to ask if they had pizza. Jilly smiled and waved the scaled maid over, asking her to go to the kitchen for a special order. She then spoke to the others and hurried off to fetch a tray before returning with it laden with foods. She had a small table brought over and set the tray out so they could all pick at it while their errant master played good guest.

I havent eaten like this in so long, Frank said as he made a sandwich out of some kind of meat.

You should ask Heathers cook to make you stuff, Quinny said as she chewed a moist cake. She can make some pretty decent stuff.

It isnt that, Frank said as he took a bite. It's the lack of need to eat. I just kinda got out of the habit.

And I thought it was because it was so hard to eat with those claws, Heather laughed as she sampled some kind of steaming meat.

The fingers being so long made it hard too, Frank replied and looked at his sandwich. But I have to admit I am enjoying this. Its fun to see some of the world and go on an adventure.

See, Heather cut in and gave him a nudge. Its fun to do some exploring.

You two won't need to explore to attend functions like this, Breanne said as she tried some cheese. Once you're married, I am sure Gwen will invite you to all sorts of events.

I hadnt thought of that, Heather said with a smile. We will have a proper social life.

I just hope it isnt too often, Frank said nervously. I am still uncomfortable about being around so many people.

Oh, dont worry about that, she said and stood by his side. She promised he didnt have to attend anything he didnt want to, and she would always be there when he did.

Hey, can I play with your pillow spider? Quinny asked with a laugh and pointed.

Oh, I almost forgot he was there, Heather replied and turned to see the lazy spider bouncing on his pillow next to the wall where she parked him. Is there something here you will eat? He chirped as she heard his voice in her thoughts then shook her head. I am not summoning a cloud of bats. If you're too lazy to come and look, then you can just float there.

Aww, the poor little guy, Quinny said as she came to the pillow and began to push him through the air. She brought him right to the table so he could look it over and began to offer him meats.

He's a fussy eater, Heather said as he rejected item after item. She looked around for Blackbast but started watching as a guest put on a small magical display of illusions. He summoned all sorts of creatures while briefly describing where they were found and how to hunt them. Heather watched with mild interest until Jilly returned with a silver tray laden with golden treasure.

Here you go, she said and presented the tray to Heather.

Heather looked down to see the unmistakable glory of a pizza cooked to perfection. Steam wafted off the golden browned cheese dotted with sausage, onions, and mushrooms. It had that sheen of grease, and in a few places, she could see the red of sauce.

Pizza! Heather cried and nearly ripped the tray from the womans arms.

I hope those toppings are right. If you prefer something else, just let me know. The kitchens can make almost anything, Jilly added as the tray was thrust onto the table, and Heather immediately tore away a slice.

I could kiss you, Heather sighed and took her first bite. She hummed and savored the flavor as the cheese came away in strands bringing back fond memories. Her stomach rolled with groans of approval, urging her to devour more.

Do you think its safe to take some? Quinny whispered to Breanne.

If you want to risk losing fingers, be my guest, Breanne answered as Heather finished her first piece.

Don't be silly, Heather said with a smile. Take what you want. We can always ask for another one.

The others dived in and began to talk about the party, admitting that this was actually kind of fun. So far, everyone had been nice, and not a single person even spoke of something unpleasant. By the time the pizza was gone, Heather had already asked for another one with extra pepperoni, and they sat down to sip their wine.

A few guests wandered in to speak with them, and they played their role perfectly. It was all going very well until a woman called out with a strong voice.

Is that an infernal I see? she said, causing all of them to look up.

Heather spun about as her mouth fell open to see the woman who was approaching. She stood just taller than the average man with golden hair that fell about her shoulders. She wore a white hood trimmed with golden runes that shimmered with magic and seemed almost to float behind her. A ring of blue light hovered over her head, matching big eyes that simmered with the same power. What caught Heathers attention the most were the two feathered wings, silky smooth and white as a cloud. She approached in shining silver armor trimmed in white and decorated with blue stones.

Heather stood her ground as the angelic walked right up to her and locked her gaze. For once, she was grateful Blackbast had made her a little taller, so she was able to meet those scolding eyes evenly.

