Heavenly Opposers

Chapter 191 191-Lets Screw Over The Ex-Husband!

Chapter 191 Chapter 191-Lets Screw Over The Ex-Husband!

"Elaborate on your plan."

Raena spoke, light amusement in those eyes of hers as she said so. Seeing this, Azrail spoke.

"I plan to use your background to our advantage, to mention the fact that you two are from an extremely powerful place of the third heaven. When you came here, you realized my worth, took me in, and helped me awaken my true talent while also betrothing your daughter to me, seeing my boundless potential."

These wordings of Azrail's made Raena frown a bit, but she understood the idea behind the words that Azrail spoke.

"Make the whole lower realm wary of you and at the same time earn lots of power and recognition. Even the Empire itself will mellow their behavior towards you."

Raena spoke, her words making both Azrail and his mother nod their heads, and Azrail continued after this.

"An added bonus of this, you can also make things extremely complex for your husband too."

These final wordings of Azrail's made Raena chuckle a bit, those maddened eyes still hadn't mellowed, danced with a crazed glint as she spoke.

"You can continue."

"What I mean is the Empire itself is connected to some powers of the above heavens, and we can use someone of the connections within my grasp to make the supremely powerful powers connected to the third heaven pay attention to this."

These wordings brought the light of recognition back to Raena's eyes, her mind already understanding the route that Azrail was proposing.

"This is a very dangerous plan. You are talking about messing around with powers even within the third heaven. Are you even sure of what kind of play you are getting yourself into?"

As the last of her words sounded out, subtle killing intent leaked out of her, and as Yun was about to respond to it, Azrail shook his head at his mother as he focused fully on Raena, meeting her gaze with his own as he repeated his promise to her once again.

"My family is what is the most important to me, now and in the future. I won't be doing this if I am not sure of what I can achieve."

As the end of Azrail's words sounded out, his shadow wiggled, after which Raven stepped out, her presence alerting the rest. Just as she came out, his mother and Xuanyin went into a daze. Valencia easily deflected Raven's natural charm with hers, while Raena herself broke out of it quickly, her cultivation and will being enough for her not to fall into the natural charm of Raven.

"Raven, control your charm."

These words of Azrail led Raven to fully take her charm in hand, letting Yun and Xuanyin out of their dazes. Xuanyin's hands wrapped themselves around Azrail in a wary yet disturbed manner, while Azrail's mother looked at Raven with a hint of dread.

"Who is she?"

Yun asked, to which Azrail spoke.

"She is my shadow, more easier to say she was a shadow seeker."

These words of Azrail brought great shock to Raena, Valencia, and even Adria.

"I thought their kinds were just a myth now."

Valencia spoke with her naturally charming voice, to which Azrail replied.

"Not anymore, she is mine, and she is a monster."

Valencia didn't need the proof of that as she could see it, while Raena with her knowledge understood the depths of what was in front of her. Her eyes focused back on Azrail as she spoke.

"What do you wish to prove by showing this?"

"I wish to show you that you don't know fully who I am and what I am capable of. But at least this tells you that my depths are greater than you can see."

These wordings of Azrail's made Raena silent, her eyes focused on him, as Azrail's mother suddenly spoke.

"What's a shadow seeker?"

This mellowed down the atmosphere as Raena chuckled a bit.

"Sister, a shadow seeker is..."

And thus she started to explain what Raven was to Yun, whose eyes only kept widening at the information that kept filling her mind. Meanwhile, Azrail's eyes focused on Raena, he felt the different emotions flowing through her, and Azrail knew better that Raena has the problem of being bipolar.

A situation that arose from all the shit she went through when she was locked, the different sides of her consisted of madness, craziness, gentleness, killing intent, extreme despise and hatred for men, yet a supreme craving for a beautiful love, desires to destroy the world yet to keep it safe for Valencia.

