Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 929: Loberon, King Of Lobsters. Start of a Nightmare.

Chapter 929: Loberon, King Of Lobsters. Start of a Nightmare.

Knowing that the situation was going awry, the Head Concubine flicked her hand to summon a talisman and broke it. Everyone in the throne room looked over as a powerful spatial fluctuation spread from the broken talisman. "Well, since we've come down to this, I'll tell you this." 

The Head Concubine spoke as the spatial fluctuation spread and engulfed the entire concubine group. "Coraline, if you hadn't existed, nothing like this would've happened." 

Yasenia snorted as she waved her hand in their direction. "Break."


The spatial fluctuation was shattered, returning space to normal and leaving everyone in the room stupefied. Yasenia looked on coldly as she stated. "You dare interrupt my time with my pregnant lover with your little political betrayal, and then you try to escape? I don't know what your plan was, but I will tell you what your future IS." 

The dragoness walked forward, her presence magnifying by the second. "I will capture you, tie you here until I deal with everything, and then, you will come back to the Astral Sky Sect with me. Once there, I will place each of you in a room where my poison masters will practice different medicines on your bodies. You will become a living testing subject until the day you inevitably perish. Oh, and if my children get interested, you might become a torture dummy for them to practice; it depends on how eager they are to learn." 

The concubines and everyone else who didn't know Yasenia deeply felt the blood from their faces draining. The amount of suffering one person would go through in that situation was enough to break almost any average cultivator's will.

The Head Concubine shouted. "Yasenia Dravory, don't go too far! You are not unbeatable! If you dare do something to me, my lover won't stay silent about this!" 

Yasenia looked at the lobster king, but the Head Concubine surprisingly shouted. "Not him! I mean the Emperor of the Ocean Chasm Empire!" 

Yasenia's eyes widened together with the rest. Even the dragoness was unaware of this information. 


The Head Concubine shouted back. "You are a spineless coward! What good would come from staying by your side!? A stupid bastard that dances below the hem of Coraline's skirt is nothing but a DISGRACE as a King!" Her lips arched while her eyes flashed with madness. "I must also inform you that the boy you thought of so preciously is not yours. I was lucky, and my genes became dominant, giving birth to a Sun Engulfing Ore Lobster. However, he is not yours, COWARD!" 

After processing her words, the aura of the Lobster King burst outward as he rushed forward. His momentum was incredibly deep, far beyond what others truly expected. 

Coraline looked at him, worry flashing between her brows. However, Yasenia stopped her from moving with a single look. The message was clear. This was something he, the King, needed to deal with.

With a palm strike, the water before the man twisted and surged forward. His face full of maddened anger at his lover's betrayal in the worst two ways created torrents of wrath in his veins. 


The Head Concubine answered the attack, the others helping, and together, they managed to neutralize the King's all-out attack. "Fleia! If I don't break every bone in your body today, my name is not Loberon!" 

Fleia, the Head Concubine, snarled. "A weak bastard like you can't put a scratch on my body!" 

Loberon, Fleia, and the other concubines entered a battle that shook the throne room. If it weren't because the room was reinforced by powerful formations, it would've collapsed long ago.

Yasenia observed with a cold and indifferent face, and Coraline approached. "Little Yasenia, how about we interfere?"

The dragoness looked at the man who was using all his skills to fight off the concubines and saw his grief and anger. The negative feelings were close to giving birth to a powerful Heart Demon. Yet, Yasenia didn't intervene. The reason was because she trusted this King.

He was not the strongest, the wisest, or the King that would leave the best legacy. However, Yasenia knew that Loberon's heart was really pure. He was a man who loved his family with his entire being and tried his best to support everyone and make a family situation that was bound to collapse, work. 

Coraline never leaving him was a statement about Loberon's character as a man, and Yasenia respected that. Coraline's genuine worry clearly indicated how good of a job he did, as the incredibly intelligent and powerful woman kept her love for him even after all the years.

Therefore, she trusted in the character and heart of such a man. 

The betrayal of a loved one was devastating for anyone, to the point that people's personalities could change overnight. 

Yasenia looked at Coraline and said. "Trust him."

Coraline's heart skipped a beat at those words, and her mind awakened from her confused state. The ongoing events were far beyond her expectations, so she was slightly confused. 

However, those two words brought the usual clarity back to her mind, and her aura took a turn. She looked at the fighting and spoke with an elegant smile. "Husband, do your best."

Loberon's confused mind absorbed those words like a thirsty man in search of water. And right after, his mind cleared up from all the dark thoughts, and his aura burst outward. 

Tengliu's eyes flashed. "Breakthrough? His King Intent went from level 6 to level 7!" 

Thanks to Yasenia's support, most of the leaders of her allied power managed to make breakthroughs in their intents, allowing many to reach the previously unreachable Level 6. 

The suppression the [King Intent Level 7] created was enough to tilt the fight in his favor. Yet, after landing a solid hit that sent almost all the concubines flying against the wall, he stopped. 