You are a servant of the Lady Blackbast? the woman asked.

I am, Heather replied in a dry tone. My name is Heather, and you are?

Alura Angelsong, the woman said as a smile curled her face. She relaxed her stance and threw back her hood before smiling even wider. I am glad to see some people still play monster races. I was beginning to think they were all gone.

Youre glad I am a monster player? Heather asked, taken aback by the womans suddenly friendly demeanor.

Of course, Alura said and tossed her hair the blue halo following her every move. The world was made so the hero and monster players would compliment each other. Sadly some of its more prominent members have fostered a very negative opinion of monster players.

So I have noticed, Heather replied before takings a sip of her wine.

Alura sighed while explaining how some lands were better than others and then commented on Heather's plight. She assumed Heather was Blackbast's pet because of the measure of protection it offered her. Heather said that was partly true and explained how she was more or less being given in marriage, and Blackbast's collar made it safer to travel. Once the deed was done, the collar would come off, and hopefully, she would live happily ever after.

I heard some of that in the gossip going on, Alura said and looked out over the room. These events are always more to share rumors than anything else. My friends and I come to these to gain some insight into what Kevin is doing. It seems he's rather worried about goblins of late. She ended that point by glancing at Legeis, giving him an approving nod. You know, if you two find the north unwelcoming, our kingdom would be happy to have you.

I will keep that in mind, Legeis replied with a raised glass. So you dont mind monster players in your lands?

We don't, but that doesn't mean things are much easier. We try to spread the idea that monsters building lairs would be good for adventure. However, it is impossible to police all the players, and bad actors still go out of their way to reset monster players. We even have some suspicions that Kevin sends his assassins to rest them whenever a monster player gets to high level. We can't prove that, of course, but it happens every time without fail about level twenty.

Thats awful, Heather groaned. We met some monster players on the way here who had the same problem. One of them founded a little kingdom, but if they got too high a level, the paladins would show up to accidentally reset them.

And slowly but surely, the monster players give up and switch to hero players, Alura added with a distasteful frown. It has to stop, but who can make Kevin see reason after what happened?

Do you actually know what happened? Heather asked. All I have heard are bits and pieces about killing a dragon that was his friend.

So you don't know the full story? Alura asked with a slight smile. Well, the story would take a long time to tell, but I can give you the highlights. Kevin once traveled with a group of companions, some of whom were monster players. At some point, one of their number, an infernal like you, began working with the necromancers. What her goal was, or how she planned to achieve it, nobody knows for sure, but Kevin and she began to argue. Eventually, they parted ways, and she took all the monster players with her. At about this time, the necromancers and goblins started massive projects, and rumor has it these were at the request of her.

By her, you mean Hathlisora? Heather asked and got a nod.

So you have heard the name, good it will make this easier, Alura said and continued. Whatever they were working on, Kevin grew ever concerned. Depending on who you ask, he sent envoys to try and reason with the necromancers or sent armies to threaten them. The necromancers said they were trying to understand how the world and its magic worked so they could tweak it to the benefit of the players.

Whatever they were doing, it began to cause a great deal of conflict, and hero players began raiding the necromancers. The necromancers eventually started to fight back, and armed with armies of the dead launched terrible raids into their neighbors.

We have heard a lot about this part, Heather sighed. But where does this dragon fit into all this?

That's the funny thing, Alura said. Kevin had this dragon in the very beginning. By all accounts, they were good friends, perhaps even more, but in the later years, the beast was nowhere to be seen. When the fighting starts, the dragon suddenly reappears, and this causes chaos for the necromancers. It is said Hathlisora went mad at the dragon's return and swore to find a way to make Kevin pay. At about this time, the necromancers made a terrible discovery, a way to animate hero players by effectively converting them to monster players. They rose again as zombies or skeleton warriors or, in some cases, even worse things. This revelation united the hero players like never before, as this was an easy and effective way to reset them. Unfortunately, they stayed dead instead of resetting, and this caused a tremendous uproar.

Why would the necromancers want that? Heather asked.