The current Raena is an accumulation of feelings and desires, all mismatching with each other, and it's a miracle that she is still living on with such a mentality. The success of that goes towards Valencia and Adria, who are both holding her mentality from fully collapsing.

'She isn't improving much, is she?'

Azrail asked towards Valencia using his connection with her, who replied.

'No, she will stay better, but unless she gets it through all the mistakes in her heart, it will be very hard for her to embrace herself fully....'

Hearing this, a thoughtful look took Azrail's face as he replied.

'I might have a way to make her better, but it will take some time to get my hands on it.'

'For you, I will wait always.'

Valencia directly replied, making Azrail smile a bit. He felt the deep disturbed yet obsessive feelings in her speech.

'The mother isn't much better than the daughter.'

This thought he just kept it in his heart, while he did so, Valencia looked at Azrail with shining eyes, her gaze traveling between Azrail and her mother, certain ideas starting to sprout in her mind, ones to make her mother whole, while even giving herself some advantages. Azrail, privy to all of Valencia's thoughts, could only look at Valencia with a hidden glint.

'Just what kind of mind is yours made of?'

Even though he wasn't too much interested in the ideas flowing through Valencia's mind, he didn't go out of his way to intercept it. Plus, her ideas will take a long time to implement, and perhaps by then, he might have changed his mind. For now, none of the thoughts running through Valencia's head are harmful to him, so he will let his little wife have her fun.

"Something like this exists?"

Yun suddenly spoke with an incredulous voice, making Azail look at his mother, a wry smile filling his face at his mother's accusing gaze, though it was still filled with her feelings of immense pride and happiness for him, especially at the fact that now there will be someone besides Azrail 24/7 to keep him safe.

"Raven, get back."

At the order of Azrail's, Raven quickly went back to his shadows, which she found to be the most happiest place in the cosmos. Seeing so, Azrail focused back on Raena as he spoke.

"This plan I have will also help screw over your husband Liam Ewald."

The latter half of Azrail's words brought the maximum of Raena's attention as this time her gentle face filled with a bloody smile, with her eyes lighting up with a crazed glint.

'What a beautiful madness and killing intent.'

As one that thrived in killing and madness in his first life, Azrail was able to easily like the pure madness in her, one in which he embraced and lived on. But Azrail quickly shook those thoughts off.

'Wow, maybe I am too not that normal.'

Laughing at himself, Azrail continued to speak.

"The reason why you all are here is because your husband Ew-"

"He is not my husband, he is nothing but trash in the ground for me."

Raena spoke, breaking Azrail's words, pure killing intent and disgust in her voice as she spoke. He could feel the extreme pain, distrust, and disgust within her as she spoke, to which Azrail paused for a moment as he spoke.

"Then the reason you are here is because of your Ex-husband not ready to take you into the family, right?"

To this, both Raena and Valencia nodded their heads. Liam had rushed back to the second heaven the moment he had established his position a bit and had gained himself the seat of the head of his family, a position he got after a lot of bloodshed and killing. But between that time to establish and get strength, he had taken in three wives from different organizations or families of the third heaven.

Women with agendas and desires, among that one of the women dearly loves him, while the other two just married him in allegiance, for power and prestige. Even all three of them believed that their children would be the ones to fight and inherit the greater power, since all of their kids came into being at the same time, making them all his first children.

Though that got screwed over the moment Valencia came into the picture, she was his first child, and the one with the greatest access to all his resources and love. To the two women among the three of Liam's, Valencia's and Raena's existence is a stain blocking their ultimate path.

Of course, Liam could still bring Raena and Valencia to his family, but the war had just ended, and he had just consolidated his power. Right now, bringing in the duo of Valencia and Raena would be very hard for him to deal with, since his three wives had already started to create their own factions in his family.

Liam could be forceful, but that would only make things worse in his family, so for now, he can only hide Valencia and Raena here. His wives know about them, but since he hid them, they can't do anything to Valencia and Raena, and the plan Azrail has will only bring danger to them. At least that's what Raena will see with her eyes.

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