Standing tall in the middle of the semi-destroyed throne room, he turned around and walked toward Coraline. "Sorry, my wife. I lost control for a few moments."

Yasenia's eyes flashed with praise. 'Strong mind, pristine attitude, swift recovery, and the ability to see what's truly important. Coraline found a good man.'

Coraline's lips arched softly and she opened her arms. "Come here, you big dork. You are tired, aren't you? They are not weaklings."

The man laughed and instead hugged Coraline over her shoulders. "It doesn't matter. It's a good sensation of tiredness."

Yasenia looked at the maids and said. "Capture all the concubines. Let's do a thorough cleanup before we're going to face Admiral Tidal Crest." 

For the following hours, Yasenia and the maids mobilized everyone and methodically killed those connected to the concubines. With the main culprits behind the betrayal captured, following the trail and identifying their "Arms" and "Legs" was easy.

Yasenia finished cleaning up the high-level cultivators a few hours before Admiral Tidal Crest arrived. "Okay, now that everyone here is clean, let's speak about what we will do."

Yasenia took out a formation core and said. "When the enemies arrive, we activate this [Abyss Gate Formation]. It was done by Tatyana, and it is a wide-area attack… Well, a little different from an attack, but it will certainly kill many." The dragoness continued. "While that's going on, we charge in and kill Admiral Tidal Crest and the other peak levels. Then, we clean up the battlefield of trash. Any questions?"

Everyone looked at Yasenia with stunned expressions. Coraline asked, confused. "Are you sure this is enough?" 

"This…" The dragoness looked at the ominous core and snorted. "...thing will summon things beyond your and my comprehension. Am I sure? I am not, but Tatyana said… No, she ordered me not to go forward before the effects of the formation disappeared. Like she made me look into her eyes while answering; she has done that only a few times in my life. So, whatever this thing will do, I am sure that it will not be pretty. 

Everyone was still confused, but they knew that Yasenia didn't say things if she wasn't sure of them. So, they decided to put a vote of confidence and prepare their forces.

Yasenia looked at the purplish-black glowing formation core and hummed. "So… Will this thing summon those aberrations I saw in the past?" 

Selena at the side answered. "Young Miss, this formation is a bit more ominous. It is also a taboo formation back in the Sky Continent. Whoever uses it, the rest of the world will band together to slaughter. Lady Tatyana used it this time because of the special situation; if it had not, that kind of formation would've never landed in Young Miss's hands. While the chance of it malfunctioning is almost negligible, it can. That infinitely slim chance is what makes this formation taboo. Worlds have fallen before due to it." 

The dragoness hummed. "I see. I will be extra careful then." 

The dragoness crossed her legs and closed her eyes, controlling the energy around her. Slowly, a dragon made of pure energy manifested. 

Once it appeared, the dragoness bit her finger and dropped a bit of blood on it. The drop sank into the energy, creating something similar to a construct that could now pick and activate the core on its own.

These kinds of skills were useless for combat, but cultivators always have the ability to modify energy around them to their will. Angel did something similar back in Lost Town when she summoned a Yasenia made of glass and made her dance. 

The dragoness nodded and looked at her maids. "Anything wrong with this method?"

The maids smiled and shook their heads. "None, Young Miss. Ingenious and practical." 

Yasenia nodded and controlled the small dragon. The creature held the core firmly and swam upward. 

Around one hour later, a massive group appeared in the distance. The dragoness looked at the mass of people with an unfazed expression.

Tengliu approached and asked. "Hm? Why are you cross-legged, Little Yasenia?"

Flora looked over and said. "Lady Tengliu, please be silent. Young Miss is focusing on manipulating something."

Tengliu saw the seriousness in her eyes and nodded. Instead, she looked toward the horizon and waited for the show to start.

Admiral Tidal Crest approached the army and made it stop around 100 kilometers from the walls. It looked like a lot, but it was not that much for cultivators of their level. 

He shouted. "Queen Coraline and King Loberon, this is the last chance to surrender! We've captured 80% of your land and captured a large part of your population, and if we continue, we will eventually make everyone you hold dear suffer and disappear. This is not a War, but a massacre."

Yasenia looked at them, and her lips arched coldly. "Indeed. This is not a War. It is a unilateral massacre. Now, activate the [Abyss Gate Formation]." 

The energy construct carrying the core silently descended from the sky. Because of the enchantments that Tatyana gave it, detecting the core was nearly impossible. To the spiritual sense of the high-level people, it would feel like a rock falling. So their subconscious would ignore it. 

Hence, the purplish-black core fell unimpeded without anyone or anything to stop it.

Yasenia didn't aim right above Admiral Tidal Crest and the rest, just in case, but the landing place was around 5 kilometers away. 

The second the formation core touched the sand; an ominous purplish light swallowed that area. 


The cacophony of horrific screams was the start of the historical massacre. Then, a hellish land descended, followed by many horrors beyond comprehension.

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