Most think they didn't want it at all, Alura replied. I personally think it was a tragic accident, an unexpected side effect from an experimental spell. But plenty of people think this was intended and proof that necromancers could never be trusted. This sentiment turned thousands to Kevin's banner as they looked to him to lead the united hero empire against the necromancer threat.

We heard the dragon was killed at this point, Heather interjected as Alura nodded. She was indeed, at a terrible battle meant to put a quick end to the threat. The hero players suffered catastrophic casualties all because the other she was there, and she was mad with rage.

You mean Hathlisora? Quinny asked for the first time, daring to enter the conversation.

It was her, Alura agreed. And she earned the near-universal hatred of the hero players. She slew Kevin's dragon personally and then had the body reanimated as a zombie version of itself. The story says she was still conscious of who she was but unable to resist Hathlisora's command. Hathlisora rode her into battle against Kevin, and in a moment that changed the course of the world, he slew the dragon.

Is it true the dragon was begging him to forgive her? Frank asked.

As far as I know, that was true, Alura replied.

And what happened to Hathlisora? Heather asked.

This is another part of the story that seems strange, Alura said, leaning closer as if to whisper. Legend has it that Kevin presented her with something she deeply wanted in exchange for turning on the necromancers. She refused with people claiming she screamed that she would never abandon them. Whatever that object was, Kevin promptly cut it in two, and Hathlisora went insane. She was so out of control that she was nearly killed and her army crushed. From that point on, Kevin took fanatic measures to stop the necromancers and hunt down Hathlisora. He found a way to destroy world spawn graveyards, declared all monster players to be in league with the necromancers, and launched a war against the goblins.

Why us? Legeis asked.

You are the proof of why, Alura said with a smile. Nobody can build things like the goblins can, and Hathlisora had them building secret projects all over the land. Kevin ordered them found and destroyed, prompting a massive goblin invasion from the north. They were utterly devoted to Hathlisora and came running to her call.

Why would she call the goblins? Heather asked.

Most think because the necromancers were finished, and she needed a new army to fight with, Alura guessed. The problem is she gathered them all in the red sands, deep into the desert where it was rumored a goblin machine was being built. Whatever the purpose of the machine, Kevin sent every wizard and battle mage he could find after them. It is said the sand demons even fought to protect them, but in the end, it all went up in a massive explosion creating the glass.

I wonder what they were building? Legeis said and looked to Alura. Nobody knows?

Nobody who is willing to admit it, Alura laughed. Kevin knows, of course, and so do his chief commanders.

But what about the story that the glass was created in a duel between a wizard and a sand demon? Heather asked.

A cover story, Alura replied. You will find a dozen places around the inner ring where some fantastic story is spread to cover up a goblin secret.

I had no idea goblins caused so much trouble, Legeis said. I am kinda glad I picked this class.

Wait, what is the inner ring? Heather asked as she was not familiar with the term.

You dont know what the inner ring is? Alura asked with a funny expression. You cant get into New Eden without going through the application process in most countries. They all teach you about the basic layout of the land.

I wasnt really paying attention, Heather lied and hoped she hadnt revealed too much.

Well, then I will explain. The spawn points form a massive ring across the land. By our best estimates, the distance between two sides of the ring is roughly the size of the United States. Everything inside that ring is considered the inner ring. That's where all the settlements and player lands are because it's generally safer. Everything outside that ring is called the wilds because the farther from the ring you go, the more dangerous it gets.

But surely people do have lands outside the ring, Heather pressed.

Oh, to be sure. There are usually player lands for a hundred miles or so outside the ring, but it gets rather difficult to advance beyond that. Only the extremely high-level players risk it, and even then, only for short trips. I have made three such expeditions and found some fascinating world spawned ruins.

That sounds fun, Heather agreed but then got back on track. She asked what happened to Hathlisora after the desert battle, and Alura explained. To her best understanding, Hathlisora survived the attack by using a magic doorway. A special unit of paladins was sent in to capture her and pursued her through that doorway. However, none of them ever returned, including Hathlisora.

But what about her battle with the dragon knight? Legeis asked. When did that happen?

What battle with the dragon knights? Alura asked, her eyes narrowing in on him.

It was just something I learned from talking to a goblin NPC. He claimed to have seen her fighting the dragon knights and nearly died in the effort, Legeis replied.

