His Dearest Wife

Chapter 684

Chapter 684

Ji Youran is also stunned. She looks at the speeding car. Her blood is coagulated. Her legs are shaking, but she can't lift them. Just when she thinks she is going to die, a figure flies to her face like lightning, and pushes her away quickly. The next second, a heavy bang, Ji Hangao The big body was knocked out.

Ji Youran was also pushed by him and fell to the ground. But when she heard the sound of landing from the other end of the car, even if she was pushed to the ground, she quickly got up. When she saw the tall body falling slowly from the wall three meters away, she was stunned. Her beautiful eyes burst into tears.

"Ji Han..." She screamed, tears fell down her face, and the pain on her body had been ignored for a long time. She almost instinctively rushed to the man who had fainted on the ground, hugged him tightly, tears stained his cheek, and called his name again and again: "Ji Han, Ji Han, don't scare me, you wake up quickly, Ji Han, don't No, wake up

Ji Han fainted, and his back brain hit the wall heavily. At this time, the driver of Qingshi got out of the car in panic. She was a young girl. She obviously didn't expect that her car would hit someone. She was scared white. She was holding her mobile phone and calling 120 emergency.

People around me are also distressed by the sudden traffic accident. Just now, a group of women who are crazy about Ji Han are all stunned, especially looking at Ji Youran who is crying, and the handsome man who is lying on the ground and hugged by her.

Fifteen minutes later, 120 came quickly. The doctor carried Ji Han on the ground to the ambulance, and Ji Youran and the girl who hit the man sat on it.

In the ambulance, the girl was scared and cried. She kept saying sorry to Ji Youran, explaining that there was something wrong with her car and the brake couldn't stop, but she was willing to bear all the medical expenses.

Ji Youran tightly holds the big palm of the man who is dizzy and unconscious. The whole person still collapses, tears like rain, and looks dull. She doesn't listen to what the girl next to her says at all. What she worries about most at the moment is Ji Han's injury.

She has resentment in her heart. This girl doesn't wake Ji Han up. Of course, she has to apologize. All these mistakes are caused by her, but what's the use of apologizing? Ji Han has been seriously injured, and injured in the back of his brain, Ji leisurely panic, tears also fall faster.

Next to the girl looked at her without saying a word, more pale face, said a lot of sorry words, season leisurely tightly closed her eyes, she did not want to pay attention.

She only hopes that God can give Ji Han back to her, so that he can wake up quickly and never have an accident.

Her life is full and safe because of this man. She can't live without him.

The ambulance screamed all the way!

Ji Youran's heart is also tight and can't relax for a moment.

In the car, she kept whispering Ji Han's name, hoping to wake him up, but

Arriving at the hospital, Ji Han is sent to the emergency room. The girl also pays a sum of money for help in a hurry. She calls the insurance department on the other side in panic. On the other side, Ji leiran holds her head and sits on the chair in a stupefied manner.

If she had known that such a terrible accident would happen when she went out, she would rather not go out all her life.

If it wasn't for her to go shopping, if it wasn't for her greedy desire to eat roast goose, Ji Han would be fine and would not lie unconscious in it.

Blame her, blame her!

Ji Youran wants to cry, her heart is too painful.

After the phone call, the girl turned her head and looked at Ji Youran holding her head. She felt very guilty, so she had to sit next to her and wait outside the door together. Half an hour later, the girl's family and the insurance company arrived. The girl's family were all dressed well. At a glance, they knew that they were well-off families.

A man in his early 50's holding a girl should be her father. He comforted her first, and then, holding her, he came over and apologized to Ji Youran with shame, guilt and prudence. "Sorry, I will try my best to save your boyfriend. This time my daughter is not good. I hope you can forgive me."

The three words of boyfriend are so heavy that Ji Youran's tearful eyes burst into tears.

Thinking of the joke in the cold drink shop just now, Ji Youran is heartbroken.

For her, Ji Han is more than a boyfriend? She is his patron saint, the person she relies on most, and the most important person she can't lack in her life. Therefore, he can't do anything. If something happens to him, Ji Youran can't even find the meaning of living.

"Don't worry, Mr. Mayor, we will do everything possible to save the wounded." At this time, the president of the hospital rushed over with a look of fear.

Ji Youran is surprised. He looks up at the man and finds that he is really familiar. He seems to have seen him somewhere. When he is in a trance, he realizes that the girl who bumped into him is the mayor's daughter.She really didn't expect that the mayor's daughter would drive so recklessly.

"President Wang, we must try our best to wake this man up."

"Don't worry, mayor. We will try our best to rescue the injured."

Ji you ran listens to the promise of the Dean, a little more at ease, but, in the face of the family next to a face of shame, her look is numb.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for you." Chu Yingying apologizes with tears in her eyes. On her beautiful face, she feels a strong sense of guilt.

Ji Youran tensed her nerves, looked at her with anger in her eyes, bit her lips, and said angrily, "I just hope my boyfriend is OK. Your apology is useless to me at all."

Chu Ying Ying's expression is a little pale. She knows that the mistake she has committed is no longer something that can be saved by an apology.

She had no choice but to pray silently in her heart, hoping that the man who was hurt by herself could wake up peacefully.

The lights in the rescue room were still on, as if they were a light of hope for the families of the victims.

Ji leisurely's eyes are dull looking at the lamp, eyes blink.

The heart was so tight that it almost stopped.

She didn't know what the result would be.

She dare not think

After two hours of rescue, the light on the door of the emergency room went out, and everyone stood up and walked. Ji Youran was the first one to rush past. Her face was full of panic. Without her asking, the main hospital said solemnly, "the injured person's body is not in any serious trouble, just some skin injuries. We've done it Disinfection treatment, the most important thing is that the head is seriously injured. Now, we have done brain CT photography for him. When the results come out, we need to make a further diagnosis. The blood has stopped. We have bandaged the wound for him. The specific situation may take a while to come out. Mr. Mayor, and the family members of the injured, please give us a little more time. "

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