Hmm, Alura said and tapped at her chin. I wonder if that is connected to why the goblins serve her. The dragon knights and the goblins are bitter enemies. They like to fly over their villages and set them afire.

I would hate them for that too, Heather said.

Not to mention that goblins and dragons both like to claim mountains as their homes, they tend to come into conflict a lot, Alura added.

So now Kevin holds the land in an iron grip for fear this could all happen again? Heather asked to steer the conversation back on track.

So it would seem, Alura sighed. We have tried to convince him to relent some of his barbaric practices, but he is convinced that would be a disaster. He has the support of a huge number of the players as well, even if they don't share his belief that all monster players are to blame. However, time seems to be healing the wounds, and new players who don't carry the old scars are joining all the time. Lands like ours are trying to embrace monster players openly, and with luck, things will change.

I doubt it, Frank said and set his wine aside. More than likely, he will find new things to blame on monster players to help keep that hatred alive.

As I said, who could blame him? Alura asked. How would you react if one of your best friends was slain, reanimated, and turned against you? How much worse would you feel if you were forced to kill that friend, knowing she would never respawn again?

I don't know, Frank replied and looked away.

Well, lets not dwell on such dark memories, Alura said with a smile. Those days are long past, and with some effort, things will get better.

If hero players like you are working to make a difference, then I almost believe it, Heather agreed.

Thankfully, there are a few more like me, she replied and glanced to her right. Oh, speak of the devil. I have somebody I would like you to meet.

Heather and the others watched as she waved her hand and beckoned a tall man to join her, and they watched as he strode up in polished armor etched with Lions with a skull under its paw. Heather tried not to react, but Breanne choked on her wine and looked away as the man stood beside Alura and gave a curt bow.

I would like to introduce you to a very good friend of mine, Alura said with a beaming smile. This is Skullman, the paladin of Mithaniel.

Heather tried not to shudder as she looked into the eyes of the only player to have killed her. Alura then introduced her as Heather, and she saw his eyes twitch in recognition. He immediately looked at Breanne then the others, and she knew he was figuring it out.

Lady, Heather, he said as he stepped forward and took one of her hands. He lifted it high and planted a delicate kiss on it before staring into her eyes. An oddly common name of late. I swear I met a woman just like you a while back.

It is a common name, Heather replied, then cleared her throat. I hope the woman who shares it was pleasant.

She was interesting, he answered and stepped back. Though she was in a spot of trouble at the time. I do hope she managed to find her way out of it.

So do I, Heather said nervously and went for more wine. She filled the glass and took a deep swig before offering some to Alura and Skullman.

No, thank you, Alura replied, but Skullman took one while constantly glancing between Heather and Breanne.

I hear you are traveling with a master, he said once he had a sip.

I am, Heather said while trying to be calm and wishing Blackbast was back. And what brings you here today?

I had little choice, he remarked and looked at Alura. She insisted.

Oh, he's going to be my partner for the adventure, Alura said with a smile.

What adventure? Heather asked.

The party one, Alura responded. Dont tell me you dont know about the main event?

I wasn't informed, Heather admitted with a halfhearted smile. Maybe Blackbast knows.

Ha, Alura said with a musical tone. Well, then I better tell you about this too. Lady Maline isn't just having a social event for gossip. Today is an adventure party, and soon teams will go into her magic labyrinth to hunt for treasure and try to escape. The rules are simple, anyone but your teammate is the enemy, and whoever escapes with the most treasure wins.

Wait, it's a tournament? Heather asked, and Skullman cut in explaining it in detail. He said the labyrinth was hidden under the island, and twelve teams would arrive in random locations. These would then have four hours to collect as much treasure as possible and get out alive. Teams were allowed to kill each other or work together, but in the end, there would only be one team as a winner. If multiple teams made it out, the winner wasn't the first but the team who escaped with the most loot. That team would get to keep their loot and all the loot from the surviving teams.

Why would she do it that way? Heather asked.

Because it's more entertaining, Alura said with a smile. It encourages teams to stay and explore until the time is nearly up. Meanwhile, everything you do will be observed up here for the guests to see.

But people will die? Heather asked in shock.

It's just a bit of fun. You will respawn in the town below, and all your stuff returned, Alura said.

Hmm, Skullman said as he looked at Breanne. What if we had a little more fun with this?

A little more fun how? Alura asked.

Why don't you two team up, he said, pointing between Alura and Heather.

Thats a fantastic idea, Alura cried. Angel and devil fighting side by side. It would be an amazing team, but I cant leave you sitting here alone.

I wont be alone, he said and gestured with his wine to Breanne. I will go in with her.

Me? Breanne cried in alarm. You dont want me. I am no good in combat.

You look like the ranger type, Skullman said. I bet you're fantastic with a bow.

You know full well I , Breanne began but cut herself off and cleared her throat. I would need my master's permission, and I doubt she would give it.

I would too, Heather said and smiled. You two should just go together.

Oh, don't be silly, Alura insisted. People seeing an angel and devil fighting as a team would help advance our cause. It would show monster and hero players can get along.

But I have this collar on, Heather said and explained it hindered her powers significantly.

Can you take it off? Alura asked as she looked over it. You did say it was coming off when you were married.

I promised never to take it off until the task was done, Heather said and put a hand over her neck.

Oh, you made a pact, Alura said with a smile. I admire how dedicated to your class you are. Still, you have a secondary class, right?

Flower singer, Heather said and tried not to notice the glare Skullman was giving her. Thats hardly a combat class.

Ha, ha, ha, Alura giggled. A devil flower singer. I love the combination. Please, you must be my partner in this.

I would have to ask Blackbast, Heather said.

Ask me what? Blackbast replied as she appeared behind the angelic woman with Lady Maline beside her.

Oh, lady Blackbast, Alura said with a bow. My companion here, and I would love to request two of your pets to accompany us on the adventure. I would love Heather to accompany me, and Skullman would like, she paused just now, realizing she didn't know the woman's name,

Lady Breanne, he finished and gestured with his wine to her.

Oh, I didnt realize you knew each other, Alura said in surprise.

I just overheard her name in the party, Skullman said and took a sip of his wine.

I see, Alura said and put her focus on Blackbast. Oh, please, you must let them join us. It would mean so much to show good relations between monster and hero players. Just think a devil and an angelic together side by side.

I dont believe I can allow that, Blackbast said with an aggravated swish of her tail. I promised to deliver her safe and sound, and she is not to be separated from her guardian. She accentuated her argument by pointing at Frank.

But it's just for the party, Alura insisted. Even if she died, she would respawn in a few hours. I am told you're not leaving until tomorrow, so she will be back long before you have to go.

I am a monster player, Heather interjected. I wont spawn in the local graveyard.

Oh, that is a good point, Alura said in reply and began to think. You know, Gerris is here. He could give her a soul stone, and she could respawn right here.

Gerris is still upset with you about last year's party, Skullman said with a raised brow.

That was a misunderstanding, Alura said and waved the objection away. I am sure if I asked nicely, he would do it.

I do not think this can be permitted, Blackbast said again. My pets are not here to compete.

Lady Blackbast, Maline said and shook her head. I will ask Gerris myself and have both your pet's soul stoned so they can't be reset.

I appreciate the offer, Blackbast replied as her ears started to pin back. But I was very clear that my girls are not here as entertainment.

As their owner, you would be the one to reap the reward if one of them wins, Maline added with a smile. And you would have two chances to win.

I will still have to decline, Blackbast said as she folded her arms.

Hmm, Maline said and gave Alura a wink. What if I sweetened the deal? I happen to know your devil pet likes rare books. Well, I have one under lock and key she would find very interesting. I will give it to her if either of them wins the dungeon.

A book? Heather asked with some interest.

A book from the researches of the necromancers when their schools of magic were at their heights, Maline replied.

A rare book indeed, Alura said and hoped it would sway the outcome.

Blackbast was speechless and turned to Heather for guidance. Heather didnt dare pass up such a tantalizing prize and asked if she could bring Webster in as well.

Of course, Maline said with a curt nod.

Then it is settled, Alura said with a wide smile. Don your armor because the adventure party is about to begin!

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